First Love

Chapter 2 – First Date


For the first time in my whole life, I have a boyfriend. It was my first time to get a boyfriend, and it is also my first time to be in a relationship. It is my first time I ever like a guy, and a guy likes me back. Sometimes, I wonder whether everything was just a dream, and when I woke up, I am probably still the club manager for Chanbara, but single and not in a relationship. My first time to ever feel my heart racing so fast, and my face going red. My very first time to ev-


“I am so sorry! I am really sorry for being late. I had to stay back for a few minutes to meet with the teacher, and I really did rush over here! I am so sorry, sunbae-nim!” Joohyun exclaimed, as she bowed her head a few times the minute she entered the gymnasium.

Avoiding eye contact with the senior, the captain, who was raging as he hopped around madly. He then screamed again,” This is like the i-don’t-know-how-many-times you are late! Like really? Joohyun, as the club manager, you are supposed to be punctual and even earlier than the other students!”

“I am really sorry, sunbae-nim!” she cringed in her spot. The senior, Kyuhyun, then began to mess her head and knocked her forehead a few times, as she spologised.

Joohyun winced slightly, when a voice interrupted them,” I am sorry for interrupting, but Captain, may I know what you are doing?”

“What? Don’t you dare to ask your se-“ Kyuhyun stopped short, the minute her turned his head. The senior then froze in his spot, as he released his grip. Joohyun staggered a few steps backwards, and peeked from behind. “L-Luhan-ssi,” she stuttered, as her face turned red again.

“The Captain is in deep trouble. Look at how mad Luhan is right now!”

Joohyun stared at Luhan, who was glaring at Kyuhyun coldly, and she chuckled softly,’ There is no expression on his face at all, and they called that mad. Wouldn’t he be mad like every single day? Oh, everybody is afraid of Luhan-ssi. I wonder why.’

“Are you okay?”

The latter widened her eyes, before dumbly nodding her head. “i-I am fine.”

“Are you sure? Does it hurts?” he asked gently again, while rubbing her head. Joohyun nodded her head, while staring at the floor. Then, he reached out his hand and caressed her cheek. ‘Ah. Even though Luhan-ssi has a cold expression, his hand is still warm.’

Luhan then smiled at her, and said,” I am glad that you are fine.” Doki! Doki! Doki!


“You know, somehow I still can’t believe that my shy best friend got a boyfriend. And her boyfriend is like the school’s popular male who doesn’t bother to like talk to students,” Yoona commented, as she wore the school jacket.

Joohyun blushed, as she wore her school tie. “It is really surprising to hear such a confession from Luhan-ssi, when he is like so cold,” she added again, while leaning against the locker as she studied Joohyun.

“Sometimes, I feel like this is only a dream.”

Yoona then laughed, as she messed her friend’s hair,” It isn’t dream. I am happy for you, which is why I have a pair of tickets to the amusement park.”

“I don’t get it,” Joohyun replied, while shutting the locker door. “Silly, I am asking you to go on a date with Luhan-ssi.”

“The amusement park as a place for a date?”

“Why not? You guys might even end up holding hands, and even getting your first kiss and l-“

“God, Yoona. Stop being such a kid with those Prince Charming fairytale stories. And also, Joohyun can’t even manage her position as the club manager. It is really surprising that Luhan-ssi took a liking towards her. I mean, look at him. He looks more like those that will fool around with girls, and probably get rid of them when he is sick and tired of her.”

Yoona then hissed through her gritted teeth, while slamming her hand against the locker,” Shut it, Chorong. You are just plain jealous that Luhan-ssi never bothered to throw a glance towards you at all, even though you are like a popular girl in the level.”

“Stop being such a brat, Yoona. I was just concerned for your best friend. I am worried that Luhan-ssi might end up hurting her feelings by saying that she is a boring and not entertaining lady enough for him. That’s all, since she is my club manager anyway.”

“Shut up, Chorong. God, you are so child-“

‘Maybe that is true. Luhan-ssi probably went out with many other girls, and he will find me boring by tomorrow’s date and end up throwing me aside. It is normal, isn’t it? I mean, I expected it coming, but why does my chest hurts so much?’

Joohyun then stared at her locker door with a blank look, while progressing her thoughts silently. “Joohyun, snap out of it! Don’t listen to her, she is just spouting nonsense because she is jealous.”

“W-What if she is correct, Yoona?”

“No, she isn’t correct. Stop having such a thinking.”


‘Whatever they say is true. I am not that fit to be Luhan-ssi’s girlfriend, and I can’t even do my job as a club manager. How am I supposed to be able to be with Luhan-ssi, who is perfect?’

