
Date with me!


Every year at YG High School, during the school festival, there will be one event name ‘Prince Competition’. Seungri one of the student there, famous because of his cute and beautiful face. He hate it when people called him cute.

That’s why, this year Seungri will be joining the competition. He will be showing everyone that he is not cute but manly and handsome!

“Seungri-ah, I heard you will be joining this year competition.” Jonghoon, Seungri best friend said while approaching him.

“Yup. I’m going to show everyone my manly side and win the competition.” Seungri said arrogantly.

“You should see the sign-up sheet before saying that.” Jonghoon told him.

“Huh? Why?” Seungri asked.

“Because Kwon Jiyong will also be joining it. He is good looking, smart and also known as the ‘perfect prince’.” Jonghoon said while pointing at Jiyong that was surrounding by many fangirl.

“It’s only worthwhile if I’ve got an opponent like him.” Seungri said to Jonghoon.

“If you wear dress you might stand a chance, since you look like a girl and cute. You might even win the title of princess.” Jonghoon joked out.

“Yah! You want to die!” Seungri hit his best friend head.

“Hahahaha. Mercy, mercy. Please spare me, my princess.” Jonghoon said when Seungri didn’t stop hitting him.

“Yah! Stop calling me princess!” Seungri snapped and pouted cutely.

Without the two realizing, their small cute argument was been watch by Jiyong. He looked at Seungri without blinking his eyes.

“Lee Seungri.” Jiyong called while approaching Seungri and stop in front of him.

“K-Kwon Jiyong.” Seungri said shocked. “Do you have something to say to me, your biggest rival?” he asked arrogantly.

Jiyong looked at the floor and take a deep breath before looking up to meet with Seungri eyes.

“If I win the competition I want you to date with me.” Jiyong demanded.

Seungri froze.










Since that day, before Seungri even realize, Jiyong was always beside him. Like right now, Jiyong was sitting beside him in the class. He glance at Jiyong that was looking so focus on his book, but then Seungri notice something.

“Hey, you are looking at the book upside down.” Seungri whispered to Jiyong.

“Eh, Ah!” Jiyong starlet and blushed. “I’ve always been this clumsy.”

One thing that Seungri realized. Jiyong is not manly at all. He thought he was an obnoxious person. From outside he looks perfect but, in reality he is useless. Tripping. Crashing. Eat messily. Always hurting himself.

“Aish. Please be more careful, you are candidate for the prince. What if you trip and hurt your handsome face.” Seungri scolded him while treating Jiyong injured finger at the clinic school.

“Okay.” Jiyong said.

Jiyong then stare intensely at Seungri that made him uncomfortable by the stare.

“W-what?” Seungri asked stuttered.

“Seungri is really kind hearted person. That’s why I fell in love with you.” Jiyong said smiling lovingly. He raised his hand and caressed Seungri cheek softly and lean closer to his face.

There’s only a centimeter apart between their lips.

“W-what? Yah!” Seungri pushed away Jiyong and yelled. He pointed his finger at Jiyong and glared. “Stop fooling around!”

“I’m serious.” Jiyong said.

“Whatever!” Seungri said and left the clinic to go the class.




“Stupid Jiyong. Making my heart beat increase.” Seungri mumbling angrily.

Seungri looked at Jiyong that was being surround with girls again across the classroom. He looked at Jiyong that was smiling at the girls.

What’s wrong with me? I’m not jealous right?

“Yo, Seungri. Have you thought of what to wear on the event?” Jonghoon asked and approached Seungri at his desk.

“Not yet.” Seungri said to his best friend.

“Why don’t you just wear dress? I’m sure it definitely suit you, since you look feminine.” Jonghoon joked.

“You jerk! Didn’t I tell you to stop saying I’m like a girl.” Seungri said irritated.

“But it’s true.” Jonghoon said to again.


On the corner of the classroom, someone was watching the two with angry eyes.




Seungri was in the library school after school. He is looking for some book. He found the book that he wanted and tried to reach it. But he couldn’t reach it since it was place too high. Then suddenly, a hand took the book for him.

“T-thanks…” Seungri said to Jiyong.

He tried to take the book from Jiyong hand but Jiyong held the hand higher so Seungri couldn’t reach it.

“What were you talking with Jonghoon?” Jiyong asked seriously.

