My Turn To Cry

Miracles In December




"SEHUN!" Mummy called out for around the fifth time, and finally the lone boy on the snowy hillock seemed to hear her. 

"Oh mom!" he gasped, looked around and said, "Shall we snow board down? It's funner that way." He seemed to have gotten a positive response, because he pulled down two large pieces of tree bark, sat tight on one, and wriggled his body down like the worm he truly was, till he slid down off the edge, making Mummy let out a little gasp: "Be careful, child," she said, rushing out.

"You doing all these risky games with that Kai boy?" She questioned, with a disapproving look pasted on her face.

"But Mummy..."
Wrong answer. The look grew sterner.

"Sehun, keep this up, and I'll have to stop you from seeing Kai."

The look of absolute horror on the boy's face made guilt cloud Mummy's mind momentarily; was she making the right decision, telling him to stay away from the best friend he had imagined, just to protect him from the possibility of him disappearing?
But Kai disappearing - is was inevitable. She may as well help get Sehun used to it now.

"We should go see your old friends more often. Baekhyun is recovering, I heard. And what's his cousin's name? Dyo? Do?"

- "D.O," muttered Sehun.

"Yes, him. You can go see him too!"

"But that hyung is scary! He-" Sehun went no further, stopped by the disapproving look Mummy gave him; "Fine..." he gave in with a sigh.

"That's my good boy," she patted him on his head.



It was an unbelievably awkward meeting, and one would not be able to imagine that once they were the closest of friends - well, Sehun had been closer to Suho hyung than any of the others, except maybe, Baekhyun hyung, but Baekie hadn't come yet, and it was just Kyungsoo and Sehun, seated across each other, silent, waiting.
Both Mummies had gone further down the hospital corridor, chatting away, while their two sons sat in a heavily contrasting silence.

Sehun began to fidget with his huge feet and fingers, restless and bored with the awkwardness.

"Sit still," snapped Kyungsoo, making the atmosphere, if possible, more awkward. It didn't help that Sehun's memory of their last interaction was just as, if not more, awkward.


It was a fun day; the last time they had super-fun together as all five of them; Last year… too long ago.

All the Mummies and Daddies had planned together, and decided to take the boys to Lotto world. It was all fun, games, rides and prizes (Sehun won a soft toy that day, which he decided to call Pinku Pinku, and whose side he had never left since that day, although all his other toys eventually got abandoned); all laughter and happiness till....

After a thoroughly wet (and violent) water-ride, and a thorough (and violent) rub down by the adults with the towels they hadn't forgotten to pack, the now starving and spent kids headed to the little cafe inside the theme park, and soon were wolfing down the hot sausages and fries.

"Gimme sauce, more sauce!!!" demanded Chanyeol, outstretching his long limbs and sticky fingers.

"I think you've got enough, Yeollie," said Suho, looking pointedly at Chanyeol's sauce-covered hands and shirt-front, not missing the red splotches on the boy's crazy wind-blown hair and all around his plate, not to mention each sausage on the said plate daybed with an inch-thick coating of sauce. Equally sauce-daubed Baekhyun next to him pit his sticky hands to his mouth to hide a snicker, and earned himself an equally disgusted look from his hyung.

"Yah, Maknaeyah," Kyungsoo poked Sehun's side after watching this whole interaction with wide eyes.

"Hmm?" Sehun turned around with his mouth full of chips.

"You know where sauce comes from?”

Still chewing, the youngest shook his head. Kyungsoo leant close with an evil glint in his eyes, and whispered, "They squash monkeys to get their blood and juice to make sauce."

Eyes grew wide, as the gears slowly clicked into place in Sehun's mind. It took some time for the boy to process, but when it did....


"Sehun, are you alright?"

         Everyone crowded around the boy who had spat out his chips, jumped out of his seat, and was now frantically rubbing at his tongue - everyone, that is, but Kyungsoo, who was well aware of what had caused the youngest's outburst and seemingly retarded action, and was taking a quiet giggle at the back row, out of everyone's line of site.

"Hunnie?" The ever-concerned Suho stepped closer, "what's the matter?"
Sehun tried to speak, but the only words that tumbled out of his mouth were, "Monkey juice," which didn't really help his situation: As soon as those words were said, dumb and dumber started hooting with laughter, slapping each other numb.

Suho shot the two a poisonous glance; "It's not a laughing matter, you two. You should apologize."

However the seriousness of the situation registered in their minds a moment too late, when Sehun began to choke. Eyes wide, the giant lumber closer to the small boy to apologize as Suho had suggested, but Sehun only saw a giant figure covered with monkeybloodandjuice, reaching out a hand to...

"YOU'RE NOT GONNA SQUASH ME AND GET MY MONKEYBLOODANDJUICE!!!" Sehun opened his mouth and wailed, earning confused looks from everyone except Kyungsoo, who seemed almost ...guilty! 
'Maybe he had taken this one step too far...'

But before he could warn anyone, or explain what was going on, sauce-covered — or rather, monkeybloodandjuice-covered Baekhyun had bound like a puppy over to Sehun, said "Don't worry," and had given him a big hug. Sehun's eyes widened, as he puked all over the other boy, and a moment later, eyes rolled up as he fell limp in the other's arms, falling into his own vomit.



Looking at Kyungsoo's small and neat figure, Sehun felt the sour taste of bile rise along with the equally sour memory. The rest of that day had been so... embarrassing.

Sehun had fainted.
Sehun had vomited all over himself and Baekhyun.
Sehun had been taken to hopital.
The festivities had ended abruptly, and they had all gone home, afraid their maknae had suddenly gotten some incurable disease.

