the 7 envelopes



I was still having a glare contest with my parents. My friends were behind me, waiting for the nonsense to stop

"Bora just apologize," Hyorin whispered into my ears 

"They fired her. These bastards deserve to die," i intentionally said loudly so my parents would hear

"What? Bastard?" my "father" asked 

"you're getting old, dear sir," i said in a mocking voice 

"how dare you say such thing about your father!" the other ancient one yelled 

"Shut it . you aren't any better granny," i challenged and before they could say anything further i left building alone as my girls stayed behind to clean up my mess with my parents. They were always good at calming my parents down. i sighed 

i was heading  towards the gate as i wanted to leave the dump. I was already 5 feet away from the house and i looked behind to see HOya standing in front of the gate to my house. I saw him moving his lips and he was about to turn around and face me so i hid behind a tree. Few seconds later his motorcycle whizzed past me 



i quickly drove home but on the way what Groo said kept replaying in my head 

"the only enemy he has is his own children,"

"aishhh," i muttered and started to speed up 

once i stepped in the headquarters i couldn't recognize the place as papers and files were all over the place. i walked to the middle of the room and i was confused as i saw everyone in a panic state as they all were running across the room to one another, holding papers and files while TOP hyung and Seungyeol were on the computer 

"What's going on?" i managed to ask Dongwoo 

"Hoya! you're back!" dongwoo said and quickly went back to work


"Hyung what's going on?" i asked TOP hyung 

"We just got this envelope through the mail and there is no return address," he said seriously

"envelope? what was in it?" i asked and once again i was ignored as TOP hyung started instructing Seungyeol, so i grabbed the envelope and walked upstairs 

i dumped the things inside the envelope onto my bed and i found two 8 1/2 x 11 paper 

i turned them over and one of the paper just had a letter written on it:


and the other:

I know who you are

both of the papers were regular printer paper and the note were written in  bold thick black letters

i rubbed my chin 

"who the hell sent this?" i asked myself

"that is what we are trying to figure out," TOP hyung said as he was leaning against my door 

"did you find out what B means?" i asked him and he shook his head 

"we thought of the possibility of it being an initial of a name but just one letter is too vague," he said as he sighed 

"fingerprints, hair...anything?" i asked and again TOP hyung shook his head 

"this guys knows what he is doing...he premeditated everything,"

i shook my head in agreement 

"and you boys won't be going to school until we find out who sent it because the sender knows your identity, you guys are going to lay low til then," TOP hyung intormed me 


and he left soon after 

i layed on my bed as i held the two pieces of paper in the air 

"who are you?" i questioned 


it was already midnight and i was still out as i didn't want to face my parents and i didn't want to go to any of the girls' house as i know their parents' will turn me in 

i was in a cafe and they were closing, i got up to leave and as i just wandered aimlessly i suddenly had this gut feeling that someone was following me 

i looked behind and saw no one and continued to walk on and i heard small footsteps behind me 

i quickly turned around and again no one 

i turned back around and again heard the footsteps and i quickly threw my bag and made a run for it 

there was no one on the streets and no one would even help me even if i called for help. i just ran and ran until i was at a dead end. i quickly ran back trying a different direction when suddenly someone grabbed me from the side and covered my mouth. i kicked and screamed, i jumped and tried getting from the mysterious person grasp but it was useless...the guy was too strong for me 

all of a sudden i felt a needle get injected into my arm and i soon started losing energy

"someone help." i managed to whisper before i closed my eyes



its been a week since i haven't talked to or seen the girls

it's been a week since the boys and i left this building 

it's been a week since the first package was sent to us 

and for the next 7 days someone kept mailing us two pieces of papers with something written on them 

day 1: 

I know who you are

day 2:



day 3: 


Revenge is a must

day 4: 



day 5: 


they wil die

day 6:



day 7:



we recieved the tape recorder today and all of us were sitting in the living room with the tape recorder sitting on the wooden table as all of us are nervous 

TOP hyung pushed the play button 

" i know who you are...murderers *snicker* think i would just leave you alone....revenge is a must and there will be war for what you guys did. And just like how you killed them they will die as well...oh the lock of hair...figure out who it belongs to but let me give you guys a hint first......*SCREAMING*................oh and you will recieve one more package" and the tape recording ends 

"what the hell?"

