It's still Christmas for me shh.

Under the Mistletoe

Christmas has arrived and all the VIXX members are excitedly chatting and putting up what Taekwoon thinks as pointless decorations. Sure, he likes Christmas, but decorating for it is just too much. And who even likes mistletoes in the first place? Taekwoon sighs; just as he thought that, Hakyeon and Jaehwan were putting mistletoes above every single doorway there was.

Taekwoon sighs. “N-hyung, is it really necessary to put that above a bathroom door?”

Hakyeon looks over and grins. “You don’t know what could happen.”

Taekwoon rolls his eyes and averts his eyes from the leader and back to his phone. He hears Wonshik yelling something about tinsel to Hongbin, who then runs past Taekwoon and gives some silver tinsel to the rapper, who is on a ladder above the kitchen, dangerously and haphazardly placing various Christmas decorations on the walls above and around the entrance to the kitchen. Taekwoon glances up as Wonshik looks down at Hongbin and the silver tinsel.

“What is this?” Wonshik asks. “This is the wrong color, Hongbin-ah!”

His ladder topples dangerously, but neither younger males notice. Taekwoon eyes the ladder, as if willing it to stay standing for the sake of Wonshik not getting injured on Christmas. Not that Taekwoon cares that much about the rapper, of course. Hongbin seems annoyed, but at the same time amused.

“Well you could have specified what color.” He said. “I just grabbed whatever I seen first.”

Wonshik sighs. “Hyukkie was just using the color I wanted five minutes ago.” He looks around. “Now where did that kid go?”

Taekwoon stands up. “I just seen him. I’ll grab it for you, Wonshik-ah. I’m not doing anything.”

Wonshik cranes his neck around to look at Taekwoon with a slightly shocked expression. “Leo-hyung is going to actually help me. Well I feel honored. Hyuk-ah had it—the red and green ones.”

Taekwoon nods. “Be careful by the way. Your ladder looks like it will fall if you move too much.”

With that, not even looking at the surprised expression on both Wonshik’s and Hongbin’s faces, the silent vocalist turns to find Sanghyuk and the tinsel. Normally, Taekwoon isn’t that nice to Wonshik, but it being Christmas he figures has to help someone out. Better than helping out the two idiots putting up the mistletoes.

“Hyuk-ah…!” Taekwoon calls softly into one of their rooms that he saw Sanghyuk walk into earlier. “Where’s the tinsel you were using earlier?”

Sanghyuk looks up from decorating his personal Christmas tree, which he convinced Hakyeon to buy with aegyo. “It’s in the box near Hakyeon-hyung and Jaehwan-hyung. Or at least that’s where I put it.”

Taekwoon sighs and thanks Sanghyuk before going off to find the box he had mentioned. “Jaehwan-ah, have you seen any red and green tinsel?”

Jaehwan shrugs. “Hyukkie had it last. Just look in one of the boxes around the dorm. It has to be somewhere.”

“Whatever.” Taekwoon says, already giving up. “I’ll just tell Wonshik-ah we can’t find it.”

As always, Hakyeon laughs at the mention of Wonshik’s real name. Taekwoon honestly doesn’t understand what’s so funny about Wonshik’s name. If anything, Hakyeon’s name is more amusing than Wonshik’s. Taekwoon shakes his head and turns back to see Wonshik and Hongbin laughing about something.

“Wonshik-ah, I can’t find the tinsel you’re looking for.” Taekwoon says, walking up to the ladder, subconsciously keeping it steady with his feet. “I think N-hyung hid it or something—sounds like something he’d do to you.”

Wonshik sighs. “Okay. Thanks for trying, hyung.” He turns back to Hongbin. “Okay, give me the silver tinsel then.”

“Do you want any help?” Taekwoon asks.

Wonshik looks over at Taekwoon, once again surprised. Then he grins. “Look who’s in the Christmas spirit for once!”

Hongbin snickers and runs off to help someone else in the meantime and Taekwoon helps hold the ladder steady as Wonshik puts the tinsel around the doorway. The finish quickly and Wonshik casually hops down from the small ladder, nearly scaring Taekwoon.

“Why were you even on a ladder anyways?” Taekwoon asks. “It’s not like you’re short or anything.”

Wonshik laughs a little awkwardly. “I just wanted to try it out.”

Taekwoon rolls his eyes and moves back to the couch. Wonshik follows him, finished his job for that day. Now all Jaehwan and Hakyeon had to do was stop putting mistletoes everywhere. Why did they want to see a bunch of guys kissing in the first place? That’s just gross in Taekwoon’s opinion. Not that Taekwoon is against homouals or anything—he just isn’t fond of people kissing in public in general.

“Ah, I’m tired…” Wonshik mumbles from next to Taekwoon. “Why is putting up tinsel and tiny snowflakes so tiring? Why did N-hyung and Ken-hyung get the fun job?”

