Losing Ground

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"Twenty four-seven, all day...

He always thought they were meant to be--that no matter what happened, they would end up together.  He pulled and she pushed creating a perfect equilibrium.  

That was until someone else began pulling her too.  

He was losing ground.

...I only thought of you."


A quick one-shot for you--I've been in a writing mood :)  

~Admin K


Poster Credit: A Road to Tokyo Graphic Shop

Note: "Twenty four-seven, all day, I only thought of you" is a line from BTS's "24/7=Heaven."


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Chapter 1: JongdaexOC fics are so rare to find and this is GOLD!! This is sooo cute! I love Daedae's character huuuuuu
jessi828 #2
Chapter 1: good one:))
Chapter 1: This is adorable!! I love it :D

Her friends probably thought Jongdae was a playboy or sth from the way he was acting like a badboy stalker, but this seems like his first try at love. (Or maybe second.. or third.. can't be anynore than fourth xP jk)

This was great like the other one shots; I loved it :D
crepes #4
Chapter 1: i really love all your one shots, they the bomb esp this one <33333
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh this was adorable! I love the way you characterized Jongdae in the fic, and the relationship is so fun and sweet (also jealous!Jongdae, yeeees).
Chapter 1: GREAT JOB!!
Chapter 1: NICE ONE !! I LIKED IT!!