The Case

Eternal Sunshine

Before you read this, just a little remider, I have no knowledge or whatsoever about Police Department, Detective, law and so on in Korea. My knowledge are only based on CSI NY that I happened watch so long ago and inspire this story. Thanks :)

What kind of fate that will be waiting for you in the future? No one will ever know. You can have your ordinary life in one day, and then it changed to be an extraordinary in the next day.

And just like what everyone else’s belief, Choi Siwon believe that at some point your life will change. However, he didn’t know that today is the day.


Choi Siwon walks into the same building he has been to since 3 years ago. Some greets him, some stop to make a way for him. An intern. He thought.

He used to be like that, about 6 years ago. Who knows that his dream to be a detective since he was child achieved in the age of 27. Some people find him too young, when they decided to made him the head of this crime lab, but eventually he and his team’s works are enough to prove that he is not that young.

The reason why he wants to be a detective came when he was 7. His dad, who is dead by a drunken driver, never gets the justice, because there is not much evidence or witness. Since that day, Siwon promised himself, that once he grew up, he will be a detective that works hard enough to find any kind of evidence or witness, so there should not be anyone who lost their justice like him and his family.

And so here he is, Choi Siwon; Detective First Grade and the head of Seoul Crime Lab.

“Boss, we got a case.” And it begins.


Choi Siwon observes the dead body in front of him, lying in a carton box. A little girl, probably only 6 or 7 years old. Her face was swollen and become paler, sign that she is been dead maybe more than 8 hours ago. Siwon can see in her head is a track of dry blood.

“Our victim is a girl, probably 7 years old. COD is traumatic brain injury because of strong hit in her head. Time of death according to her temperature maybe 10 hours ago. I've sent the finger prints to our lab, but we don't have the data about our victim. It will took some time to find her identity from the central lab. “ Changmin, his Chief Medical Examiner, explained.

Siwon look at the body in front of him, working as a makes him aware even from little things. Then he notices a finger print in the side of the box made of an oil.

“There is another finger print, in the box,” Siwon pointed to Changmin, “scan it and send it to the lab, maybe it's belong to the stupid murderer and we just on our lucky day.” Changmin did what his boss said right away, scan it with the finger print device, and then send it to the lab.

Siwon is already observing the condition around him. The crime scene is on a side walk in the city. It was typical Seoul’s street, full of people in the day and went quite empty in the night. Although there were some of food street shop in the night, but it’s still a good place to dump a dead body.

Couple of minutes later Changmin got a reply from the lab, information of the owner of the finger print.

“Boss, looks like it is our lucky day.” He said, while showing the information from his device.

Siwon looks at it, it’s showing a picture of a pale boy.

Name    :               Cho Kyuhyun.


Choi Siwon observes the man who is sitting in the interrogation room by the one way mirror. The pale boy is just sitting there while keep looking into his hands. Siwon reads the file in his hand one more time.

The boy in the interrogation room is Cho Kyuhyun, 25 years old, not married, and works as an employee in a small electronic store. He is accused of a murder case. Well, he is still a witness. But his finger prints are all over the box that used to be a place for the dead body.

“Hyuk, come on.” Siwon command to Hyuk, also a Detective First Grade in his lab, to follow him to the interrogation room.

Once someone enters the room, Kyuhyun immediately look up. His skin is even paler.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Cho.” Siwon said, he takes a seat in front of his suspect.

“I’m Choi Siwon, and this is Lee Hyukjae. We are here to ask you some question.” He continues, then he sees Kyuhyun nods his head slowly.

“Do you remember this?” Siwon gives some photos and place it on the table that in the middle of him and Kyuhyun. The photos are from the crime scene, photos of a young girl, that lying lifeless in a carton box with dry blood in her head. The photos are also taken from different angle.

Kyuhyun shakes his head after seeing the photos.

“No? Really? This is the girl that you killed last night. You sure don’t remember?” Siwon asked again.

“No! I didn’t kill anyone! I didn’t even know who that is!” Kyuhyun answered furiously.

“Yeah sure you don’t know. That girl’s face is a little bit swollen, it might take a while to recognized it, isn’t it?” Hyukjae said with a calm yet annoying tone.

“NO! I said I didn’t kill anyone!” Kyuhyun repeated again. He really really wants to go out from this place.

Siwon sighed, “you think we bring you here based on nothing?” then he place another photos of the box, “we found your finger prints all over the box. Not in the girl though, but still, it’s all over the box. I guess you forget to put your gloves, don’t you?”

“What?” Kyuhyun asked already holding the tears in his eyes.

“And turns out when we searched you, your name pop out, just like that. Should I read your old case? 2010, 4 years ago, you were arrested for alleged a ual abuse for a child. You are charged to 10 years in prison, but somehow you managed to be innocent. However here you are. Like they said, once a criminal forever a criminal.” Siwon said while looking into Kyuhyun’s eyes coldly.

“NO! The case 4 years ago… It was a mistake. I was proved to be innocent!” Kyuhyun stutter.

“We are not here to hear your sadly fake story, we are here to asked you who is the girl that you killed last night. We just need her name, that’s all. Then you can enjoy your cell as long as you want.”

“I SAID I DON’T KNOW!” Kyuhyun yelled, he wiped the tears in his face.

Siwon and Hyukjae remain silent for a while.

“I don’t know why the box had my finger print, but I-DID’NT-KILL-THE-GIRL.”

“Then where were you last night?” Hyukjae asked.


“Someone can prove that?”

“No… My girlfriend is out of the town.”

“Then you still have to enjoy your cell.” Siwon said coldly again.

“What!? Please, I didn’t do anything! I was at home!” Kyuhyun pleaded.


