Sweet Lullaby

Infinite Power

Sunggyu and his brother in law, the Viceroy Young Min were now seated opposite each other in the lounge of the Viceroy's rooms. The young general had a stern and calm look on his face while the Viceroy had a hopeful smile. Sunggyu spoke first.

"I'll get straight to it. 1. Send a command to the captain of the Empire soldiers to assign six soldiers to report to you at the crack of dawn. 2. They are to help you to pack the tribute to the Emperor and his advisors and transport them with you to the meeting.  We will make up the tribute from your many scupltures. 3. No hidden notes or any other signs, or your ENTIRE precious collection - sculptures, paintings, books goes up in smoke. Every SINGLE one of them."

The Viceroy's smile left his face for a moment when he heard what they would do to his treasures. The collection he had was no laughing matter. The sculptures were beyond priceless with many over five hundred years old and some pieces were specially commissioned from the most highly skilled sculptors who had already passed on in recent years. The paintings on the walls were very old as well and he had painstakingly searched for the ones that depicted moments that glorified royalty. Of course there were a few newer paintings that were all about him, dressed in full royal costume in different poses. He always looked at those several times a day. The books too were very rare and there were quite a few with subjects that were dangerous for people to dive in too deep.

He rubbed his ruby ring and his smile was back on his face as he replied Sunggyu.

"Dear Sunggyu, now really, do you have to go that far? Of course I will do as you say. We are working to the same goal after all! A free Woollim!"

"A free Woollim?" Sunggyu almost choked with anger. "Is that what you thought when you let the Empire take over my country! When you murdered the entire West Army! You traitor! There is no other place for you but your head under my sword!"

"Sunggyu, Sunggyu, please understand! I had no choice in the matter. It was all the Emperor's plan. If I hadn't done what he commanded, they would have killed your sister. You don't know do you? They had already poisoned her a year ago. I know not what sort of poison. All I know is that the poison lies asleep until they activate it. They sent a spy here and he showed me. He made her go into a deep coma for three minutes because of the poison!" Young Min spoke earnestly.

"You expect me to believe you? You've been putting on an act from the time you met her!"

"Please Sunggyu, you have to believe me. I could never harm her! She is the most precious thing to me! I gave up everything I believed in to save her!" pleaded Young Min. His voice now had a faint melodic quality to it, almost like a lullaby.

Woohyun who was watching them about ten feet away with Dongwoo pricked up his ears. What was this? Something had changed. He actually sounded sincere. Throughout the entire conversation Woohyun had felt nothing from the Viceroy except a moment at the mention of his collection. But now there was something entirely different. Woohyun waited.

"You saw her didn't you? She doesn't look quite the same as you remember. Her face is pale, her hands not so steady. You must know this in your heart!"

A look of uncertainty wavered on Sunggyu's face.

"I've been waiting for the day when I could meet the Emperor face to face. The only way to end this is to get rid of him. I would have taken my chance to strike even though I know I am not a fighting man. But thank Tenshi that you came home at last, Sunggyu! This could really work now!" the Viceroy's voice though still gentle came through with an emotional punch.

Sunggyu loosened his collar, small beads of sweat were forming on his neck and forehead. What the heck is happening, thought Woohyun. This is not good at all.

"Maybe..maybe she was a little pale. Would killing the Emperor remove the poison?"

"Sunggyu, the antidote is the Emperor's blood! They were laughing when they told me this because they knew that the Emperor's blood would be impossible for me to get."

"Then we have to get moving quick. Enough talking. Write the command and get your valet to pass it to the captain." said Sunggyu as he rubbed his forehead.

"Of course, dear brother in law! But before that, why don't you introduce me to your team? They are so very brave to join this mission!"

Sunggyu signalled Dongwoo who gathered the team together. Sunggyu brought Young Min around and introduced each member. At first the members were puzzled as the Viceroy was supposed to be the man Sunggyu hated the most. But when Young Min spoke to each of them, the confused looks were replaced with relaxed faces. Woohyun who was last in the line was feeling more and more uncomfortable.  Then it was his turn. Some whispered words from Sunggyu and Young MIn extended his hand to Woohyun. His expression was so kind and with a most humble look, the face of the King that Woollim's citizens were used to seeing.

"Woohyun, thank you so much for volunteering to join this mission! Your name will be known and loved throughout the land once we have beaten the Empire!" beamed the Viceroy.

