Happy New Years!

New Years!

December 25, 2014

Hakyeon and Jaehwan were still laughing their heads off when Wonshik finally woke up. He was well aware of what happened, too. The rapper rose to his feet and stretched, trying not to seem embarrassed or acknowledging what happened. He stared at the two laughing idiots as if they were crazy—which they probably were.

“What are you laughing about?” he asked. “Where’d Taekwoon-hyung go?”

Hakyeon glanced at Jaehwan and shrugged. “He got annoyed by the noise and left. Check his room. He probably won’t want anyone to bother him, but you can try. He seems to treat you better than he treats me anyways.”

Wonshik knew that the leader was most likely lying. He glanced at Hongbin, who smiled and winked at him for seemingly no apparent reason. But Wonshik knew it was almost…a good luck sign. Hongbin was someone who actually knew how Wonshik felt about Taekwoon. Mainly because the ‘artwork’ overheard him mumbling about the vocalist and staring at him.

Wonshik sighed and knocked on the door he suspected Taekwoon to be in, reliving what he had felt in his half-conscious nap. He could hear the majority of what was happening; was actually getting ready to wake up after hearing the music. But then he heard Hakyeon go crazy about something and before he could open his eyes, felt someone’s—Taekwoon’s—lips against his own. It was a feeling he’d never experienced, but had always wanted to.

“Go away…” Taekwoon’s voice said moodily from the other side of the door. “I don’t want to hear how ‘priceless’ that was, N-hyung.”

“It’s not Hakyeon-hyung.” Wonshik replied after clearing his throat. “It’s me, Ravi—er, Wonshik.”

There was a long silence. Wonshik almost considered leaving, but then the door opened and Taekwoon’s beautiful yet indifferent face appeared in front of Wonshik. Wonshik’s eyes flickered across the main vocalists face for a moment. Taekwoon crossed his arms, waiting for the rapper to say something about what he wants.

“I…I’m still a bit tired…” Wonshik lied. “And it’s too loud out there. Can I stay in here?”

Taekwoon hesitated slightly. His mouth twitched slightly and he shifted his weight awkwardly. “Sure. I guess so. Just…don’t hit me in your sleep.”

Wonshik gave a slightly dry laugh. “I’ll try not to. Thanks, hyung.”

Taekwoon moved aside and allowed Wonshik into the room. Wonshik smiled slightly and unfolded one of the blankets in the room. Taekwoon watched silently, unsure what to do. Should he say something about the mistletoe kiss Hakyeon forced them to have? But what if Wonshik didn’t know about it? He stared at the younger as he got settled into the makeshift bed the members used and waited until the male seemed to be asleep.

“I’m sorry, Wonshik-ah…” Taekwoon muttered. “I—I just want to test something…”

With that, unaware that Wonshik was only pretending to be asleep, Taekwoon approached the blonde haired rapper and kissed him on the lips again. And it honestly took everything in Wonshik not to kiss back. The way they acted towards each other changed a lot after that day.


December 31, 2014


The minutes to a new year are slowly ticking. The members of VIXX are all standing or sitting in front of their big window; a perfect view for the fireworks show that would happen at midnight. Of course, all the members have some kind of alcohol—champagne of course, among others. Well, all members but Sanghyuk. Hakyeon didn’t want their maknae to be drinking, even if he technically is barely legal by now.

Taekwoon and Wonshik are sitting next to each other, but trying to avoid each other at the same time. Hakyeon finds their interactions amusing. Especially during the past week since Christmas. They’ll only talk to each other if one asks the other for something, or if they need to discuss practicing for something. However, if a member bothers one of them, the other will be there in a second to shut the member up.

“Do you think Taekwoonie likes Wonshikkie?” Hakyeon wonders quietly to Jaehwan.

“I thought that was the whole point of that mistletoe thing we did…” Jaehwan replies. “To try and get them together.”

“Let’s try to get them together again.” Hakyeon decides. “All we need to do is get one drunk.”

“Isn’t there a belief that if you’re drunk, you act the complete opposite from normal?” Jaehwan questions. “If that’s true, then getting Taekwoon-hyung drunk will cause him to speak his mind and probably be more affectionate.”

“Jaehwan-ah, you’re a genius!” Hakyeon exclaims louder than expected. Taekwoon looks over a little confusedly, as does Wonshik. Hongbin and Sanghyuk just laugh. Hakyeon coughs nervously. “He just uh…came up with a good episode for VIXXTV…yeah. R-right Jaehwannie?”

