I love you, Lee Sungjong

Under Cherry Tree
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“Hmmm… I miss this situation so much” Sungjong say and close his eyes, enjoying the cool wind hit him. He standing infront his family house. After got some courage, he finally make decision to came back to his village. He miss all memory happen in here, with his family, friends and mostly his best-friend. He leave this place back then because follow his family migrate to London. His father got job there and decide to bring his mother and him, certainly leave his Myungsoo. “Kim Myungsoo, I wonder what happen to him after I’m  leaving. I hope he still hold our promise and still waiting for me.” For last words, he feel like impossible to say. He also didn’t know if he still remember his best-friend face. He quickly enter his house to get some rest after long tired journey from London to Korea, then he take another plane straight to Gwangju. He put his bag aside and jump to his bed to get some rest. Lucky to him, his house in neat and clean condition because his family hire maids to keep that house clean every times. They never go back here after the day they migrate to London. So this is first time Sungjong here after 10 years leaving this house.




“Sungjong-ahh, I love you, Don’t leave me alone here please.” The image of crying teenager and didn’t want let go other hand. The crying teenager still begging to other, asking him to stay but the other can’t. Sungjong woke up from that dream, and his vision adjusted to the darkness, he realise he was in his room. “That dream still hunted me even I’m already here” Sungjong take a deep breath before trying to sleep again. He remember, first time he got that dream after 5 years leaving this village. In that dream the crying teenager, which is Myungsoo begging to him stay and don’t leave him. But Sungjong can’t do anything that time He just 15 years old. Still consider as kid and have to choose his parent more than his best-friend. He feel regret to leave Myungsoo but he need his parent more. He made promise to Myungsoo he will comeback soon. That day reveal everything, from Myungsoo’s confession that he love Sungjong not as a best-friend but more than that. Sungjong accept Myungsoo because he feel the same about the other. They share first kiss together under cherry tree. That tree witness everything from starting-point of his friendship with Myungsoo till last day they together before he leave to London.


At that place, Myungsoo crying begging him to stay and that situation hunted him in dream. He try to comeback to Myungsoo in past 10 years he spend at London but his parent didn’t allow him. His parent allow him now because he already 25 years old, consider he already mature about life. And there have something happen back when he at London, It’s already 5 years he stay there, when He got into accident, Bad accident which the result he have been in coma condition for a half years. When he wake up he didn’t remember everything about himself or his family. Only the person he remember is Myungsoo, his best-friend. Every day’s he try to recall his memory but fail. His parent patiently take care of him, Sungjong realise that his parent sometimes tired telling Sungjong everythings to recall his memory but still he can’t remember, all he can remember is his friendship with Myungsoo only and when he mention Myungsoo’s name in front his parent, His mother will crying softly. He want to ask why his mother cry but he just feel that not important. Until one day, he asking about accident and his mother reply “You get hit by car. The driver was drunk. Actually there are someone helping you with push you to other side then he got hit by that car and….He died immediately at there.” His mother already crying non -stop after telling the true story to him. Sungjong want to ask the detail about the other but he can’t because he feel so guilty. Because of him, other person died. Day by day he feel guilty for the accident, until a year he finally regain his memory and the accident slowly disappear from his memory. Not because he selfish want to lost that bad memory but he still can’t take the pressure about that accident. His parent really hide the person identity until he can’t search every single thing about the died person, Even his image. He already confront with his parent but what he get are “Just stop searching information about that person jongie.” His father said then continue “Kim’s family don’t want to see you. They still in pressure of losing his only child.” After he heard his father say that he feel so bad. He just know the first name of that family is Kim. After that day. His father prohibit to talk about the accident in his house.


The next morning, Sungjong wake up with bright smile paste on him face. “Today is the day I will meet you Myungsoo” Sungjong happily said and walk to toilet to bath. After bath and get some breakfast he start his mission, To searching his best-friend aka his boyfriend. He go to Myungsoo house first but after 10 minutes there calling for Myungsoo but nobody reply him. Sungjong sigh loudly and say “Where are you Myungsoo?” He think and think again where he should search the other until he finally remember “The Cherry tree” he said and quickly run toward the tree. When he finally there, He see someone lay under the tree and he approach the latter and said “Hmm excuse me sir?” The latter quickly wake up and standing infront of Sungjong, Sungjong silently observe the latter and silently said, “He so handsome, His face are perfect and his two cute dimple when he smile, then it realise him that his Kim Myungsoo also got pair of dimple and then he continue again “Is that you Kim Myung—“ He can’t finish his words when the latter already hug him tightly while mumble “Jongie-ahh, I miss you so much baby” Sungjong smile and hug the other tightly and say “I miss you too my kim myungsoo. I’m glad you still waiting for me Myung.” After a moment they face each other and Sungjong can clearly see the other already cry. He the tears and slowly bring his lips to other and kiss Myungsoo lips make the other gladly reply the kiss. They kiss really sweet as cherry and they really miss each other.


Myungsoo int

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kjjjyh #2
Chapter 1: I cried because of this storyㅠㅠ
shazreeza #3
Chapter 1: So sad...
yellow_lemon #4
Chapter 1: Sooooo saaaaaadddddd......T-T