And when the truth came out, (Baekhyun had somehow weaseled the whole story out of guilt-ridden Kyungsoo, who had refused to show his face since) Sehun became the laughing stock.


“You *do* know that is not how sauce is made, right?" Suho kept pestering him, (though of course he had no idea he was increasing the boy's embarrassment. He genuinely thought he was helping.)
"You make sauce with squashed tomatoes, not squashed monkeys!"
"Everyone knows that!" Chanyeol added, with a hoot of laughter.

As Baekhyun says: kkaebsong~



Finally Baekhyun is wheeled into the corridor, bringing Sehun's and Kyungsoo's awkward confrontation to a (thankful) end. A wide smile spreads on Baekhyun's tired face, when he sees his Chingus. 

"Sehunnah~" he grins, "Long time no see! Shall we go play something in the game room, D.O-yah?"

"This hopital ("Hospital!" corrects Kyungsoo, with a nudge to Sehun's side) has a game room?!" Sehun gasps with awe.

Baekhyun nods ferociously. "It's daebak! You must check it out!"


The game room turns out to be every bit as daebak as Baekhyun described, with board games stacked in the corner, a whole mini-basketball court, (which Sehun could proudly say he was taller than if he stood on tippy-toes) and a real pool table that the adults made clear they weren't even allowed to go near.
"Awethome..." whispers Sehun, stars in his eyes.

It turns out that the adults had left the three boys alone in the game-room, trusting them to be responsible nearly-teenagers. It wasn't the smartest decision on their part: everyone (who is a nearly-teenager only) knows that the moment adults are out of sight, Kyungsoo transforms into SatanSoo.
"Let's play with the pool," a smile creeps up his face, as he walks deliberately towards the tall pool table.

"But..." Sehun begins, when Baekhyun says, "waaaait~" and charges his wheelchair (whose brakes he hadn't fully figured out yet) straight into the table. He may have hit too hard... because in the next few minutes, all that descends into the room is chaos.

Baekhyun falls out of the wheelchair, and a large gash laces his forehead, blood oozing freely from it. His cousin's already bulging eyes bulged out more at the scene unfolding before him, and he runs over to the fallen boy. Scattered pool balls roll restlessly on the floor-

 ...and Sehun just stands there, watching, unsure what he could do to help.


No one knew how or when the alarms started -maybe it was because one pool ball had flown right through the window, cracking a jagged circle in the glass- but within seconds, various adults pour into the room, dripping concern everywhere.

The sight of so many adults in one place, and the noise they brought in with them, panics Sehun, who looks for any excuse to get out of there. That is when he spots a patch of red in the grey world. A pool ball... the one which had flown through the window, had landed in the middle of the busy street.
"I'll go get it." Sehun decides.

Being the slight and silent maknae he was, Sehun has no problem at all slipping out unnoticed. He takes a quick peep back into the crowded room, now on the other side if the window, and when he is sure he's not missed, he trots towards the center of the road, hands outstretched like a blind person.

The boy perks up at the voice he would recognize anywhere.

There he stands on the other aide of the road, blue shorts exposing cold knees and toes and that yellow skinny beneath the red sweater as always. Wind plays at the shoulder length hair, and Sehun feels it is too long since he had last seen his bestfriendforlife. The dark brown hand waves frantically, and the dazzling white smile hits Sehun full in the face, lighting him up with a warmth that could melt winter away.

"Kai!!" Sehun calls out, crossing the road faster, with more confidence now.
As always, like they were a part of the same body, of the same mind, Kai knew what to do without Sehun having to say a word.
"This, no?" he bends and picks up the red ball. "Here, catch," he grins.

Sehun catches it.
     A car comes out of nowhere.
                 And the lights go out.

{End of part four: “My Turn to Cry"}


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OMO! Guys I'm so sorry- In the first part of MID, I had left out a CHUNK! I realised only now, when ...using this story for my project- MIANHAE OTL


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jaeyeoncs #1
Chapter 5: Hi there! I apologize for not reading this last chapter sooner. I guess I missed it when I was checking story updates, and I feel really bad because it's a bit late. = ( But nevertheless, I really loved this ending, even though the angsty feels hit me in the beginning of the chapter, but when Sehun's mom told him about the new neighbors, I knew it would be Kai. I really love the ending because I love when it's all fluffy and cute and stuff. I really thank you for this awesome story. Keep up the great work! = )
RaiKai #2
Chapter 5: Heeey peeps. RaiKai here and I'm a new comer to this fanfic world. Thanks for the wonderful story!!! It was heart warming and funny and sweet and...ugh! the feels right now!! What a great way to start off my experience.
Joelii #3
Chapter 5: "Monkey juice" *dying laughing* haha that is so great!

Awww!!! D': nuuuuu Kai!!!!!! So sad! Ugh, and poor Sebaby -.-

Yessssss Jongin is there!!!! So cute!!!!! I love the ending!!! It's so perfect! \(^-^)/
CuTAEpie #4
Chapter 5: omoooo bestfriendforlife ;A;
Chapter 5: Awww this was sooo cute XDDD
Bestfriendforlife XD
Thank you ^^ I really enjoyed this story:)
Chapter 4: Omg sehunnie :(
I hope it isn't be too serious
Chapter 4: SEHUN NOOO /wails TuT
Joelii #8
Chapter 3: Ohmygosh, they are so cute! I loved when Sehun put the plate in his mouth and Kai still understood what he was saying teehee :D

Thank you for updating this! \(^-^)/♡~
Joelii #9
Chapter 2: Aww so cute ^-^ I'm guessing Kai is either an imaginary friend or a magic being she can't see?