Chapter 6.

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After 2 weeks, things become more complicated for Tiffany as Taeyeon keep pushing her away. He even made lots of excuse to stay up late only to sleep on the sofa. This action made Tiffany frustrated. She did lots of thing to make him remember but all Taeyeon did was pushing her away. It's also the same this night.

He told her to go in the bedroom first but an hour pass by, still he didn't get in yet. Tiffany let out a deep sigh as she held in her tears. She got out from the bedroom and search for Taeyeon. "Tae?" She called out seeing him sitting at the dining table in the kitchen. "Uh? Hey. Why aren't you sleeping yet?" He asked watching her walking into the kitchen. "I was waiting for you." She asked taking a sit apposite him. Taeyeon keep silent, didn't know what to say. "Uh.. You look tired. Just go sleep first. Don't wait for me." He said trying to push her away again. "No. I'm ok. I'll wait for you." Though her heart is broken by his action, she hold it all in and smile.

Taeyeon was silent again. After a few minutes of silence, Tiffany can't hold it in anymore and decide to ask. "Taeyeon, it’s me Tiffany. Your wife. Can't you remember me?" She asked gently reaching out for his hand. "I'm sorry. I can't." He said not looking at her. "Taeyeon. I'm your wife. Please try harder." She said pleadingly. "No! I-i can't. This doesn't feel right at all. From the first time we meet at the hospital, nothing about you or anything else around me feel right. I don't know you! You're not the one I'm missing!" Taeyeon suddenly burst out, harshly pull his hand away and yelled. "I-i'm sorry." He said apologetically before getting up and walked away.

With that, Tiffany again broke down in tears. Her shoulders shake as she cries harder. The next morning came full of awkwardness. Taeyeon did his morning routine in the guest bathroom and stay silent on the couch while Tiffany cooked in the kitchen also in silence. Taeyeon was feeling guilty, his palm is sweating while his eyes keep glancing toward the kitchen.

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Chapter 13: Jessica reaction at the end made me laughed so hard kekekekekekekeke
Chapter 13: Author-nim your story is daebakkkk~
mymh_bee #3
Chapter 13: The story is daebak.. I stay late to finish this and it worth my sleeping time :)
The twin's part just really touching, made me tear up.. But little Taeng's naughtiness is so cute.. The story make me smile, teared up, giddy, suffocated and all.. Jjang ;)
567 streak #4
Chapter 13: can you post a pdf authorssii?
Greencol #5
Chapter 13: Awesome awesome
tipco09 #6
Chapter 13: Finally, Taeyeon realized that Taehyun just wanted the best for him although things didn't go as planned.
mochick #7
Chapter 13: wow the twins are cute....nice chapter Author-nim :)
mochick #8
Chapter 13: wow the twin are cute....nice chapter Author-nim :)
totoro1109 #9
Chapter 13: My favourite chapter!
Chapter 12: Hahahaha jessi.. relax.. Hellsica Explode