Siwon observes the boy from outside the interrogation room once again. Kyuhyun is sitting while wiping his tears. He can’t stop crying for the last 5 minutes, and that makes Siwon leaves the room, while Hyukjae told Kyuhyun to wait then follow his boss.

He observes how that small shoulder up and down along with the sobs, how the messy brown locks cover his forehead, how those eyes are looking so sad and tired.

In the past 3 years of his work, Siwon never spend this much time looking to his suspect. That’s why Hyukjae also observing his boss, quiet confused.

“So?” Hyuk asked.

Siwon sighed, “I need the report of the autopsy as soon as possible, and whether there are his finger print in the body or not. Until then, he can wait here.”


Siwon came back to the crime scene once again. His men already packed up 2 hours ago, but he decided to look around for once more. This case is actually a simple one, they got the suspect that doesn’t have any alibi, and the prove. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the information about the victim, the little girl. The identity of the girl can find by the DNA result, but it’ll take days.

He looks around, then he remembers that the reason he found Kyuhyun’s finger print with one look is because it trace with oil. That’s when Siwon found a small car workshop not so far from the crime scene, and decided to ask there.

“Excuse me, sir.” Siwon said to the old man who is working on a car.

The old man looked up, “yes. Can I help you?”

“I’m detective Choi, from Seoul Police Department. Can I ask you couple of question?” Siwon showed his badge.

“Oh yeah, sure.”

“Do you know this guy?” Siwon asked while showing the old man a picture of Kyuhyun.

The old man looked at the photo for a while, “oh yeah. I know him. He came here once a week. He came for old spare part that I didn’t use anymore. Sometimes he paid for it, sometimes I gave him for free.”

Siwon nods, “did he come here yesterday?”

“Yeah he came. Why? Is he in some trouble?”

“Do you remember what time when he came?” Siwon asked instead answering the old man’s question.

“Around 6 pm, I guess. He is a nice kid, though. Can’t believe he is in some trouble that involved a cop.” The old man said while shaking his head lightly, then back to his work.

Siwon looked at the photo in his hand one more time.


Siwon came back to the interrogation room with Hyukjae.

“You are lying.” That’s the first thing Siwon said to Kyuhyun.


“I asked the old man in the workshop that you used to came, and he said you came there around 6.” Siwon explained.

Kyuhyun stays silent for a while, “I… I did. But after that I came home. Really!”

“Why don’t you tell us you are in the crime scene? If you didn’t do it, why didn’t you tell us?” Hyukjae said.

“I forgot! Okay! I didn’t do it! Please, just let me go.” Kyuhyun said with tears in his eyes.

“At least you are not lying about your girlfriend. I asked her, and she said she was out of the town.” Siwon said calmly again.

“YOU ASKED HER? No! Don’t let her know about this! Please!!! She’ll dump me! And…” And I don’t have anyone else, again. Kyuhyun didn’t finish his sentence, he wipes his tears.

“You worried about her dumped you? You should worry more about your time that you’ll spend in the jail.”

Kyuhyun covers his face with both of his hands.

“You know, I really hate all criminals, but what I hate the most is the criminal that lies. Like you. If you just cooperate with us, and tell us who the little girl that you killed is, maybe you can spend lesser in the jail.” Siwon said coldly, making Hyukjae takes a peep from the corner of his eyes to his boss.

“I didn’t kill her. I didn’t kill anyone…” Kyuhyun mutters slowly over and over again. Siwon looked at the pale boy who is still covering his face, he sighed and walks out from the room.

Hyukjae followed him from behind, “boss.” He called.

Siwon looked at him, “aren’t you…” He stops, didn’t really know if he should continue or not.

“What?” Siwon asked.

“Aren’t you too… harsh to him? I mean, he looks too fragile to even kill someone, don’t you think?” Hyukjae said carefully.

Siwon puts his hands in Hyukjae’s shoulder, “Hyuk, don’t let appearance fool you.”

Will try to finished this one before college start. Enjoy, x.

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joannaxdiaz #1
Chapter 2: update pleeeease? :(
Chapter 2: Woah! This is interesting~~ thanks for the story! ^_^
luv4gyu #3
I really really love this fic!! I love the plot and hope u can update soon !! I'm reading again now coz I miss it :3
Juliet8 #4
Chapter 2: Feel so excited with this story ! Waiting for next update.
carrotwon #5
Chapter 2: HOOOAMYYYYGOOOOD,WHY DID I FIND THIS MASTERPIECE NOW?WHY NOT WHEN ITS ALREADY END???? TAT Please,dear writer...update this story,I die for Kyu's miserable life....
sharah_bb #6
Huh! This's so interesting! My poor Kyu, Hope Siwon would take all the responsibility for what happened to Kyu.
Waiting for your next update! thank you! :)
angelvoicekyu #7
Chapter 1: Since I'm Kyuhyun biased and I couldn't take it when someone accused him for being a murderer without any other proofs except for the 'fingerprints', I'd like to say bravo Siwon for making him upset and sad and being locked in the jail. :( He must be a poor lonely boy and his gf might left him too. Look at all the damage that you've done Siwon Choi. I don't blame the cop but IDK this made me feel frustrating, is it true that he could be suspected as a murderer and for what reason may I ask? What's his MOTIVE? Have you checked his background or perhaps any other evidences that might lead to someone else you know. His possible enemy who wanted to wash away his hands from the crime and Kyu is his scape goat. IDKa and I'm still curious. Thanks for the mysterious case though. Just my two cents. :)
WonLGWonnie #8
Woah... I like this kind of fic! Like watching a police drama!
hanakahime #9
Chapter 1: Ooo siwon please dont be too harsh . poor kyuhyun . Is kyuhyun really the killer? Waaa so curious . i loved the way you describe your story. :)
Chapter 1: Interersting Authornim, update soon.