Lost in Memories Part 12

Lost in Memories
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I looked out through the window and saw the sun was setting down slowly. I shifted my gaze to sunbae who was brushing Jureumi’s fur, not her fur but her back and smiled as she watched her sleeping on her lap.


“Yeong eun sshi” Her hand stopped and she looked up to me. I stared into her eyes for a second then turned my gaze somewhere else. “Uhm…” I opened my mouth but the words stuck in my throat. She was still looking at me waiting for me to continue, as I said nothing, I saw her frowning and turned to Jureumi. “..di..n..ner..” She looked up and titled her head as if asking what I said.


“Would you mind to have dinner with us?”


She blinked her eyes and put Jureumi back to her place. She stood up and took her bag and walked to the door. I looked at her in panic and stood up as well. When she almost reached the door, I stopped her and apologized. I didn’t know but I just kept apologizing to her saying that I was sorry for being rude and whatever that came out from my mouth I had no idea anymore.


“I’m really—!!!“ I blinked my eyes when I saw her covered . Was she just chuckling? She cleared and bit her lips, before looked up and looked through my shoulder.


“Myungsoo hyung… I saw what you did”


I turned around and found Moon Soo, Sungjong and Sunggyu hyung were behind me. Since when they were here. Why I didn’t hear the door open? I cursed silently and stood away, letting them walked inside.


“What have you done till you apologize like that? You little rascal!” Sunggyu hyung shook his head, teasing me. I said nothing but watched them taking off their shoes and walked inside. “Yeong Eun sshi, just join us for the dinner”


“Yeah. Noona. Just join us” Sungjong joined and Moon soo also nodded his head, asking her to join. She looked around and made a small nod. Sungjong cheered and pulled her back inside the house. She smiled a bit and followed.


“Time for us to cook”


I turned to Sunggyu hyung and blinked. I asked if he could cook. He laughed and said not to underestimate his cooking.


“You might fly to heaven after eating my cooking” He laughed.


“You mean I will die because of the taste? In a bad way?”


He narrowed his eyes and smacked my head, scolding me for not trusting his cooking and asked me to wait and see the food he would cook l

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Chapter 14: Myungsoo find people who cares about him when his mom isn't around anymore. I want to know who is the girl that appear in his dreams. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 12: I like this story. In the beginning I was kind of confused with who's point of view was but now I get it. Hope that Sungyeol doesn't have a terminal sickness. Keep writing it. ^^,
Chapter 11: whoa i love this, keep it up tho i get confused of who's who pov for the few chapters earlier, but i still manage to get a grasp of it haha
tiabarty #4
keep it up the good work!