“Yeah. Totally.” Jaehwan responds. “But—I won’t tell you yet. It’s a secret~”

Wonshik eyes the two suspiciously. Hakyeon laughs awkwardly and offers Wonshik more beer, to which Wonshik accepts curiously, but ends up splitting with Taekwoon because Wonshik, surprisingly, isn’t one too drink too much, and only ever drinks half of each bottle he’s given. Which, in all honesty, is good for Hakyeon. The more Taekwoon drinks, the better. As long as Wonshik is near him.

“Guys, guys!” Sanghyuk shouts excitedly. “It’s 11:59! One more minute left!”

Wonshik grins. “Another year together as one!”

Hongbin eyes his watch, waiting for the seconds to go. Hakyeon watches Taekwoon, deep in thought about how to make this plan work. Taekwoon notices Hakyeon staring and gives him an intense glare back. Wonshik looks over too.

“Hyung…why are you staring at Taekwoon-hyung like that…?” he asks.

“None of your business Ravi.” Hakyeon says in mock-rudeness. “Why does it matter to you why I stare at a person? You stare at Leo-yah all the time and we don’t question you.”

Wonshik stares at Hakyeon in shock. “Did you really—hyung! Why would you say that?!”

Taekwoon’s eyes are now on Wonshik. Meanwhile, Hongbin and Sanghyuk are counting down the seconds. By now, though, only Jaehwan is paying attention to the time. Hakyeon is actually amused by his abrupt comment about Wonshik staring at Taekwoon all the time. Wonshik is annoyed at Hakyeon for blurting that out. And Taekwoon is surprised hearing the comment, and also interested in hearing more. Suddenly, Hakyeon has an easier idea to getting one of them to confess.


“Because I know the truth.” Hakyeon says with a mischievous smirk.


“Hakyeon-hyung, don’t say it.” Wonshik says in response. “Don’t you dare say it!”


“Say what?” Hakyeon teases. That you l—”


Hyung!” Wonshik exclaims. “Are you trying to embarrass me?”


“If you don’t say it, I will.” Hakyeon says. “You need to come clean and just admit you like him!”


Wonshik isn’t sure what to say. It’s out. The seconds are ticking. Four seconds left until the New Year. Taekwoon’s eyes are burning through the back of his head. Three seconds. Wonshik thinks about the ‘test kiss’ Taekwoon gave him after he pretended to be asleep. Two seconds. This is it. It’s now or never. He turns to face Taekwoon next to him.


“Taekwoon hyung…” Wonshik says quickly. Hongbin and Sanghyuk shout out ‘Happy New Years!’ “I—I’ve been thinking about this since Christmas. And—and…”

Before Wonshik can even finish his sentence, Taekwoon grabs his face and smashes their lips together. Wonshik’s body screams to do something, but Taekwoon pulls away too quickly. This better not be another ‘test’ kiss. Wonshik stares at Taekwoon. Hakyeon stares at both of them eagerly.

“Wonshik-ah…” Taekwoon says almost inaudibly. “It’s okay. I—I like you too…”

Wonshik’s eyes widen. Hakyeon gets pulled into a mini party by Jaehwan. Leaving Taekwoon and Wonshik momentarily alone, or at least unwatched. Wonshik bites his lips nervously, unsure what to do or say in response to that.

“I—I…really?” he manages. “But—”

“Just come here.” Taekwoon demands almost threateningly as he stands up and offers his arms for a hug.

Wonshik stares at Taekwoon for a second, then smiles and wraps his arms around Taekwoon happily. Taekwoon runs a hand through Wonshik’s hair, then pulls away just enough to capture Wonshik’s lips in a chaste kiss. Wonshik returns the kiss, and, as if on cue, a firework goes off. The two smile at each other faintly and give each other one last kiss before parting. They turn towards the window and watch the rest of the fireworks go off, happy to be together—literally—on New Year’s.

Word Count: 1421

A/N: Here's the continuation people have been wanting for Under the Mistletoe! Hope it satisfies your needs ('cause we all have those OTP needs). 

ALSO. I'd like to make notice to my fanfiction contest, which only has one entry! Prizes are decent! I was originally going to make it end today (Dec 31), but since there's not many entries, I'll just make it until I think I have enough contestants. So...Tell your friends! There ARE requirements, but I'm sure some people are interested in them! Contest link here! Go see~

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Chapter 1: My feels. Oh gosh. I'm a melted pile of gooy fluff
Chapter 1: Waaahhhh!!!Cuuuttee and sweet!!! New Year's kisses are always so romantic!! WonTaek are adorable!!
Chapter 1: Aww thank you so much for this story <3<3<3
hominho #5
Chapter 1: You did it!!!!!! New Year's is probably my fave holiday. Anyway, thank you thank you for this sequel. I loved it!! :))
awww tooo cuteee