Chapter Twenty-Seven

You're My Destiny

Jinyoung cut the onion carefully. He wants to cook something for Danny. It’s already late. He glanced at Danny who’s sleeping on the sofa.

“Ah!” Jinyoung instantly pulled his hand from the cutting board. He saw blood was flowing from the cut. Jinyoung’s step to the sink stopped as he heard a knock on the door. He immediately went to the door and opened it.

Jinyoung was shocked to see Mark outside. His heart beat faster than usual as he met with Mark’s eyes.

“What are you doing here? If you want to talk about work, I think this is not a suitable time.” Jinyoung said after a long silence. He looked away from Mark.

“I’m not going to talk about work.” Mark said as he crossed his arms.

“If it’s like that, I don’t see the purpose why you’re here. So, you better go home now.” Jinyoung said and wanted to close the door, but it was stopped by Mark.

“What’s wrong with you? Get out from my house now.” Jinyoung controlled his voice. He didn’t want to wake Danny up. But Mark went inside his house and walked to Danny who’s sleeping on the sofa. He caressed his soft hair as he misses the kid.

“Sir...” Jinyoung seems shocked with his action. Mark suddenly got up and went to him.

“Marry me?” Mark asked him, making Jinyoung widened his eyes.

“What?! Don’t try to be funny!” Jinyoung gritted his teeth. Mark looked calm in front of him.

“I’m not trying to be funny. I’m serious. Let’s get married.” Mark grabbed his arm as he let out those words.

“Do you even realize what you’re saying? I’m Jackson’s fiancé. You better get out from my house now. Let me go!” Jinyoung struggled to let his arm go from Mark’s grip.

“I’m not letting you go before you agree to marry me.” Mark said as he pushed Jinyoung to the wall.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you that desperate? Why did you force me to marry you?” Jinyoung braved himself to stare at Mark’s eyes. Mark leaned closer to his face.

“Because Danny is my son!” Mark finally told him. Those words made Jinyoung stunned for a while. How did he know? Jinyoung then quickly shook his head.

“What are you saying? Danny is my son!” Jinyoung glared at him. Mark then put one of his hands on the wall, beside Jinyoung’s head.

“I knew it from the DNA test. You can’t lie to me. I want my son too!” Mark said. Jinyoung then slapped his cheek hard, making Mark stumbled backwards.

“He’s my son! You don’t have the right on him!” Jinyoung snapped at him. Mark seems a bit shocked seeing Jinyoung got angry. Mark then took a breath and loosens his neck tie.

“He’s my son too. You can’t hide the fact.” Mark said calmly.

“Your son? Aren’t you embarrassed to admit Danny as your son? Didn’t you say he’s my son with another man? And one more thing, aren’t you ashamed to marry a cheap person like me? Your reputation will completely drop!” Jinyoung let out his anger. Mark then bit his lips.

“I know I was wrong. I’m really sorry. Can we start all over?” Mark suggested as he leaned closer to Jinyoung. Jinyoung then slapped his cheek again.

“What the-“

“That was nothing compared to all things that you done to me! You’ve ruined my life! Peoples think badly of me! You don’t know how hard I lived all this time! You-“

Mark shut him up with a kiss. Jinyoung widened his eyes as he was pushed to the wall and Mark kissed him.

“You talk too loud.” Mark said as he broke the kiss. He then sighed before he put his hand beside Jinyoung’s head.

‘How dare he kiss me?!’ Jinyoung thought.

“Give me a chance to fix everything.” Mark said softly.

“Someone like you didn’t deserve a chance. Get out from my house and don’t appear in front of me again!” Jinyoung pushed Mark from being too close to him. He then looked away from him.

“Danny is my son. I’m his dad!” Mark told him as in matter of fact.

“Danny didn’t have a worse dad like you! It is better if he doesn’t know about you!” Jinyoung replied him, making Mark’s heart hurts. Did Jinyoung really hate him?

“I have a right on him. You better stop dreaming to marry Jackson. You’ll be mine!” Mark stated and Jinyoung was about to slap him again, but Mark was quick to grab his wrist. He didn’t want to be slapped again. It’s really hurt! He tightens his grip on Jinyoung as he thought of it.

“Yah, it’s hurt!” Jinyoung whimpered as he wanted Mark to let go of him. His eyes started to brim into tears.

“I’m being serious here. I-“ Mark didn’t finish his words and Jinyoung stopped struggling. Both of them looked at Danny who’s crying on the sofa. The tears kept flowing from his eyes as he saw Mark and Jinyoung fought. Mark and Jinyoung stunned for a while. They forgot that Danny was asleep. Danny must be shocked seeing the argument between them.

“Umma... Umma...” Danny continued to sob as he called Jinyoung. Jinyoung freed himself from Mark’s grip who already loose and went to Danny. He caressed Danny’s hair and wiped away his tears.

 “Danny, don’t cry. Umma is here.” Jinyoung tried to persuade his son but his tears started to fall on his cheeks. He couldn’t hold it anymore.

Mark who looked at the scene felt guilty. His heart bled when he saw Jinyoung and Danny in tears. Mark wanted to fix everything but he just made Jinyoung more hurt. He felt so stupid.

“Please get out from here.” Jinyoung said as he tried to hold his tears from keep flowing. Mark then walked out from the house with his heavy heart. A tear started to drop from his eyes.

‘I’m sorry, Jinyoung-ah.’ Mark thought.

A/N : What had  you done, Mark? >.<

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I can't make double or triple update today... :'(


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moonchildern #1
Chapter 40: aww markjin family is so sweet im happy they finally got together (´∀`)♡

but i feel bad for jackson. my jinson heart hurts </3 i hope he’ll find his soulmate and be happy
moonchildern #2
Chapter 36: ohh noo baby dan i hope he’s okay t_t
moonchildern #3
Chapter 33: awww i love jinyoung and jaebeom relationship (^ω^)
moonchildern #4
Chapter 5: ughh it’s still early to say this and i know i’ll be saying this again for the next next next chapter but i really hate mark here. what’s wrong with his attitude omg i just wanna punch him in the face for hurting my jinyoungie o( -_-)9@
Kookie9 #5
I can't believe Jinyoung will end with a ...
I'm out byebye~
Kookie9 #6
Chapter 38: Yaaaay my Jinson heart is so happy !
Kookie9 #7
Chapter 30: I never commented before bc I was so engrossed in the story but I LOVE YOUR STORY SO DAMN MUCH !
I'm so happy with how things are going , Mark deserve all the pain for everything he's done , I really hope the endgame is Jinson or JJP :))
Chapter 33: I love jjp
Chapter 23: Yes please torture him for a long time, after all he has done, he deserves to suffer before a markjin ending lol (or i hope so.. I am not opposed to jjp or jinson at all haha!)
Chapter 11: Jaebum's for team Jacks!!! Yay