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Jinhwan is crushing on someone. He's been following him since second week of school started. Call him a stalker or admirer, he doesn't care. As long as he could see him, he won't mind. Lucky him, Jinhwan's great at hiding. When his crush would turn his head, he'll just hide somewhere near. 

After his stalking session with his crush, he'll go straight home. Do his homework, then think of his crush. Everyday, Jinhwan had the same routine. He always maintains his routine. He always said to himself, that if he would miss one day without seeing Hanbin, he would die.  


But this time, he quits.




Ever since he saw Hanbin with Jiwon everyday, he slowed down. He can't see his crush with someone. It might hurt Jinhwan so much. Very very much. 

He started crying. Yes. He can't take the pain while seeing the two hold hands, kisses each others face and say their goodbye to each other. He stopped. 

He goes to his school everyday with his fluffy, red eyes. They always asked, 'why?' But he would just shrug off the question. He always cries at night. He can't stop crying. He loves Hanbin. 

For months, he tried moving on. But he can't. 




One day, the news about Hanbin and Jiwon spread like a wildfire. They broke up. It made Jinhwan happy. Very very happy. 

He started following Hanbin again. He couldn't stop. He loves him. In his everyday life, Jinhwan

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saryana #1
Chapter 1: this incredibly awesome. you should write more.
lidya_zi #2
Chapter 1: what happen with jinhwan?why he do that? why hanbin so .... arggh
its great story
Chapter 1: oh?? jinan does self injury. duh. i cant imagine that. my baby would never does that bad thing. and this is the end? for sure? pls make a sequel :)
Chapter 1: uh... this was... interesting.
Chapter 1: Omg my jinan bby why did you do that to yourself?! ; A ;
You can always find someone else(like junhoe coughs) even if hanbin doesn't like you back!
The word 'dog' sounds really harsh coming out from hanbin's mouth tbh. How could he not love my jinan bby asdfghjkl e n e
Chapter 1: Oh my god...
Chapter 1: well shiet. JINAN DON'T WORRY I'LL LOVE YOU BACK <3
>.< poor baby crying, damn, this was like a good representation on what it feels like to be shut down by your crush. ugh.
this was amazing, i have to say :)
Chapter 1: oh dont worry Jinan ah, you have June LoL