

taeyeon was sitting in the park waiting for tiffany who was a hour late, she sigh and check her watch to see it was almost 7 "shes late again" taeyeon said pouting before watching some guy do jumping jacks with his shirt off, remind you its snowing

"tae so sorry, but this time i have a good reason to be late" tiffany said running up to taeyeon with something behind her back, taeyeon tried to see what it was but tiffany wouldnt let her "close your eyes" tiffany said as taeyeon looked puzzled.

"why?" taeyeon asked as tiffany rolls her eyes.

"just close your eyes" taeyeon sigh before closing her eyes , tiffany smile before pulling flowers from behind her back "ok open your eyes" taeyeon open her eyes to see tiffany holding a dozen roses with a eye smile, taeyeon wanted to cry , no one ever cared enough to give her flowers.

"oh tiffany i dont know-"

"just taking them, my little heart want be able to take another rejection" tiffany said giving taeyeon puppy dog eyes,taeyeon giggle before taking the roses out of tiffanys hands and sniffing them.

"thank you" taeyeon said with a smile.

"your welcome, now come on the skating ring is two blocks from here, and were walking" tiffany said streching out her hand so taeyeon could grab it, taeyeon was scared she never been anywere else besides the park "dont worry ill protect you" tiffany said making taeyeons heart skip a beat at how sweet she was being,.

"aish tae your hands are really cold" tiffany said when taeyeon gave her her hand.

"i guess im a little cold" taeyeon said standing up to walk with tiffany out the park.

"see this is why you need gloves" tiffany said before intwineing there hands and putting them in her coat pocket , taeyeons heart was racing, tiffanys hand was so warm.


the two made it to the ring and got there skates, the man at the counter looked at them weridly but they just shook it off and went to put there skates on.

"tiffany i cant skate" taeyeon said pouting cutely as she tryed to not fall on the ice.

"dont worry , hold my hand" taeyeon holded tiffany hand as  they slowly skated on the ice "see not so bad right?" taeyeon nodded cutely as she could feel the warmness from tiffanys hand.

after skating and trying to skate the two decided to go to the food court to eat, tiffany told taeyeon to get them a seat as she ordered there food,taeyeon got a table in the far right of the court.

"ok i hope you like coke and corndogs" tiffany said sitting down with the food handing taeyeon hers.

"tell me" taeyeon said putting down her food and looking at tiffany who just took a bite of her corndog.

"tell you what?" tiffany asked with a smirk, she knew what taeyeon was talking about.

"who are you in love with?" taeyeon said even though she really hated the fact tiffany was in love with someone.

"hmm , ill tell you later right now i wanna watch the fire works" tiffany said taking a sip of her drink and standing up to throw the rest of her food away '"come on before we miss it" tiffany said grabbing taeyeons cold hand and intwineing there fingers before running out the food court not even notcing the whole time people was starring at them.

tiffany took taeyeon to a field were other people were sitting on blankets and chairs waiting for the fireworks to start , tiffany took taeyeon to sit under a oak tree to get a better few when the fireworks start.

"why wont you tel-"

"shhh it starting" tiffany said as the fireworks begins to start , the colors were so beautiful taeyeon started to oohhh and aaah at them, she didnt even realize tiffany was starring at her the whole time with a smile on her face "tae?" tiffany said as taeyeon hummed in response "im in love with you" taeyeon turned her head to look at tiffanys big orbs starring at her lovingly , she wanted to say something but nothing came out.

tiffany moved closer not taking her eyes off taeyeon for a second before closing the gap between them making there lips lock, taeyeon was shocked before kissing tiffany back closing her eyes wrapping her arms around tiffanys neck as tiffany got on top of her not breaking the kiss.

the kiss was warm yet cold making the two want even more, taeyeon entwined her fingers in tiffanys brown hair as she deepend the kiss, both didnt want the moment to end, they didnt even realize the fireworks were done until they heard people clapping and cheering.

after the ring closed the two walked hand and hand to  the streets of seoul, 

"were do you live?"  tiffany asked as they crossed the street, taeyeon tensed up before thinking.