Joohyun clutched her bag strap, while silently thinking to herself, as she kept her gaze on the floor with a blank look. Just then, she bumped into something hard and she winced. “Uh,” she mumbled, when a familiar voice spoke.

“Watch where you are going. You almost fell down the stairs.”


Joohyun was surprised to see Luhan standing in front of her, with an outstretched arm pressing against the wall and she peeked from above his arm. She widened her eyes at the sight of the flight of stairs before her.

“I-I am sorry.”

“It isn’t your fault. Are you okay?” he questioned, while patting her head. Joohyun blushed slightly, while nodding her head. Luhan then cleared his throat awkwardly, before asking,” Can I walk you home today?”

Joohyun looked up, and was surprised to see Luhan’s face a few centimetres away from hers. “Y-Yes.”

Along the way out of the school, Joohyun was walking behind Luhan, while thinking again. ‘I really wonder which part of me does Luhan-ssi likes? I am not aaas cute or pretty as the other girls, but why he chose me?’

“Oh my god, that is Luhan-ssi! He is like so handsome, and handsome. I wish I am dating him.”

Joohyun glanced behind her shoulder, and was not surprised to see the female students gathering at the school gate while fangirling.

‘See, there are girls that are better looking than me.’ Joohyun thought to herself, when she stumbled over her own footing, and widened her eyes as she watched the ground getting closer to her. Then, somebody intertwined his fingers around Joohyun.


She looked up just to see Luhan smiling at her gently. “Let’s hold hands, to prevent you from tripping again,” he smiled, while grasping her hand gently.

“Oh my God, Luhan-ssi smiled for the first time! Ah, I wish that I am that girl. She is so lucky.”

Joohyun’s face then turned red, before she lowered her head while replying,” O-Okay.” ‘I-I can’t give up. I have to prove that I am worthy of Luhan-ssi!’


Luhan stopped in his tracks, and so did Joohyun as she bumped into his back. “Is there something wrong?” he asked, while turning behind to look at her.

Chuckling softly, he reached out and pinched her nose,” I am sorry for pausing suddenly. Is your nose okay?”

“I-It is fine,” she stuttered, while watching Luhan as his smile grew wider while rubbing her nose. “So, is there is something you need?”

Joohyun then widened her eyes, as she nodded her head. “T-T-Tomorrow, do you want to head to the amusement park together?” There was a minute of silence, and she added again,” It is okay if you don’t want to go beca-“

“Okay. I will meet you at your house’s busstop tomorrow then.”


“You want to go to the amusement park, right?”

She nodded her head, and he tightened his grasp around her,” Then, let’s go.” Just as she was about to respond, a high-pitched voice sounded from far.


Before Luhan can even react, a lady popped out from nowhere, and wrapped her arms around Luhan’s neck, and smiled,” Luhan-ah.”

“Let me go,” the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and the girl pouted. “Don’t be so mean, I came all the way here to see you, and you are being so cold. That’s so mean of you!”

Luhan’s cold expression faded back to reality, and Joohyun took a step backwards while her heart raced. ‘W-W-Who is that lady? She is so pretty. Is she L-Luhan-ssi’s g-girlfriend?’

“Oh. I didn’t see you here. You are so small, and cute! Oh my God, Luhan, who is she? Is she your girlfriend?” the lady squealed, as she sprang in front of Joohyun, while examining her from top to toe with sparkling eyes.

Luhan shifted his position, while glancing over his shoulder,” No, she isn’t my girlfriend.”

Joohyun froze in her spot, when she heard the cold words from him. She then studied his side-view, as Luhan avoided her eye contact. “She is just my club manager.”

“Oh, really? I see. I thought there is s-“

“Nothing is going on. Can we move? Joohyun, I am sorry but I need to go now,” Luhan mumbled, before walking down the pavement by himself. The lady then made a face, before smiling at Joohyun,” Sorry, he is such a brat. It was nice meeting you anyway, club manager!”

Joohyun watched silently, as the lady ran after Luhan and slung her arm around his. She stared at their hands, while clutching her skirt. ‘Ouch. M-My chest is very pain. Ah, do I need to see a doctor? Hmm, what is going on?’



Joohyun gently pressed her fingers against her dress to remove the wrinkles, while sitting at the bus stop. Glancing at her watch, she then thought to herself silently,’ I-Is Luhan-ssi going to come? Did I hear it wrongly?’