"this guys is really pyscho,"

TOP hyung was rubbing his temples 

"the lock of hair belonged to a girl and the screams at the end were too high-pitched for a guy so i'm pretty sure it was a girl as well..." seungyeol said 

"wait..." i said and grabbed all of the envelopes and laid down all the papers


"B...S...D...H...G...H...S..." i said as i laid down the letters 

"what about it?" Sungkyu asked 

"there are 7 letters...girls hair...high pitched screaming.." i hinted 

"i don't get it," the maknae said 

"i don't either," 

i pointed at each letter and said cautiously 

"Bora...Soyu...Dasom...Hyorin...Gna....Hyunyoung...Seungyeon..." i said 

all of the guys eyes were wide 

"no that's not possible, they have a lot of security there is no way for them to get kidnapped," 

"really? let's find out,"i said and phone Groo


"Groo it's me Hoya. i've been trying to reach Bora but she isn't picking up is something wrong?" i asked 

Groo sighed 

"she went missing,"

"WHAT?!" i yelled into the phone...i expected this result but i didn't want for it to happen 

"yeah but it's not just bora but the other 6 girls as well..." and once groo said that my boys all stood up and yelled "WHAT!!!!"

"Bora's been missing for a week, soyu for 6 days, dasom for 5 days and so forth. THe girls got kidnapped every day and the police can't find them either. I found out just yesterday because Bora's parents asked me for help," she explained 

"alright...thanks groo," i said and hung up the phone 

"damn what does this guy want and why the hell did he kidnap the girls?" woohyun asked 

there was a knock on the door 

"the last package," L commented and he got up and opened the door and indeed it was the last one 

"open it," TOP HYUNG ordered 

and inside was an old  phone 


all of a sudden it started ringing 

i picked it up and put it on speaker "hello?" i answered 

"i'm guessing you already found out what the letters meant," the guy said 

"let...them...go," i said angrily

the bastard started laughing out loudly 

"no," he answered simply 

"you have one hour to come to the old Angels Elementary School..or else..."

"or else what?!"

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! HOYA! HOYA! SUNGKYU! SUNGJONG! SUNGYEOL! L! DONGWOO! WOOHYUN!"7 different girls voices were heard as they pleaded for help 


"BORA! BORA NOOOO! LEAVE HER ALONE! *SCREAMING*" the other girls screamed on the other line 


and the phone call ended....

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hey guys sorry for not updating for a long time but i update right now and sorry it was a bit disappointing but the next chapter is heartbreaking&action;-packed


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Kuukuu #1
Chapter 10: Oh I get it it's all the beggining letters of the girls names oh wow way to go for your mystery
so sad......but love your story.
TT_TT the ending is so sad. Hoya should just meet Bora.
I'M FREAKING SOBBING RIGHT NOW! HOBABY WHY YOU KNOW SEE HER ! MAN UP ! Great story by the way . Reminds me of the city hunter but not the same story. Please make the sequel soon :)
hey guys i know it was a disappointing end but do not fret
i'm making a short sequel for this fanfic
maybe 2 or 3 chapters long ^^
thank you readers, commenters and subscribers
you are awesome!!! :)
kiana0509 #6
T^T im crying~
Ugh, damn you hoya! Y U NO MEET HER??? why? You did all you could! I NO UNDERSTAND!!!

But truthfully, Im glad that both of them survived! So, TOP and Taecyeon are in this together? Hehe, I knew I was right! TOP is a baddie!! Got confused in the middle bit, but its alright! All that I know is, everyone is safe and sound. Beautiful story with twists! Amazing!!! I like the quote at the end by the way!

In the middle, when Taecyeon kidnapped the girls, and when the police arrived afterwards, saying "PUT YOUR HANDS UP" I laughed. Sorry, it totally ruined the moment, but I just had to laugh! I was imagining all the police officers singing that line in unison! Rofl

Anyways, I hope you can do on LxDasom!!!! Is it possible for a CAPxDasom??? I seriously ship these two in dream team!
I-Remember-Myself #8
That was a very nice story^^
The next story should be about Soyu and Sunggyu^^
Sorry that I didn't comment till the end..
That was a great story maybe a sequel?
The next couple should be Hoya and Bora again
That was sad!!!