Taekwoon glances over to see Wonshik sprawled on the couch next to him, his head leaning on the back of the couch. He looks totally deflated. Meanwhile, in contrast, Jaehwan and Hakyeon are still giggling and bouncing with energy. Taekwoon doesn’t understand it. Hakyeon is the same age as Taekwoon, but he still has the energy someone like Sanghyuk. Even Wonshik is…

Taekwoon looks over and supresses a laugh. Wonshik is out cold. Taekwoon smiles slightly and takes off his own sweater to put over Wonshik like a blanket. Sure, it’s almost winter, so it’s cold, but Taekwoon feels Wonshik might need it more than he does, seeing as Wonshik discarded his (very cheesy) Christmas sweater a while ago and was only wearing a muscle shirt underneath. At least Taekwoon had a long sleeve shirt under his hoodie.

Hakyeon and Jaehwan finish decorating several minutes later (most if it was spent giggling at Taekwoon and Wonshik for some reason, which Taekwoon quickly realized was because Wonshik’s head had fallen against Taekwoon’s shoulder) and plop down next to Wonshik, who doesn’t even budge when Hakyeon pokes the rapper’s side.

“Aish, we can’t have a party when this kid is out cold.” The leader mumbles. Hongbin walks out of one of member’s room with a Christmas sweater on and catches Hakyeon’s eye. “Oh! Bin-ah, go get Hyukkie from his room. Once I can get Ravi-ah up, we’ll start the party.”

The party which Taekwoon probably won’t be participating in. Unless someone (cough Hakyeon cough) forces him up. With all these mistletoes around, Taekwoon is almost afraid to move around with anyone. At least he’s safe on the couch. Plus, he can get away with sleeping on the couch if he ever got bored.

“Leo-yah, why don’t you try waking Ravi up? He won’t do anything, even with Ken’s alarm clock like chanting.” Hakyeon asks. “Please? I won’t bug you once during the party.”

“Why do you insist on calling us by our stage names still?” Taekwoon grumbles. “And let’s just start the party without him. He’ll probably wake up as soon as he hears music and you guys acting like complete idiots.”

Hakyeon grins. “Well, okay. If you say so, Taekwoon-ah.”

It’s then that Taekwoon realizes why Hakyeon always calls everyone by their stage name. Whenever he calls them by their real name…it’s because he has something planned for them. Oh, Lord. Whatever it is that Hakyeon has planned for Taekwoon, he’s going to kill him for it later.

“Okay, kids!” Hakyeon calls. “Let’s get this party started! Jaehwan-ah, get the lights and start the music!”

Jaehwan snickers and disappears to turn off most of the lights. He also returns with some speakers and his phone. Before Taekwoon can even do anything, Hakyeon is shouting ‘kiss, kiss, kiss!’ for no apparent reason. Until Taekwoon realizes he’s referring to him. He looks above his head.

“Oh for god’s sake!” Taekwoon groans. “You’re so dead for this, hyung.”

When the hell did those two idiots have the time to put a mistletoe above the couch? Could that have been why Hongbin and Wonshik were giggling before? And why Jaehwan and Hakyeon were laughing at him and Wonshik on the couch?

“Kiss him, kiss him!” Hakyeon shouts and is soon joined by Jaehwan. “Kiss him, kiss him!”

Taekwoon sighs and glances at Wonshik, who is still sleeping on his shoulder. He has to admit…Wonshik looks really adorable right now. He his lips, only now noticing Wonshik’s breathing hitting his neck and sending shivers down his spine.

“Kiss him, kiss him!” Hakyeon and Jaehwan are still chanting.

Taking one last glance at Wonshik, Taekwoon quickly closes his eyes and pecks the latter on the lips. And suddenly, he’s not sure if he wants to kill Hakyeon anymore. Wonshik’s lips are soft. Softer than expected. But Taekwoon shouldn’t get so carried away. He pulls away and hides in his room, concerned and confused about his feelings for Wonshik.

Word Count: 1459

A/N: This one is longer than my Taochen one. Oops. That doesn't mean I like Wontaek more, though, I swear!

In all honesty, I died when I seen the last(?) dance battle for their TLP tour. But I won't talk about that during a Wontaek fic. lol.

Once again, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year from me; MVPLocket/Niki!

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Chapter 1: Omg it'd be hella cute if you did a sequel! Maybe this Christmas?
Chapter 1: Ohhhhh!!!! So adorable WonTAek!!!
hominho #3
Chapter 1: I was left hanging! :(((( Maybe a sequel please? I'm dying to know what Wonshik will do/is thinking :))
Chapter 1: awww tooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee authornim why did this haveto be a oneshoot this story is too cutee tooo end