With the Viceroy speaking to him directly using that voice, Woohyun felt his nerves standing on end. Something's so wrong. I will have to talk to Sunggyu in private. Till then, better to put on a show thought Woohyun.

"Your Majesty, it is my honor and duty to help our country!" smiled Woohyun as he shook the Viceroy's hand.

Sunggyu led the Viceroy away to his gilded desk where the Viceroy started to write his command on gold bordered paper. He let Sunggyu read the text and once Sunggyu nodded in satisfaction, the Viceroy put the paper in an envelope sealed with wax stamped with the Sunset Empire symbol and rang for his valet.  The team hid in the Viceroy's bedroom while the valet was inside. However as precaution, Woohyun in his Empire soldier uniform stood in the lounge behind the Viceroy. Woohyun watched carefully as the Viceroy passed only the sealed envelope to the valet with instructions to pass them to the captain immediately.

After the valet left, the team entered the lounge again and started to pick the sculptures that would be suitable for hiding their weapons. The Viceroy walked around them excitedly and was soon joking with some of them. Woohyun took this chance to take Sunggyu aside.

"Sunggyu, why are you trusting him all of a sudden? Don't you find it strange that you would change your mind just like that?" said Woohyun in a lowered voice.

"What he says sounds logical, Woohyun. He has been an exemplary King for these past few years. He has always shown that he loves my sister very much and she in turn loves him."

"Listen to yourself. You told us before that you couldn't stop her from marrying him! You had your misgivings all this time. He is a murderer and he is lying to your sister, Sunggyu! And though I don't know what it is exactly yet, I'm sure he is doing something right here right now!"

Sunggyu had an impatient look on his face.

"Look, Woohyun, I trust my gut and my gut says he is telling the truth. We need to work together not just for Woollim, but to save my sister's life! Leave it!"

With that Sunggyu stalked off. Woohyun shook his head. Fine, suit yourself Mr. Hamster, but I'll not stop watching thought Woohyun. Somebody has to save that fool of a general.

Meanwhile, at an exquisitely carved four foot high marble statue of an angel, Young Min was speaking with Myungsoo and Sungyeol.

"My my, you two young lads have a good eye! This beautiful angel sculpture is one of the rarest. It was made three hundred years ago by a fisherman who claimed to have seen and spoken to a Tenshi. It was the only piece he had ever made. And from that time, it had passed through several temples dedicated to the Tenshi. By luck I found it when the last Temple it was in was about to be demolished."

"Not as beautiful as our Tenshi!" Sungyeol blurted out and quickly closed his mouth with shock.

"Hmm? What? Your Tenshi?" inquired the Viceroy.

"Ah..well..your Majesty, just a slip of the tongue. We pray deeply to the Tenshi you see." Myungsoo scrambled to cover Sungyeol's mistake.

Myungsoo's hurried reply did not escape Young Min.

"Myungsoo, Sungyeol you know you can tell me anything. We are on the same team, are we not? And team members always tell each other everything." said Young Min, his voice had again a melodic lilt to it.

Myungsoo and Sungyeol found themselves wanting to tell Young Min everything about Sungjong.

"Your Majesty.." started Myungsoo.

"Tch tch, it is My Lord for I am the Viceroy now. You have to be careful how you address me outside this room. Really I must remind everyone." corrected Young Min gently.

"Pardon, I mean my lord, we do have a Tenshi on our team! He is an amazing and wondrous creature. He is called Sungjong and he has sworn to help us in our cause until the end!" Myungsoo continued, almost tripping over his words.

"Oh, where is this Tenshi? I would love to see him!" said Young Min excitedly.

"My Lord, he is near us but for our plan, he has to be out of sight. You will surely see him at the Emperor's meeting." said Sungyeol.

"I can't wait! A real life Tenshi. Carry on lads. This was wonderful to hear." Young Min patted both Sungyeol and Myungsoo on the shoulder and walked off.

"The Viceroy's alright, isn't he?" said Sungyeol.

Myungsoo nodded a few times in agreement as he and Sungyeol looked upon the angel sculpture again.

About an hour later, the team had chosen five sculptures and had hidden whatever weapons they could into the scupltures while holding on to the weapons they would need to overcome the six Empire soldiers that were coming in a few hours. Sunggyu gave the order to the team to sleep while the Viceroy retired to his bedroom. And so the hours passed by. Half an hour before six am, Dongwoo roused everyone awake. At six am sharp, there were three loud knocks on the door and a loud voice spoke.

"My Lord, reporting to you as requested!"