“Eh?” she jumped up, and turned around to see Luhan dressed in simple and casual clothes. ‘W-Wow. He is still handsome even though with such simple clothes.’

She then flushed a crimson red, before greeting him,” G-Good morning.”

“Joohyun. I-I can’t go to the amusement park today.”


She lifted her head to look at Luhan, and her heart was thumping. She thought she heard him correctly, with him saying that he will go.

“F-Forget it. Let’s go now,” he mumbled, before turning around as he walked towards the direction of the amusement park. Joohyun stared at his back for a second, before dashing forward to catch up.

‘T-This feels weird. Luhan-ssi isn’t being himself.’

And the strange Luhan began acting this way during the whole date, not wearing any expressions. He kept silent most of the times, and Joohyun felt really uneasy. She wondered to herself whether she did something to make him mad or what.

“I will get us some drinks. Stay here, and don’t move,” Luhan ordered, as he glanced over his shoulder towards the big oak tree. He then frowned, and faced Joohyun who was staring at him,” I will be back real soon.”

Before she can even say ‘okay’, Luhan walked off towards the direction where the mart was, as Joohyun watched from behind. Sighing, she hugged her small purse while sitting down on the stone bench,” I wonder what happened to Luhan-ssi. He seems so not like himself.”

She then shifted her attention to the big oak tree, which Luhan was staring at hardly, and furrowed her eyebrows. Just as she was about to stand up, and approach the tree, a few voices caught her attention. Joohyun turned her ehad and watched a few couples, as they walked around hand in hand and acting like a cute and sweet couple.

“Oh, Luhan-ssi and I aren’t like this. Is that normal for couples to do?” she tilted her head slightly to the left, while staring at them with curious eyes. Joohyun wanted to understand Luhan even more, and do like what the other girls are doing.

Staring at them for a few more minutes, Joohyun then frowned as she glanced down at her watch. “That’s strange. Luhan-ssi has be gone for more than 15 minutes, and he isn’t back yet. I wonder he is lost.” Pondering for a few more minutes, she then stood up and walked towards the direction of the path Luhan took.

“There he is! Luhan-ssi!” Joohyun exclaimed from far, as she spotted the familiar figure amongst the trees. Smiling widely, she then quickened her pace towards that direction, and was about to call out his name again when she stopped in her tracks all of a sudden.

Her eyes widened, as she stood behind a big oak tree. Leaning against it for support, she watched Luhan as he made a conversation with the same lady the previous day.

‘W-What is going on?’

“Is she your girlfriend?”

Joohyun clutched the end of her shirt, as she watched Luhan and the lady standing opposite of one another. She held her breath, when the same question the previous day popped out again.

“She is just my club manager.”

‘R-Right. I am just the club manager.’

“No. I told you before, didn’t I? She isn’t my g-“

“Stop lying! If she isn’t your girlfriend, what are you even doing here in the first place? You never liked crowded and noisy places, and now, you are at an amusement park with her. Don’t ever tell me that she isn’t your girlfriend but your club manager.”

Joohyun lowered her head, when she heard that. ‘N-No wonder Luhan-ssi didn’t want to come at all in the first place.’

“I am not dating Joohyun, and also, it wasn’t like I wanted to come here in the first place. She wanted to come, and I just followed along since I owe her.”

“What did you owe her?”

“I borrowed something from her, and accidentally broke it. She wanted to come to the amusement park, and I decided to make it up to her since I broke her stuff.”

‘W-Why is L-Luhan-ssi lying?’

“You could have said so earlier. But, I swear, both of you two looks like a couple.”

“I said that I am not dating her! I don’t like her, and I don’t love her!” Luhan snapped in annoyance.

Just then, Joohyun was unable to remain hiding behind the oak tree as she stumbled forward a footing. Both heads turned around, and Luhan widened his eyes at the sight of her.


The latter then clenched her fists, as she tried to hold back her tears while staring at the ground. “Joohyun, I-“

“I am sorry! I am sorry that I forced you to come to the amusement park when you didn’t like it! I am sorry that I brought you to place that is noisy, and crowded! I am sorry for everything that I did today.  I am sorry, but I got to go,” she cut him off immediately, as she raised her head.

Luhan took a step forward, as he spotted the familiar tears that were flowing down Joohyun’s face. “D-Don’t come any closer! I am sorry!” she yelled, before turning on her heels as she dashed away.


Joohyun was wiping her tears that never seemed to stop as she wandered around the amusement park. ‘M-My chest hurts so much.’

“Hi! Miss, are you sad or are you lost?”


“it seems that you are sad, which is why I am going to bring you into this place where your mood will brighten up immediately!”

