Decision For Future

Can you teach me how to LOVE?

Continue from chapter 1...


Hana and In Hee was sitting at their own place until their teacher, Ms. Jieun enter their class..


Ms. JIEUN : Good morning, class.

ALL : Goooood moooorning teacher~

Ms. JIEUN : Aigooo.. what's wrong with you guys today heh? all looks sleepy. okay, take out your note book and copy the notes in math textbooks at page 53 now.

ALL : Arassseooo ~


After a few minutes....


Ms. JIEUN : Class, this year maybe the last year you all in this school or maybe i'm still be your class teacher next year until you graduated. (sigh) And the only thing that can determine your future is RESULT. I heard that year end exam will start about 3 weeks from now.

ALL : WHAT? (shock + annoy)

Ms. JIEUN : Yes. i can't do anything for you guys. But, make sure you read all your notes and do revision. (serious face)


Once the teacher finish her sentence,  the school bell rings. It's time for recess. Hana and In Hee walking together heading to cafe.


IN HEE : Hana-ah! Did you hear what the teacher said just now?

HANA : Yah In Hee! can you slow your voice? i'm not deaf yet.

IN HEE : Hehe. Mianhei. so, are you ready for the exam?

HANA : .................... (Doesn't give any response)

IN HEE : Hana? Helloooooooooooo??? HANA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? i'm talking like a hell while you ignore me?

HANA : Yah, In Hee. i see my hubby was reading there alone.  ( suddenly, Jenny come towards Myungsoo with evil smile )

IN HEE : Ah-ha! I think he's not alone. that ahjumma try to flirt your hubby. Hahahah~!

HANA : Stop it, In Hee! That girl always make me upset.

IN HEE : Erm.. it's only what you think. maybe inside of him, he was really honoured to be flirted by that woman.

HANA : Yah! how could you say that to your best friend's hubby? so cruel In Hee. (pouted)

IN HEE : Hehe. Hana-ah, like the teacher said, maybe this year would be our last year to stay at this school. but i think, for students like us this year not the time for us to graduated.

HANA : So?

IN HEE : You like MyungSoo since your first day in this school right? we all know that he's he no. 1 rank student in this school.

HANA : So, what do you mean huh?

IN HEE : Yah, Kim Hana! that's mean, you should tell him about your feelings to him. you're really really like him!

HANA : More like confession heh?

IN HEE : Yah, you! don't take easy on what i say. after you graduated, maybe it takes about 5 years and you'll see Myung Soo with his wives and their babies.

HANA : *What a deep thought. but why so many wife?* So, you insult me huh?  i know, i'm not smart or clever but don't you dare to create that nonsense story.

IN HEE : Yah! if say you stupid, i'm stupid too okay! *well, we all stupid. keke*  i just want to help my best friend. this is for your own good too.

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