The men hid themselves in the best positions while Hoya and Dongwoo waited by the doors. The Viceroy gave permission to the soldiers to enter. The doors opened and in filed six soldiers.  The moments after that were a  blur. Hoya kicked the first soldier so hard in the neck that he immediately dropped dead. Dongwoo quickly shot two soldiers while Woohyun's whip sang out killing another two. Myungsoo's throwing knives hit the last soldier right in the heart.  All the soldiers were stripped just as fast and now Sunggyu, Hoya, Dongwoo, Myungsoo and Sungyeol were dressed in Empire soldier uniforms just like Woohyun. What was different with these uniforms was that they came with decorative helmets conveniently with face guards so their faces could be partially hidden. There were also braided capes that reached their waist. This were used to hide any bloodstains on the uniforms. Woohyun added the helmet and cape to his disguise as well.  The men dressed the dead soldiers in their own clothes and covered their faces as much as they could. They then quickly moved the bodies to the dense shrubbery in the East gardens with the story of intruders should anyone meet them.

An hour later, all the sculptures were packed in triple waterproof layers (Viceroy's  packing instructions) and moved outside where the royal carriage with a driver and a footman, five horses and a very large covered two horse wagon carrying the royal tent, clothes and other effects for the Viceroy and food supplies waited. The sculptures hoisted onto the wagon, the men mounted on the horses (Sungyeol and a cook assigned to the team drove the wagon) and nothing left to do but wait for Young Min escorted by his valet and Sunggyu to make his appearance. Then the huge grand doors of the palace opened, the soldiers left in the palace filed on either side of the white staircase flowing down to the ground and trumpets blared. He was ready to depart at last.

Young Min was dressed in a rich velvet fur trimmed cloak. His clothes were exquisitely embroidered and boots polished till they shone. No one could deny he looked every inch a King.  His left hand waving slightly in acknowledgment of the salutes, he walked looking straight ahead. Woohyun had to stop himself from gagging at his pretense. The footman opened the carriage door for Young Min followed by his valet. As Young Min put his foot on the small foot support into the carriage, the valet suddenly exclaimed while pointing at the sky.

"My lord,  there is a large white bird flying high above us! Old Woollim myths say this is a blessing from the heavens!"

Young Min glanced at the sky and smiled to himself. There you are, beautiful Tenshi. Thanks to my books, I know exactly what to do with you, he thought and stepped into the carriage.

Sunggyu who was a few steps behind the Viceroy got onto the final horse. He positioned himself and his men who were also on horses to the very front of the entire group. Sunggyu raised his right hand high and the trumpets blared again. The horses started to trot, the carriage wheels and wagon wheels started to turn. Their journey to the Sunset Empire had begun.


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crepusculo #1
ajs787 #2
Chapter 19: Funny how you incorporated chocoholic fallen angel, though now I'm worried for Tenshi as well. Viceroy is an epitome of lecherous traitor and a scary enemy bc he's too smart what with all those books of his. But nothing is worth than using knowledge for the bad, and he's even been using his innocent wife for his ambition! Let's hope smth will brake the spell and they will realize his true character.
Chapter 18: Hey, Doyeon's reaction remind me of that fish in SpongeBob.
Thanks for inserting the dark humor, btw.
jongie_infinite #4
Chapter 19: Dears, I LIVE for your comments!
jongie_infinite #5
Chapter 18: Hi All, I hope you're still with me! I'm finally back!!!! Too many things were happening..sigh. Life changing too. I'll try my best to update the next chapter soon. It's going to be heart breaking...gawd..i hope i can do it well. Till then, pls enjoy this little quiet time for them.
Chapter 17: noooooooooooo!! gyu plz trust woohyun ~.
& sungjongie will he be alright ? TTATT
mussykate #7
Chapter 17: Uhhh... im so worried about Sungjong... I don't Youngmin, he seem a little bit insane... Okay, maybe not "a little bit". Also, I feel bad for the queen, she is very inocent...
andaeriel #8
Chapter 17: omgg.... i'm worried for sungjong tbh.. the viceroy must have read a way to assasinated him.. nooo.. or worsed captured him and used him to grant his wish.. nooooooooo.. someone please wake up.. it must be a spell.. dammit
(Idk when i heard youngmin it's apparent he's... pricking my ears too lol.)
jongie_infinite #10
Chapter 17: Here it is at last..chap 16. *nervous author*.......pls pls tell me what u think about this one and the story so far.