"in those apartments" she said pointing at a big buliding down the street.

"great ill walk you home" tiffany said kissing there entwined hands before putting them back in her pocket.

tiffany walked taeyeon to her building before kissing her lips, what was apost to be a peck begain to become more until tiffany phone runied the moment, she pull away before answering it " yes?.... uggh here i come" she said " sorry tae i gotta go, how about i take you out on a date for Christmas?"

"mmm no lets just sit at the park" taeyeon answered, tiffany just nod before pecking her lips walking down the street turning the corner.

taeyeon sat on the stairs of the building before smiling widely touching her lips


Christmas came just as it left so did new years, taeyeon and tiffany started offically dating on new years eve, taeyeon couldnt be more happy tiffany made her feel so safe and warm.

"ok babe i need to go but ill promise to come over after ok?" tiffany said getting dress to leave taeyeons apartment, tiffany been staying over alot since they got togeather.

tiffany peck taeyeons lips before walking out the front door, taeyeon got off the bed and looked around her house looking at all the dust and old newspapers still there from that day, then reality hit her , she was going to end up leaving tiffany soon she sat on the floor before holding her knees , this was why she never stayed in her apartment, it made her realize she is going to be forever alone.

tiffany drove to work to see her partner outside the station with her arms crossed and a pissed off expression, tiffany unbuckle her seat belt before getting out the car to greet her.

"morning sunny-ah" tiffany said with her eye smile as her partner just roll her eyes

"your late hwang and the cheif just informed me that were taking case 49" sunny said as her and tiffany enter the station.

"isnt case 49 about that 26 year old girl who went missing early last year ?" sunny nodds as they enter there offfice, sunny hands tiffany the case 49 file before speaking.

"they say her brother had something to do with it, but no evidence" sunny said pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"any witness's?" tiffany said reading the case.

"just one, her baby cousin, but everytime we ask him he gets confuse" sunny said taking her seat next to tiffany to read the file to.

"hm how old is the cousin and how come only her last name is here?" tiffany said looking threw the file were no picture or name was.

"her parents wont tell us her name and the cousin is 4 he calls her by taetae or noona" sunny said shrugging her shoulders.

"then what about her pictures?" tiffany said when something in the file caught her eye.

"we have one but its only of her as a kid, her family said she never like taking any photos" tiffany nodded before reading the paper that caught her eye.

{name:kim, age: 26, went missing: june 22 2014, last seen: seoul park wearing a hoodie}

"she was last seen at the park me and taeyeon always go to" tiffany said to herself.

"hm? say something tiff?" sunny asked still looking in the file.

"oh no, can we ask the cousin any more qustions?" tiffany asked as sunny shrugged her shoulders.

"i can ask siwon to ask his parents, but now that you mention it seo said some one came down at the station in december saying they saw a girl sitting on the bench talking to herself "

why does that matter?"

"because the kims family also said there son was seen sitting on the bench talking to himself saying taetae" sunny said as tiffany thought.

"hmm strange " tiffany look at her watch to see it was almost time to pick up taeyeon for there valentines day date"gotta go sun, taking taeyeon out tonight" tiffany said grabbing her keys running out the door.

"yah when am i going to meet this mystery girl" sunny yelled.

"soon dont worry" tiffany said running out to get in her car to pick up taeyeon .........



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bangjoonho #1
Is taeyeon ghost?update plz
1122 streak #2
Chapter 3: wait?? so if her body is found then maybe she is already dead but if not maube its somewhere and its on coma... maybe she thinks that shes dead but not... she is always at the park becaise its the last place shes been... gosh what will tiffs reaction when she learns that her girlfriend? is a spirit??
giannamae #3
Chapter 3: Omg!!! Taeyeon is dead and she is the one in the case that tiffany gonna handle wow author you are so jjang
darkpluto1 #4
Chapter 2: Taeyeon dead?? ohh nooo.. :'( hope she is just in coma