❝The Vamp’s Advertisement Shop❞ ♥ ♥ ♥ [HIRING REVIEWERS!! | REVIEWS MALAY FANFIC ONLY!]

Author - allmylove

Story Tittle - BROKEN HEART

Description -

This is a story about two young men who found each other in the lowest period of their lives. It is a story about love, hate, power, glory, money, fame and the things someone can do to obtain his goal. You will find out how hard and painful is for Luhan to feel always as the second choice since the idol will use the boy for his own purpose and dispose of him the second he reached his goal. The things will get more complicated when Luhan finds out he is pregnant with his husband's baby.Acting as a loving husband was easy for Sehun. He used Luhan to get his lover back but realised the price he payed for Yeol was too high. What will happen with the stupid idol? Who will he choose?

Rated - Yes but only on the last chapter

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CALLING FOR JoelleYeong! Your requests are done! ^^


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Chapter 1: Hi there, I've requested for Ads.
I've requested
Chapter 2: I've applied the application.
Saya dah hantar review request :) thankss
Is the review open? Because I want you to review one of my Malay fanfics but I'm not really sure if the review request is open. If you don't mind, I'll send the forms first and if the review request isn't open, you can reject my form. Thank you ^^
Chapter 6: Hi! I credited ^^ But I can't upvote the fic, it tells me the url is disallowed, can you please resend it? Thank you and apologies for taking so long to get online again ^^
Chapter 1: Btw I just wanted to ask, can we request again for the same fic but for a feature or wall/chapter add?
Hehe I made another request... I hope thats alright :)