
Pictures and Music
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A/N: Fluffy XingRene for Irene~ also, this is UniAU! because I had a really fluffy and good idea.


 “Okay class, I will be paring you up for this project. I have already picked the partners so stay still. Once you get your partner, stand in the back beside each other.”

The whole class sighs and/or groans out in annoyance. No one likes it when the teacher picks the partners.

“I will start, now, if you and your partner do not get along to a point where you can’t do the project, let me know.”

There are about twenty people in the class. Seven girls, thirteen boys.

“Okay…first up is Natalie and Jongin.”

Natalie, the third youngest girl in the class, is smiling and blushing like crazy. Jongin walks over to her and they move to the back with their stuff.

“Oh, I forgot to mention that there will be two groups of three. With that said, Kat, Zitao, and Sehun.”

Kat, the second youngest girl, has eyes the size of saucers. She’s having trouble breathing. It seems everyone is getting their crush(es) today. They all move to the back with their stuff next to Natalie and Jongin.

“Hmm…now, Anna and D.O.”

Anna, the fourth youngest girl, smiles widely at the fact that she and D.O are great friends. They both move to the back and talk quietly between each other.

“Ashley and…Luhan.”

Ashley, the third oldest girl, nods and moves to the back with Luhan.

“Mena and Chanyeol.”

The professor sighs when he sees Chanyeol smiles brightly and practically run over to her, already introducing himself. Mena, the second oldest girl, just smiles back and listens as they move to the back.

“Joonmyeon, Jongdae, and Yifan.”

The tree guys nod and go to the back, staying silent. The only ones left are Irene, Al, Minseok, and Yixing. They’re all nervous. They know who they want to be paired with, and sadly, they all want Minseok. Irene because he’s one of the smarter ones and Yixing is known for being weird and forgetful and dazed. Al because Minseok is cute. Yixing because he already knows Minseok. Minseok, the common factor between them all, wants to work alone, but there’s already two groups of three. There’s four of them.

“Okay, uhm, Minseok and…what did I write…” the professor takes out his glasses and puts them on.

“Oh! Okay, Minseok and Al. Irene and Yixing.”

Al, the absolute youngest in the whole class, stops breathing for a second, but stays calm. He’s shaking slightly as he gets up to greet Minseok. Minseok smiles and walks to the back with him.

Irene, the oldest girl, on the other hand, is slightly saddened by the fact that Yixing is going to be her partner. Yixing gets up and introduces himself to her and they walk to the back where everyone else is. He tries to stay calm about the fact that he got paired with his crush of three years, but he just takes deep breaths and calms himself down.

“Okay, now the bell if going to ring in a couple minutes, so get to know each other and talk about the project,” the professor says, logging onto his computer.

“You seem to not like me…” Yixing quietly says to Irene. She looks up at him and notices his unicorn hoodie and backpack.

“You weren’t my first choice,” she says simply. Yixing sighs quietly and tries to think of ways to get her to talk.

“What’s your favorite animal?” he asks. She looks at him and raises and eyebrow.

“Dogs.” He nods and smiles.

“Mine is unicorns. I love them!!” he says, smiling cutely. Irene feels her ice wall melt a little when he smiles like that. He’s got deep dimples and a nice smile. She quickly reprimands herself before getting too deep in thought.

“Ahem, well, unicorns don’t exist,” she says. She watches his face falter slightly, but he continues smiling.


The class exits, some of the partners sticking with each other, talking. Irene watches as Natalie and Jongin walk with Kat, Sehun, and Zitao.

“Hey Irene,” Anna says, coming beside her with D.O next to her.

“Hey guys,” she greets back. D.O smiles at her and waves.

“I see you got your other best friend…lucky,” Irene says, frowning.

“Yixing isn’t that bad. A little weird, but not bad. He’s actually really smart,” D.O says. Irene shrugs and continues walking to her locker. They all have one more class before the day ends and they can go home.

“Irene!!” someone calls. Irene turns around and sees Yixing running to catch up to her. The three of them stopped walking to let him come up to them.

