Follow The Chocolate


The smell of chocolate that comes from you slowly starts to consume him.


woohoo! i make another fanfic ;)


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Chapter 9: Sometimes I don't mind cheese if it's done right and I love this story ^^
Meimel #2
Chapter 9: Mark so sweet, i also love chocolate very much.. i wish i can eat chocolate everydayT.T
Chapter 9: haha that was so sweet :P
Gotnothingtodo #4
Chapter 9: It's over already?! It was short but still completely amazing! Mark has seriously got to be the best boyfriend ever
Gotnothingtodo #5
Chapter 7: That was a sneaky trick mark XP
Gotnothingtodo #6
Chapter 5: Hahaha XD goodness girl! Enough with the running! Now you just look like a freak hiding under a desk
Gotnothingtodo #7
Chapter 2: So chocolate attracts cute boys? Interesting.... I'll remember that XD
Chapter 9: So cute! ♡
myharuII #9
Chapter 9: awww..... mark is so sweet...^^
Chapter 9: thanks for the update!! but,i'm kinda sad because the story was to short..but great!!