“Huh? Nothing special.” Seungri said. “By the way, why are you here with me? I don’t want your fangirl to be jealous.” Seungri said while avoiding looking at Jiyong eyes.

Jiyong then slammed Seungri to the rack, his two hand trap Seungri on either side of Seungri head.

“Right now, I’m burning with jealousy.” Jiyong hissed.


“I’ve said it before. I love you, Seungri.”

With that Jiyong seal Seungri lips with his own. Kissing him passionately.

“Ji… Nghh… yong…”

Jiyong pulled away and looked at Seungri making him blushed.

“I-I’m a guy…” Seungri said.

Jiyong hugged him and squished him tightly.

“I know. But more than any girl, you more beautiful and cute.” Jiyong said.


Seungri eyes twitch and pulled away from the hug. He look at Jiyong.

“What did you say? Who are you calling cute!” Seungri yelled angrily and pushed Jiyong hard until he fall hard on the floor.

“Ever since I’m kid, everyone have been calling me how cute my face is and girly or something. I hated that. That’s why I entered the competition so everyone would recognized me as a man. But if my opponent say that to me, it’s more hurt me more!” Seungri said his tears fall down making Jiyong shocked.

He ran away from the library and leave Jiyong before he can catch him.




Since that day, the two never change a single word to each other. Finally at the event.

“Seungri, Jiyong is next to do the speech.” Jonghoon said.

“Next up is contestant no. 9 Kwon Jiyong.”

That guy will be fine right?

When Jiyong step up to the stage, everyone looking at him weird. Since he look so messy, with dirt on his face and some leaf on his hair.

“Hello. My name is Kwon Jiyong. Everyone calls me the ‘perfect prince’, but in reality I’m far from it. The reason I’m joining this competition is also so I could get closer to the person that I like.”

Seungri gasped in shocked at what Jiyong said. What is this guy spouting about?!!

“But, lately, I have hurt the person that I like. And I hope that person will understand that to me, looks or ual preference don’t matter. I like you because you are you…”

“What is this?”

“A confession?”

“Please forgive me for saying so much. I don’t have the right to stand up here on stage and garner everyone support-“

Seungri cut what Jiyong wanted to say and grabbed the microphone from Jiyong hand.

“You stupid idiot!” Seungri yelled at the microphone. “I also like you. You clumsy, useless idiot!” he confessed.

Jiyong surprised with Seungri confession. He grabbed Seungri hand ran off from the stage. They finally reach an empty classroom, panting.

“W-why did you suddenly pulling me like that?” Seungri asked while wiping his sweat.

Jiyong hugged him suddenly.

“Is it true… that you also like me?” Jiyong asked, his face redden. “Can I believe those word?”

Seungri pulled away from Jiyong and look down to the floor with his cheek blushing.

“Would I lie in front of the crowd and so many people, idiot?” Seungri said. “And last time I’m sorry too, I was so angry and I slipped… I also l-like you, so…”

Jiyong grabbed Seungri face with both his hand. “I should be the one apologize. And I also like you so much.” He said and kiss Seungri.


Jiyong pulled away and look at Seungri beautiful eyes.

“So is that mean you will date me, even if I didn’t win the first place? Since the two of us should be eliminate for confessing and destroying the event.” Jiyong asked.

“Of course. You idiot.” Seungri said blushing.

“Thank you.”

“But, you can’t mention the word ‘cute’.” Seungri said while puffing his cheek cutely.

Sigh. This is what make you cute.  How can’t I not say that?


Alright finished....

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LuYu98 #1
Chapter 1: It's so cute! ❤️
Misammisa #2
Chapter 1: ❤️❤️❤️
pandari_1212 #3
Chapter 1: But you are cute riri
Chapter 1: Sweet
Chapter 1: Awwwwww...❤
hanakahime #6
Chapter 1: Aaa cute cute sooo cutee the story is cute seungri is cute jiyong is cute every single thing is cute
Chapter 1: "Since he look so messy, with dirt on his face and some leaf on his hair." Haha I can't imagine Ji image in this xD
hashimocca #8
omo....... the competition is more hot in here with incredible confession... amazing author... the story was out of my expectation but not in the end... the end is not acceptable... sorry authornim im just try to be honest cause i know u can make a great another story and with amazing in the ends... as long as u are one of my fav author...
meg_vvip #9
Chapter 1: Awww.this is adorable..make some more like this pls..<3