Flower May Flow In Your Weapon

        “last week, baekhyun told me that it wasn’t hyoyeon but me. what does it means?” i asked to Dr. Joohyun.

         I was at the hospital right now with Dr. Joohyun at in front of me while my parents were outside.

         Dr. Joohyun face became pale, it seemed like there was a lie between us.

         “no, it was hyoyeon. I didn’t erase your memory, yet. You don’t have to be worry because we won’t do anything that could possible hurt you” she smiled softly at me.

          why did things became so complicated? I need to know the truth because i know that there was something behind all of that tragedy.

        After went to the hospital, me, ahyoung and chorong went to the cafe to spent our weekends together. We were joking around and laughing all day, even though i knew that my friendship with chorong was fake right now.

        I didn’t want ahyoung to be involved at this trouble. Suddenly, i got a call from gikwang ahjussi.

        I hang the phone as i got out from the cafe, “ahjussi, is there something wrong? I’m at outside”

        “aniya, it’s just there’s someone that looking for you”

        “who is it?”

        “i don’t know, he’s one of the student’s in the school. light skin tone, brown hair and pretty face. He’s a guy anyway, do you know him?” of course.

        If someone already mentioned ‘pretty face’, it must be jaejoong.  “i’ll be there” i said.


        When i just arrived at in front of my house, i met jaejoong that was resting his back at the wall.

         I came closer to him as i asked, “what are you doing here?” he brought a flower in his hand with ‘Hyoyeon’ name on it.

         “let’s visit hyoyeon” i smiled weakly and nooded. jaejoong knew hyoyeon pretty well since both of them was so close to each other just like me to hyoyeon.

         The difference was, jaejoong actually liked hyoyeon too bad but she choose jimin instead.

        Me and jaejoong were riding his car and went to Hyoyeon grave. When we reached there, we could see that many flowers were at her grave.

         It must be from her family and her friends. I took the flower from jaejoong hand, “let’s just put it there”

         as i put the flower next to the blue flower that just looked like what my mom brought a few days ago.

          We prayed to her and just like what i always did, i talked to her.

        “hyoyeon-ah, i bring jaejoong here right now. He miss you a lot too, just like the other friends that you left. Everyday, it feels so empty you know. I miss you a lot until i cannot say anything else right now than ‘ i miss you’. I know you must be bored of this words right? i just make up with baekhyun a few days ago and he wasn’t as bad as i thought”

        “you cheesy girl” mocked jaejoong when he heard about baekhyun. Both of us laughed together.

        Then he was driving me home then went to his house. It was almost dark and my parent’s still haven’t arrived yet.

        “ahyoung-ah, can’t you come over please? I’m alone here!” i yelled on my phone as i reached my bedroom. I asked ahyoung to came over because i didn’t like it if i was at home alone.

          i stayed at my room while waiting for ahyoung then i heard the short bip from my phone.


Baekhyun: can i come over?


You: ahyoung will be here in a minute


Baekhyun: damn it, i want to go to your house


You: no you can’t, not right now!


Baekhyun: but i’m already at in front of your house.....


Then i got a new message from ahyoung.


Ayoung: damn i cannot go to your house!


        Your lucky day, byun baekhyun.


You: alright then, ahyoung can’t go to my house




        I walked downstairs and opening the gate for him. he got inside with his bycicle and hugged me right away while mumbling about how he missed me so much.

        “so, what are you doing today?” he asked me.

        “i went to hyoyeon grave with jaejoong today”

        “WHY WITH HIM!?!??!”

        “BECAUSE JAEJOONG WAS HER BESTFRIEND NOW SHUT THE UP AND DON’T SCREAMING AT ME” i yelled back at him while he just laughing out loud.

         Somehow, i wondered why did baekhyun have never kiss me. it wasn't like i wanted to but it was kinda rare for me since both of us already in a relationship.

        “i wonder why did you have never kiss me” i said and i saw baekhyun smirked at me. he told me that both of us still haven’t official yet because he thought that i need to recover first, “i don’t want you to be hurt by me in many ways that i could do”

         i linked my hands at his then held it tight, this guy was unbelieveble.


                Dickhead isn’t going to be dickhead forever.


        After the physical excersice, i went took a bath and after that went back to the class.

        my condition was a lot better than the past weeks, maybe because there were my friends that help me to get this traumatic over.