A person wearing a mask, spoke as he led Joohyun towards an entrance of a hut. Patting her shoulder, he led her inside and yelled,” Okay, there is one out here so do your jobs!”

Before Joohyun can even ask where she was, the man shut the door and all that was left was darkness. Her heart thumped loudly against her chest, while she studied her surroundings features or rather than trying to feel the surroundings.

“I-Is there anybody there?” she asked, as her voice cracked slightly. One thing that Joohyun is scared of since young is darkness. She hates it a lot, and now being trapped in a dark room alone simply made things worse and worse.

Joohyun crouched down, as she sobbed softly. Just then, a cold hand reached out and grabbed her ankle and she screamed loudly. Jumping to her feet, she ran back to the starting point, and threw her arms somebody, while whimpering,” S-Save me! This is creepy!”


Then, somebody grabbed her wrist and spun her around and she crashed into something hard, and warm. Something that was so familiar, and she buried her face into while sobbing.

“Silly. If you want to hug someone, you should at least hug me and not somebody else!”


“What are you doing here?” Luhan asked, his tone much more calm and gentle as he pressed her to his chest as she clutched on to his chest. “I-I don’t know. S-Somebody shoved me into her. I-I am scared, Luhan-ssi!”

Just then, she felt her legs being lifted up from the ground and a pair of strong arms were carrying her bridal style, while she kept her face in Luhan’s chest, and her hands grasping on tightly to his shirt.

“Running off like this without even allowing me to explain, do you know how worried I was?” his voice rumbled against her ear, as she sobbed. ‘L-Luhan-ssi is mad.’

Joohyun then felt Luhan stopped in his tracks, and then felt him sitting down. “I-I am sorry,” she whispered, her voice shaking slightly as she released his grip and tried to pull back when Luhan tightened his hug around her.

“D-Don’t move.”

There was a second of silence, and then Luhan pulled her closer to him while straddling her on his lap. “I-I can get down now.”

“No, don’t go. Just stay like this.”

“B-But we aren’t dating.”

Even though she was leaning against his chest, and her eyes shut, Joohyun can sense that Luhan had tensed up. “I-I am sorry. I made you cry again.”

“I-It’s o-“

“So, she is your girlfriend!”

Joohyun raised her head at the voice of the intruder, and widened her eyes. It was the lady back then talking to Luhan, as she questioned him about the duo’s relationship.

“So what if she is? Just stay out of my affairs!” Luhan exclaimed, as he frowned. Joohyun looked up at his expression, and realised that he was angry. Angrier than he was at her previously.

She then slowly reached out, and pressed her hand against his cheek while mumbling,” D-Don’t get mad.” “J-Joohyun,” he stuttered, as he gazed down at her.

“Stop acting so loving with her, you rascal! Put her down, and see how much you made her cry.”

“You took part in making her cry, and I won’t forgive you!”

Joohyun then frowned at the sight of them arguing,” W-Why are you two arguing?”

“Because she is being mean to you,” Luhan responded immediately. He then faced the lady, and hissed,” Noona, just stay out of my affairs! I am really sick and tired of you and the others running my life, by trying to figure out my girlfriend. Why are you like Mother and Father? Are you pleased if you see your little brother not getting a girlfriend?”

‘N-Noona? L-Little brother?’

The lady then rolled her eyes, as she crossed her arms across her chest,” Of course not, stupid. As your older sister, I am just concerned for you and how is that wrong? Look, I am just playing my role as an elder sister and I have the rights to be worried over you. Also, it was really surprising to see my younger brother coming home with a bright smile, or humming a tune.”

“What is wrong with that?”

The lady then smirked,” My dear little brother, in your whole life, you never smiled before and suddenly, you are grinning like an idiot and I wanted to know why. I figured out that you either fell in love, or you got something that you want. Spotting you walking with this girl, I realised that you got both options, and I linked them together and concluded that she is your girlfriend.”

“Now that you got it right, will you leave?”


“But you g-“

Joohyun then cleared , as she cut Luhan off,” I-It is nice meeting you.” The lady then broke into a smile, while waving her hand,” I am sorry if I created a misunderstanding between the both of you, but he didn’t want to let anybody know about our relationship.

“I-I can understand.”

“Also, I want to thank you.”

Luhan then rolled his eyes, as he grew more protective,” Leave, sis. I don’t want to see you anymore.”

“I want to thank you for making my brother smile. As his older sister, I never once saw him smile that brightly, and I owe this to you. T-Thank you so much,” the older lady smile, while walking towards them.

