Let me go.
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chapter 01 here's the first chapter, please sub, and comment. enjoy!

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"I had it up to here, Sora." My mother sighed, glaring at me. "I give up, akirameru." She spoke in Japanese, shaking her head in anger.


"But mom-"


"No buts, Soojung. You knew what the deal was and you broke it. You're done for." I sighed, thinking back when my mother took a look at my grades, noticing how ty they were. I swear I had never seen her this mad or even disappointed in my life, she ended up not talking to me for a couple days. I know she was about to go ballistic on me, so I give her time. I kept myself in my room, doing my own business. 


"Are you even listening to me, Sora!" She yelled, slamming her hand onto the table which made me jump in fright.

"Y-yes, mom." I mumbled, not wanting to look in her eyes. I ed up big time and I knew where this was going.

"I tried my best to keep you here for almost 18 years, but you know what? I think it's time for you to move with your dad." I glanced at her, biting my lower lip as she walked to the fridge getting a soda can. "I think that's a good idea, let's see how your father will handle you." I shook my head, getting up from my chair as my lips parted open, frowning. "Mom!" I yelled, shaking my head. "I'm not going, I'm sorry! I'll get them up, please. Just please don't let me go." I begged, clenching my hands into fists.


"Soojung, do you not realize how freaking tired I am? Constantly begging your teachers to pass you, begging your own principal to not expel you from school because of your ty actions or so called fights?" I looked away, rolling my eyes with a sigh leaving my mouth. "I'll be calling your father, go get ready for school." 


And that's what I did.




Once I got home, I heard my mom talking to my father, who barely spoke to me, discussing something. I didn't mind it though, I had a feeling they were going to argue as always. I decided to finish my homework in peace before hearing yelling and complaining. I picked up my Xbox controller and started to play some game. I noticed my mom walking into my room, turning off the t.v.

"Did you not see me playing?" I rolled my eyes, looking up at her.

"Pack your stuff." She leaned against the door, looking into my eyes.

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