List of Prompts of the Eunhae Bonfire Fest 2015 (#21 - #30)


List of Prompts of the Eunhae Bonfire Fest 2015 (#21 - #30)

Please find here the list of all the prompts submitted in 2015! The Claiming period shall begin on March 9. Please go read the Guidelines before claiming.


Prompt #21 - CLAIMED FOR FIC (2/2) / OPEN FOR ART

Theme: foster family AU

Place: up to you as long as it’s in Korea

Object/word prompts: teenage love, fluffy cushion, hot chocolate

Action: To be adopted at 17 is unusual, which is why Hyukjae is taken aback when his parents introduce him to his new “lil’ bro’”.

Specific kinks: music, midnight walks. Hae won’t open up easily, especially about his past.

Things not to be added: no blood please :)

Preferences/other notes: If you don’t feel at ease with love between brothers (well actually they’re not but…), you can also finish your work with an opening that will hint towards a possible romance between the two main characters.


Prompt #22 - OPEN

Theme: paramedic!Donghae or firefighter!Donghae, AU

Place: anywhere

Action: Hyukjae is a man who thinks there’s nothing left to live anymore (writer’s choice why). He attempts suicide by crashing his car onto something (down a hill, onto a railing, etc.).
But he’s not aware that his car has an integrated emergency alarm, which immediately connects to the emergency response center, and they’re able to send help via the GPS information while Hyukjae is unconscious (this thing actually exists in newer cars). The first person at the accident place is Donghae – a firefighter/paramedic alone on his shift – who helps to save Hyukjae’s life.
However, Hyukjae is not very happy about it when he wakes up in a hospital. Donghae is there or comes to see him (he needs a reason; maybe they have met before when they were a lot younger?) and is very insistent on proving Hyukjae’s opinion about life otherwise.

Specific kinks: if Donghae is a firefighter, then the suit. At least seen in that once.

Things not to be added: do not make Hyukjae a “weak” person. No t/b categorizing (which means they’re both versatile) if there’s included. No strawberry-scented Hyukjae.

Preferences/other notes: Manliness! Make them act like actual guys and not girls. Sweat, alcohol, cigarettes, working out – GUY things are all a huge plus. Hyukjae’s character is not supposed to be a weakling; life could have acted rough on him, but that’s not the point and that shouldn’t be the main thing that has lead him to attempt suicide. Maybe he doesn’t really feel things? Maybe he’s too smart for his own good? Something out of the ordinary eunhae-box.


Prompt #23 - CLAIMED FOR FIC (1/2) / OPEN FOR ART

Theme: soulmate!AU

Place: anywhere we go in daily life? Up to the author!

Object/word prompts: soulmates, black, white, colors

Action: His world is all black and white until the day his friends starts talking about love – he then finally starts seeing colors.

Specific kinks: none

Things not to be added: 1st POV, Korean words/sentences except for honorifics.

Preferences/other notes: blonde Hyukjae, pretty please :3


Prompt #24 - CLAIMED FOR FIC (1/2) / OPEN FOR ART

Theme: fluff. As kids, Hyukjae stole Donghae’s first kiss. They meet again a couple of years later and Donghae demands his first kiss back.

Place: anywhere

Object/word prompts: peanut butter and jelly sandwich, sandbox

Action: Donghae spills strawberry milk on Donghae, Hyukjae flicks flour on Donghae’s face.

Specific kinks: none

Things not to be added: no homophobia

Preferences/other notes: none


Prompt #25 - OPEN

Theme: Dance!AU, love/hate, comedy

Place: DEF Dance Skool in Seoul (

Object/word prompts: none

Action: Every month, the students of the DEF Dance Skool need to take a dance test. This time, Donghae and Hyukjae have to work together in a group. The problem is that the both of them aren’t very fond of each other because of a huge and somehow silly misunderstanding from six years ago.

Specific kinks: If is included, then it should take place in the practice room.

Things not to be added: no angst, no mpreg

Preferences/other notes: Both are very hard working and won’t stop their training until the performance is (close to) perfection. Both are stubborn and passionate.


Prompt #26 - OPEN

Theme: Tumblr!AU, Eunhae are famous Tumblr bloggers who are crushing on each other, except they don’t know about it because all they do is confess through anon.

Place: nothing specified

Object/word prompts: Tumblr pick-up lines, cat ears and bunny tail

Action: Donghae accidentally sends a message without turning anon

Specific kinks: Anon chat ?

Things not to be added: no , no angst

Preferences/other notes: preferably crack! fic, but do anything you want!


Prompt #27 - OPEN

Theme: hitchhiker!Donghae and driver!Hyukjae

Place: outskirts of town or in the middle of nowhere

Object/word prompts: big dreams, trust issues, travelling

Action:You are a ___ too?!” or alternatively “You like ___ too?!

Specific kinks: none

Things not to be added: no please

Preferences/other notes: bonus points if Donghae has orange hair (like in Skip Beat)


Prompt #28 - OPEN

Theme: Basketball!AU (Hyukjae and Donghae as basketball players)

Place: street basketball court

Objet/word prompts: rivalries, love/hate relationship

Action: Hyukjae and Donghae play for different teams but have to join forces to save the court from the thugs who want to claim it as theirs.

Specific kinks: none

Things not to be added: 1st POV, Korean words/sentences except for simple honorifics.

Preferences/other notes: none


Prompt #29 - OPEN

Theme: AU, married!Eunhae

Place: nothing specified

Object/word prompts: He loves me, he loves me not”, “Where did you put my deodorant?

Action: Donghae and Hyukjae are newlywed but their early married life turns a bit into a disaster because they have silly childish fights

Specific kinks: nothing specified

Things not to be added: no , no angst, no mpreg

Preferences/other notes: no breakup/divorce. They will only have tiny, silly problems because they’re so “mature”.


Prompt #30 - OPEN FOR FIC / CLAIMED FOR ART (1/2)

Theme: nothing specified

Place: nothing specified

Object/word prompts: red tears, shadows, warmth

Action: a first kiss

Specific kinks: nothing specific, though I do like kisses in the rain?

Things not to be added: no 1st POV and no phobia against any kind of ual orientation.

Preferences/other notes: If fic, a different ual orientation than the common straight/gay/bi ones. There’s plenty of other possibilities which I think would be very interesting to look into. If art, an elaborate background (a crowd, a school, etc.) and something from you that makes people’s heart go thump-thump. Of course, you don’t have to do all that if you don’t want to, but I thought it could be cool if you were looking for a challenge?

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Chapter 31: Ooh wow😳🥺
Chapter 31: Encore une histoire très poétique, c'est merveilleux un conte magnifique. Merci💙💙💙
Chapter 30: Cette histoire est si belle, je suis tellement triste pour Hae... Merci💙💙
Chapter 28: J'adore ça, c'est tendreet doux merci. 💙💙
Chapter 27: Bravo pour celui-ci, on ressent combiens tu étais inspiré par tumblr. Ça donne une fic géniale. Merci 💙💙
Chapter 26: Je ne connais pas l'univers de ce manga, mais je vais aller le lire. Merci
Chapter 25: Merci pour cette histoire, avec un Hyukjae tellement retors pour récupérer son Hae. 💙💙💙
Chapter 24: Est-ce mal si je souhaite une suite. Cette histoire doit être hilarante. Merci pour ce bon moment💙💙
Chapter 22: Je sens que je vais commenter sur tout ces one-shot. C'est adorable. Merci
Chapter 21: Trop mignon. Merci💙