        But sometimes, i felt scared also because i always got some flashback a few times.

        Maybe that was only the side effect, hopefully.

        “so? What are you going to do with that?” asked jaejoong when i told him about my recent condition. I said that i'll meet Dr. Joohyun more often.

        If my parents allowed me to, i’ll erase all my memories and go to the rehab.

        “what? Are you crazy? You will forget about everything! Hyoyeon, your family, me, all your friends and baekhyun!” cried jaejoong.

         I know, i know that this decision is kinda selfish but i couldn’t do anything, i might going to live with this traumatic.

        “there must be thing that we could do than this” i shook my head, this is the biggest thing that we could ever did. After i erase all my memories, i won’t remember about everything that already happened and it was going to work well. 

         “OMG [Y/N]-AH!!!! WE HAVE TO TALK, SORRY JAEJOONG-AH I HAVE TO TALK TO THIS ” ahyoung screamed at both of us and pull me to the canteen.

         She seemed very exited, oh-oh, don’t tell me that ahyoung knew about my relationship with byun baek-

        “i have a boyfriend!” she whispered at me. my face became shocked and then jumped together with ahyoung.

       of course, i was so happy because she got a new boyfriend. She also told me that the guy that she date didn’t go to the same school like us.

        “his name is park jimin!”


        I woke up and found myself on the bed. Lying there with a pain on my head, i didn’t remember about what happened before.

       I did remember that i was at the cafetaria then the view became black. Then someone walked into my bedroom, it was baekhyun.

        “what happened?”

        “you don’t remember?”

        “no, that’s why i ask you”

        “you passed out at the canteen when you’re talking with ahyoung. ahyoung seems so worried about you, you should call her. and by the way, why did you passed out? Is there something that really shocked you out?” i was trying to remember then i remember about someone, park jimin.

         I was screaming at baekhyun about ahyoung, i got so panic while baekhyun was hugging me. 

        “calm down!” he yelled. No i can’t calm down, ahyoung was with jimin! The guy that my hyoyeon!

        I have to save ahyoung before it was too late. I told baekhyun that we have to safe ahyoung right away before jimin did something bad to her.

       he told me that he was going to call ahyoung before he went out from the room.

        “she was okay. Well, she was suprised at first when i asked her about her new boyfriend and asked her about her condition. She’s okay, she’s at her house with her parents. I already told her to not go anywhere at night especially going out alone. if you wanted to visit her, i’ll take you to her but not now you still need sometime to relax!”

        “we can’t leave her alone!”

        “she’s not alone, [Y/N]-ah, there’s you beside her and she’s not alone. you have to calm down” baekhyun sat beside me and hugged me, he really does calming me down.

        Then i heard a knock on my door, it was my mom. She was asking me to take care of ilhoon for a moment since she have to meet her friends.

         I put ilhoon on my bed and letting ilhoon played with baekhyun.

        “by the way, i heard that you used to have a sister but she’s dead, right?” i nooded my head. It was happening so long ago, it was when i was 4 years old.

         I took an album and showed it to baekhyun. There was a picture of me and a girl named Seolhyun that no other was my sister.

        “and how about your cousin?” i could see his face that turned into jealous. Me and chanyeol were so close to each other and that was made baekhyun became so jealous towards us.

         “he’s teaching japan language right now at some schools. he became pretty busy and that’s why we didn’t spent a lot of time together again. he’ll be back to japan in a few months”

        “oh really?”

        “yak don’t be that happy! I’m so sad that he should go back to japan since we didn’t met for 4 years. Anyway, i have to go now to the theraphy. Can’t you go with me, also? Because i’ll bring ilhoon there” baekhyun face became lighter, he nooded his head as fast as he could.

       He became so exited like a kid that ready to receive his candy.


        “oh my God, you should talk to her!” i’ve told Dr. Joohyun about the problem with ahyoung and jimin, she told me to talk to her about this.

         But i didn’t know that i could tell it to her. ahyoung didn’t know that jimin was the person that murdered hyoyeon because jimin’s identity was hidden, so the person who knew about this, it was only the family and the other victims which was me.

        “i’m afraid that ahyoung won’t believe me and call me as a liar”

        “if she was your friends, she should’ve listen to you”

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Chapter 2: update soon author-ah. i'm looking forward to see the baby! kkkk