She then patted Joohyun’s head, and chuckled,” I can tell why my brother has fallen for you.”

At the point of saying this, Luhan’s face turned red, while he looked away. “Sis, leave.”

“Fine, I will go now. Don’t worry, I won’t disturb you and your personal life anymore. I am happy for you. See ya’.”

Then, both of them watched as Luhan’s sister took her leave. “I-I can stand up now, Luhan-ssi.”

“No, let me explain first. I-I didn’t tell her about our relationship isn’t because I am embarrassed about you or what. It is because I know that she will be up to something. Then, when she asked me about our relationship, I denied and ended up hurting you. I-I am sorry.”

Joohyun watched as Luhan lowered his head, while his face turning red,” I-I only want you to feel happy around me, but I always end up making you cry. I’ll definitely try my best to make you happy, and also, keep you away from crying and sadness. I will try my best, so p-please don’t hate me, Joohyun.”

‘A-Ah. It is the same as my thinking. I tried to be a better girl for him.’

“W-What do you like about me? I-I am not as pretty as the other girls, and neither am I cute. W-Why me, Luhan-ssi?”

“There is no reason to why I love you. I love you for you who you are, so don’t feel insecure of yourself. I like everything about you, which is why, all your good points will only be seen by me,” he whispered against her face, while leaning in.

Joohyun shut her eyes, as Luhan gently pressed his lips against hers. As he pulled apart, Joohyun let out a shaky breath while watching the smile on his face grew wider.

“B-But I don’t get it still, why me? I just want to know. I want to know why Luhan-ssi likes me.”

“Why do you want to know? I told you not to worry anymore, because I like everything about you.”

“I-I want to prove to everyone that I am worthy of you, and that I am compatible to you.”

Luhan then smiled warmly, while cupping her cheek,” You are worth of me. Do you remember when you were around the age of like five, and you were playing in the playground. Then, you helped this young boy around your age who fell, and had tons and tons of bruises. You helped his wounds, and even brought him to your home.”


“And then, that boy somehow developed a high fever at your house, and you stayed the whole night to look after him even though your mother told you to sleep. You did make a mess by spilling the water on the floor, but then you still stayed by his side to squeeze the cloth, and make sure his temperature never rises.”

“H-How do you know?”

Luhan then leaned forward, and pressed his forehead against hers,” Because that time, I was that young boy who fell in love with the girl, who simply is clumsy, but kind and caring. I liked her ever since then, not because you brought me or what. It is because your sincerity of staying up the whole night to look after me. I didn’t fall for the girl who thinks that she is ugly or what. Honestly, I think that you are the most beautiful girl ever, and I love you because of your kindness and everthing. If anybody says that you are not worthy of me, or that you aren’t compatible with me, don’t listen because every part of you is worth every part of me.”


First kiss. First date. Everything with Luhan is always the ‘firsts’. Like how he is my first boyfriend. It is funny, because I can never understand why Luhan will take a liking to me, and somehow, I want to prove that I am worthy of him, that I am compatible with him.

Luhan is my first love, and I am going to treasure my time with him. The hands that he carried me with, I am never going to let go of them ever again.

Luhan-ssi, if you are reading this, I just want to tell you that I love you, and I am going to show to everyone that I am worthy of you. My first love, there is no way that I am going to let him go.



[ A/N ] hi guys. so like i have officially ended this story, and i am really sorry for the long awatied update along with this short story! my school has just began, and every single day, i have homework packed to like the brim. than you to those who suppported me, and even upvoted for the story! ily guys, and please do wait for the other stories' updates, or perhaps new stories. :) ily!




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Chapter 2: Wow! I find it odd that since a young age he never forgot about her until they were older. I guess when your're in love nothing matters from the outside. I like this story a lot. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Up vote! :)
Chapter 2: Can't believe I didn't finish reading!!!!
Love this!!
Chapter 2: Lovely story .. i really2 love this story
eugenenni #4
Chapter 2: Oh sweet I love this story!!! Thanks author-nim^^
Kpopseohan #5
Chapter 2: Omg. This is so nice!!!! Pls write more of this kind of stories author nim!!! Thx !!!
s_juhyun #6
Chapter 2: This story is so lovely and touching <3 please update more often author-nim because i think i become addicted to read your fanfic :)
eugenenni #7
Chapter 1: OMO they are so lovely!!! Thanks for the update author-nim^^
Chapter 1: Waaa So Sweet .. UPDATE SOON ..
Chapter 1: This is so good!!!
I can't even explain:3
Update soon~^^