
The Space Between
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Baekhyun couldn't believe at what his looking at right now. It was a lingerie set.

His two friends couldn't help but laugh at him and soon enough they were on the floor laughing hysterically with one hand on their stomachs. Baekhyun could feel his face heating up because of what was in front of him.

"SNSD collectibles, you say? Good job, trying to cover it up, Baek. I didn't know you're into lingerie sets!" His friend, Luhan mocked him as he still kept laughing.

"Woah, Baek. C cup? For a guy like you? Damn, I didn't know you had big s!" His other friend, Chanyeol joined him and they both received death glares from the embarassed boy but they ignored it and kept laughing.

He could feel his blood rising and the first thing he did was smack both of their heads because of how annoying they were but inside, he was very embarassed. How did his supposedly SNSD collectibles change into something more feminine? Was it perhaps some sick joke? He was very confused

"Shut up! I didn't even know why there's a lingerie set here!" Baekhyun picked up the box and looked around to see if there was something else besides that but he found nothing. He threw the box across the room in frustration but it ended up being picked up by Luhan.

'Who'd you buy this for? Your mom? Your girlfriend? Our y teacher?" Luhan continued with the teasing but this time, he received smacks from both Baekhyun and Chanyeol because of his ertedness.

"ert!" They both screamed at him and he continued laughing.

"I seriously had no idea why there's a lingerie set here instead of my collectibles!" Baekhyun sighed in frustration as he looked at the box carefully.

"Wait, what if the delivery man sent it to the wrong adress?" Chanyeol, always being the smart one amongst them asked and that gave him an idea. And, Chanyeol was indeed right.

Baekhyun's dorm number is 90028-A and on the box, it only said 90028 and that was absolutely incorrect.

"Are they really that stupid to get the address wrong? I mean my address clearly has a A on it while that address doesn't!" Baekhyun was fuming in anger. This has already caused him too much embarassment and he's gonna make those people who did this pay and that is, if he can and unfortunately he can't.

"Calm down Baek, that was an honest mistake. Anyone could've mistakenly switched it between the two." Chanyeol carefully explained to try to calm Baekhyun down and it definitely helped

"I really do hope so." Baekhyun nodded his head slowly as he leaned his back towards the couch.

"Wait, theres a number here directing to the person who bought this!" Luhan exclaimed as he looked at the box

"Maybe you can call whoever this person is then!" Chanyeol pointed out.

Eunji can't help but scream in frustration and fortunately, her friends didn't hear her scream because their laughters were louder. It wasn't what she was expecting and instead she found tons of posters, albums, and wristbands of a certain girl group called Girls' Generation. Where was her lingerie set? Eunji didn't know and she kept looking inside the box. No wonder it was so heavy.

She sighed heavily and sat down on her bed, carefully looking looking for any mistakes the shipper might've made and yup, there was a mistake.

The address..... it's supposed to be 90028 not 90028-A! How can this happen!

She again sighed in frustration as she looked at the box, even turning it upside down to look for her lingerie set but, there was completely nothing but SNSD collectibles and this completely perplexed her.

"Yah, Jung Eunji! Where are

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ExoPinkBaekJi #1
Chapter 3: Your story sooooooooo GOOD please update
pinkpanda_junghyerim #2
Chapter 3: its nice,
update soon author
Jolyne #3
Chapter 3: Nice story
LeeJinki-s #4
seems interesting
Chapter 3: Oh my god!!! xD LOL is something gonna happen between Eunji and Luhan? LOLOLOL forever love Eunji with everyone~~~ Update soon pleaseeee <3
Chapter 3: Thank god Baek doesn't say much about the lingerie ㅋㅋㅋ.
Chapter 2: this is so hilarious~! xD eunji must be really embarrassed because it's a girl thing....and baekhyun calm down(?) your SNSD collectibles will be return xD oh yeah I'm anticipate with their first meet face to face.
update soon author-nim ^^
Chapter 2: Oh update sooooon. This is funny okay
Chapter 1: OMG! The boyish Eunji bought a set of lingerie ?! Gosh, it's so funny. ▶﹏◀
Chapter 1: I really miss them T_T
Thank you so much for making their stories^^ I'm very happy :D