Chapter Four

Can you hear me?

Jongin was dragged directly next to Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo's palms began to sweat and his heartrate increased by the second.

He tried to take a glimpse of Jongin while moving his head as little as possible. Kyungsoo snapped his head back when he saw how Jongin stared at him.


Prince Sehun cleared his throat, “Do Kyungsoo, you will be placed under house arrest until my father, the king returns. You may not leave your room or communicate with anyone, except I order otherwise.”


Kyungsoo lowered his head, he expected a much stricter treatment.


The crown prince then continued, “You all may leave the room. Except of our little visitor here.”



Kyungsoo was dragged out of the room, he tried to say something, to the prince, to Jongin, but the words died in his throat.

He took a last look at Jongin who was fondly smiling at him.



Kyungsoo was dragged down the hall and downstairs to the employees quarters.

He was pushed inside the room and the door was locked from outside.

Kyungsoo saw that Baekhyun's belongings were gone.


He sat down on his bed, huddled into the corner and drew up his knees. Burying his head in his arms, Kyungsoo began to cry. He was worried about Jongin. He himself faced a light punishment so far, but what was about Jongin?


Kyungsoo closed his eyes, his heart clenched when he thought that anything bad could happen to Jongin.



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Jongin stood in front of the crown prince's desk, his head lowered, his lips shut.


He knew that the prince was staring at him, observing and analyzing him.


Jongin only heard some rumours about the young prince, the people in his country just knew that the prince seemed to be a reserved person, raised by a very strict and demanding father. Some people said that he was the opposite of his obstinate and reckless father and Jongin thought that maybe this was true, when he raised his head and directly looked into the heir's eyes.


I will tell you everything you want me to. But under one condition.”


Prince Sehun's eyes glinted in interest, he leant backwards, radiating authority.


I knew that you must be highly courageous. You stepped over the border on your own and risked your life. Well, I have to say that I hold your deeds in veneration.”


Jongin gulped. He expected a lot, anticipated the worst, but he didn't expect this.


Your condition must be of high significance. I heard that you never spoke to anyone. Well... except Kyungsoo.”


Jongin winced when Kyungsoo's name was mentioned.


Sehun smiled at him, a bit mischievous, “I guess that your condition has something to do with him then. Let me hear about it then.”


Jongin gaze was piercing and straight forward, “Please do not punish him. It was all my doing, he is not to blame.”


Sehun patiently waited for Jongin to continue.


I am here with no ill intent. I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to harm anyone. I am here because I am searching for a special person.”


You know that my people think that you are a spy. That you are here to bring evil upon the country.”


I know”, Jongin replied in a calm voice, “But I know that you, Your Majesty, you are not.”


Prince Sehun's lips curled up into a smile, “And what makes you think that?”


You could have me executed once I took a step into this country. But you did not.”


I like to observe before I make a decision.”


Yes, I figured this out.”


Jongin took a step closer and the prince let him.


Please, do not punish Kyungsoo.”


The crown prince stood up and rounded the desk to stand in front of Jongin.


What's your name?”


Jongin gulped, “My name is Kim Jongin.”


So, Kim Jongin, how many people do you truly trust? Maybe a handful?”


Jongin nodded.


And what do you think, how many people do I trust?”


Jongin didn't answer, but he knew that the prince didn't expect one.


I can't trust anyone, not even my own family.”


The prince kept staring at him, Jongin felt how his empathy for the man in front of him grew.


I used to change the person in charge of my meals every few weeks. I am in a very vulnerable position. People want either harm me or profit from me. But now I have the same cook for the last three years.”


Kyungsoo...”, Jongin thought.


I even fired my food taster.”, the prince chuckled.


Kyungsoo never disappointed me and over the years I developed something similar to trust to him. Of course I never was allowed to admit to that. That would have put Kyungsoo in danger.”


Jongin nodded to the prince words. A lot of emotions flooded through him. Sympathy and pity for the prince's loneliness and burden, deep respect for his courage and self esteem, but there was something else. Something that bothered him.


So you are willing to help Kyungsoo, because you like him?”




The crown prince went back to sit behind his desk, “I am in no position to like someone. But... I am in a position where I can keep people from doing stupid things.”


The prince slightly moved in his chair, “So... why are you here, Kim Jongin?”


I am looking for a special person.”


He took a deep breath.


Just before the dispute broke out twenty years ago, when rumours were spread, almost all healer from my region sought refugee in your country. A lot of scholars were already located here and built high standard academic schools. Among the refugees was a high respected healer, a middlescent woman, with her two children. She was specialised in heart diseases. My little sister... she is sick and no healer in my country can help her. Our parents already passed away, I have to save her whatever it may take. This healer... I have to find her. Her name was...”


Do Mi Yong.”


Jongin's complete surprise must have shown on his face, because the crown prince then explained, “She indeed was a high respected healer and famous for her abilities. It was a big loss that she died three years ago.”


Prince Sehun sighed and continued in a calm voice that showed deep regret.


She was Kyungsoo's mother.”



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Chapter 7: This is so cute and omg the BaekSoo part its fluffy. ❤ I don't like having Kyungsoo partner unless it was Jongin but I didn't feel it here. And yeah I love this story soooo much ❤

Thank you for writing this wonderful story. ❤
Chapter 7: I read this in one sitting and ughhh. Too much fluff. My heart could burst in glee. It was perfect. The ending and all. Its a fast paced story but everything is perfect. I was hoping it was Luhan at the end. The one who can unite them but meh it was a girl. Haha. But its okay. This is a kaisoo centric after all. ^^
Chapter 7: Hello,
I just finished your fic, and god this is so good! Loved it! I spent a lovely moment reading it.
I really liked your writing style, and all the plot and characters. Plus we have a happy ending, and we know what everybody do in the end, even the new king!
I really liked your story, so thanks for sharing it with us! :)
Take care and maybe see you in another fic! ^^
duyenx3 #4
I read this story in one sitting, it captivates me so much! It's a lovely read!
Chapter 7: I thought it would be the angsty type of fic but you surprised me with this fluffy one and I love love it! Thank you so mch for sharing!
Chapter 7: Why are your fics so adorable >_<
chensubs #7
Chapter 7: all of my fave pairing are here im deeply amazed i like the plot
vluky_ #8
Chapter 7: this is so cuteeee :3
baekhyun kissing soo is so awkward. srsly ._.
sepidehjb #9
Chapter 7: So cute dear,thanks
dreamymoon #10
woot woot this story is omaigosh.
so deeply and beautifully written.
nice story !