
The Break-Up

"I'm sorry" 

After her words she turned around and started to run. She heard her name being called from his lips. Those lips that used to belong to her and used to make her want more from him. She kept running away from him. She needed to be away from him. She was crying now, she felt the pain in her chest but she didn't pay attention to it. She knew even if she turned around that he was running after her. He would soon catch up with her but she was going to lose him in a few seconds after that she would never see him.

They met a while ago and fell deep in love. He was her world her everything. She never noticed how obsessed she had become. Never noticed how she needed to be with him all the time. She promised herself never to become one of them. Those who say things without thinking, do things without thinking, becoming a fan of the person they love. She was going crazy at times not knowing where he was, questions on her mind 24/7. She lost herself somewhere when they met. She was not the same anymore. She didn't even know who she was.

Breaking up with him is the best idea she ever came up with. Even if it hurt her to see him hurt. Even if it hurt her heart. Even if it meant not seeing him for a very long time. She accepted the fate she set herself. She needed to find herself again and set her dreams. She took a sharp left and then another sharp right hiding behind a dumpster. She heard him run by. Finally she was alone. Away from him where she was able to cry her heart and soul out to the world. Even if the world couldn’t hear her. Even if the world didn't care for what just happened.

Days passed by she slowly was coming back alive. Her feelings where slowly coming back. It was harder than she thought it would be. She was restraining herself from going to get sneak peaks at him. She needed this no matter what happens, she didn't need him to live and she was going to prove it to herself and to the world.

Days, weeks passed by she was doing fine. Yet there was a hole in her heart. There would be times where she didn’t even know how she got there but she would be hidden watching his every move. Pathetic she thought and would return home. She was becoming a stalker. She started to memories his daily schedule. Needing to hear his voice she would call from restaurants, phone booths, hotels, friends cell phones and random stores. Crazy... that's what she was. Too crazy over him.

Weeks turned into months and her heart changed. She forgot him. Her obsession was gone. Her love was erased. She was able to live for herself. She was finally able to follow her dreams. She was alive again. Even if she was happy and a new person, she still had that hole. But this is part of a break up. The whole point of the break up was to be freed from that spell that was binding her to him. To be free was to forget the past, yet that was the one thing she couldn’t do. She was never able to forget the memories. Just his voice, his eyes, lips, ears, hands, touch, sweet nothings and everything else. 




Those memories would never leave her, but break ups are like this. 







And she knew it.

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