“Hey, I have dance rehearsals every day for the rest of the week. Could we meet up today afterschool?”” he asks.

“Yeah, sure. Where?” she asks him.

“The library. I’ll be by the door since my class is next to it.”

“Okay, whatever,” she says, turning around to continue walking. Anna and D.O part off to their last class, art, as Irene continues walking to her music class.


Yixing is waiting by the library door for Irene to meet him. He told Minseok and Luhan to wait up just in case she ended up not coming, but when he sees her walking towards him, he texts them to go.

“Hello,” he says, bowing and opening the door for her. They walk in and sit at a table with a computer at it, opening their Lit textbooks.

“Okay, so, we need to come up with a fictional story that is ten pages long,” Irene says, refreshing their memory.

“Well, first, we need a plot,” Yixing says, turning on the computer and taking out a pencil and paper.

“Well, I’m not really good at writing fictional stories, so I don’t have many ideas,” Irene says. Yixing smiles and nods.

“It’s okay. I’m great at it!!” he says, smiling wider. He writes down many ideas and Irene listens to them, adding in a yes or a no. In the end, they end up with seven ideas.

“Okay, now we have to narrow them down…” Yixing says, frowning at the sheet. He rereads some of the ideas and they end up with two.

“Which one then?” he asks her.

“I don’t know…” she says, shrugging.

“Well, how about we mix them. Mix the ideas and make it one?” he suggests. She thinks about it for a second and nods.

“Yeah, that’ll work.” They mix the ideas and end up with one, very interesting, very funny, idea.

“Hey, I gotta go. I have a performance tonight and I need to get ready for it. I’ll see you tomorrow!!” Yixing says, picking up his stuff and sticking a sticky note to the table. He rushes out and waves goodbye through the window. Irene frowns and looks at the note.

Hey, text me later so I can have your number.


(P.S. I wrote the idea on the back of this note so we both have it : 3

She smiles a little and flips the note over. She reads the idea over again and nods. She takes out her phone and adds his number to her contacts. Crap…this is the start of a crush…

~later that night~

“No Anna, I’m serious. I can’t handle working with someone so weird. He’s nice and all, but I just can’t. I will talk to him about it tomorrow,” Irene said, hanging up the phone before Anna actually did persuade her not to change partners. She’s getting ready for bed when she remembers to text Yixing her number.

To: Yixing

Hey, it’s Irene. This is my number if you need to text me at all.

She sends it and plugs in her phone, getting into bed.

~the next morning~

“Irene!! Hey!! Sorry I wasn’t able to text back. The performance ended two hours after you texted me. I assumed you went to bed,” Yixing said, coming up beside Irene. She nods at him and sighs quietly.

“Hey, I was thinking that I should do it by myself. Like, I do my own project alone and you latch onto another group?” Irene says, unlocking her locker.

“I-I, what? Did I do something?” he asks her, frowning lightly. Irene looks over at him and shrugs.

“I’m just used to working alone. You did nothing wrong. You’re just a little odd,” she says, switching her stuff out.

“O-oh…well I don’t think anyone is willing to work with me. I could latch on with Minseok or Jongdae…” he says, frowning a little more. She looks at him and sighs.

“Ugh, fine. We can work together, but please don’t be weird. It’s kinda creepy.” She walks away and leaves him by her locker.

They don’t see each other much during the day. Every day afterschool, they meet in the library and work on the story. Yixing tells the story while Irene types. They were given two weeks to write the first draft and it’s the last day before they have to turn it in.

“Hey, I have to lock up early. Sorry, the rain is getting too heavy and there might be a huge storm coming so I want to get you out before it gets too dangerous to walk or drive,” the librarian announces.

“We’re almost done. Come on, let’s finish real quick,” Irene says, typing what Yixing says. It takes them about ten minutes to finally finish writing it. Irene saves it as Yixing packs up their stuff.

“I can print it off when I get home,” Irene says, picking up her bag. Yixing nods and picks his bag up too. They walk out and say goodbye to the librarian, heading out to front doors.


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