


Although excessive vanity wasn't really one of Zhou Mi's faults, he did care about his physical appearance. Every evening, he would spend the last hour of the waking day in front of the vanity mirror in his and his husband's bedroom, diligently removing his make up, applying moisturizer and making sure that every single blemish, no matter how small, had been treated with some kind of serum, oil, lotion or medicated cream. He arguably might even have a bit of a complex in regards to his physical appearance: sometimes, he felt horribly self-conscious if his hair wasn't styled just right or if he felt that he had some kind of skin imperfection that could be seen from meters away, even if his husband attempted to convince him that the minute flaw was practically invisible.

"Seriously, Mimi," Henry said one night, as he marvelled at what appeared to be a cosmetic's shop covering the surface of the vanity one evening. "You don't need all of those."

"Yes, I do," Zhou Mi insisted, utterly critical of his own reflection. "My skin is terrible... I'll finish in the bathroom though," he added, rising from his chair with a blush. "Sorry I kept you up..."

Henry smiled, getting up in turn and embracing Zhou Mi before he got away.

"Mimi, come here," he whispered, easing the bottles and packages that Zhou Mi was about to take with him to the bathroom from his hands.

Zhou Mi was taller than him but Henry was still strong enough to lift Zhou Mi in his arms and lie him down on their bed, searching Zhou Mi's face for permission as he gently ran his fingers along Zhou Mi's long legs. Zhou Mi smiled shyly, wordlessly giving consent. Henry always made him feel beautiful...

Given his preoccupation with his appearance, it really was no wonder at all that Zhou Mi had nearly burst into tears that morning as he was dressing. He knew that it was supposed to happen and that really, he should be happy that he was gaining weight because it meant that both he and his baby were healthy, but his favorite designer pants didn't fit anymore...

After nearly five minutes of trying to squeeze into the skin-tight trousers followed by another ten minutes yet during which time Zhou Mi scrutinized his reflection in disbelief then finally measured his waist and abdomen because he just couldn't believe that in only three months, he was so bloated that he couldn't even wear designer clothes anymore...

He'd only gained a few pounds, none of which were obvious beyond his stomach and he'd further only gained a couple of inches around his lower abdomen. It really only looked as though he'd eaten a little too much at dinner. But for someone as attentive to fashion as he was, to the extent even of dreaming of one day starting his own fashion line, the thought of no longer having a perfect figure and access to the clothes that he wanted to wear was really quite devastating. After all, he was so meticulous about keeping himself in the best shape that he could that before he'd gotten pregnant, he'd spent two hours at the gym almost daily and was constantly bouncing from diet to diet (many of which his husband joined him on for moral support). In the space of only a few weeks however, after recovering from an almost unbearable three week bout of constant nausea, Zhou Mi's lifestyle had turned a complete hundred and eighty degrees. Rather than spending an hour lifting weights at the gym then running for another hour, his daily exercise consisted of romantic evening walks with his husband and he was finding it easier and easier to give in to his cravings.

Henry made everything easier. Zhou Mi was still getting used to the prospect of becoming a mother- they hadn't exactly planned on having a child yet- and as self-conscious as he was about his changing body, it was a little difficult for him to go out in public confidently. Henry was always there however, holding his hand and placing a reassuring arm around his waist. He bought everything it was that Zhou Mi was craving and he never missed a doctor's appointment. He loved Zhou Mi tremendously and Zhou Mi knew that he did.

Currently, Zhou Mi was curled up on the sofa, dressed in loose-fitting trousers and a baggy shirt and staring blankly at the television, which he hadn't even . He was making his way through a liter of blueberry cheesecake ice cream and felt utterly miserable as he wondered how it was that Henry could possibly still find him attractive. He felt bloated all over (not that the ice cream in which he was attempting to drown his sorrows was helping), not just his stomach but also his feet, legs and even his hands.

"Oh, ice cream for breakfast! Can I have some?" Henry smiled, as he threw himself down on the sofa beside Zhou Mi and wrapped an arm around Zhou Mi's slender waist.

Zhou Mi smiled despite how low he was feeling and leaned against Henry's shoulder as he proceeded to feed him the ice cream. He probably should just let Henry have the rest of it; if he carried on as he was, he was going to gain weight even faster...

"Mimi, what's wrong?" Henry asked after a while, surprising Zhou Mi.

"Hm...? Nothing's wrong, Xianhua," Zhou Mi said reassured propping himself up on his elbow as a pink blush flushed his cheeks.

"You looked kind of sad," Henry persisted gently, rubbing Zhou Mi's lower back. "You can tell me if something's bothering you," he reassured, kissing Zhou Mi's soft hand.

Zhou Mi and leaned closer to Henry, only to be received into his warm arms.

"I'm just... I'm going to get really big..."Zhou Mi started, finding, as always, that he could place his trust in Henry.

"And...?" Henry grinned, already aware of what Zhou Mi's insecurities might be. "You're beautiful, you know? And you still will be beautiful when you get bigger; Mimi, you're carrying our baby," Henry leaned down and kissed Zhou Mi's stomach. "That and you're just... you, Zhou Mi. I love you," Henry brushed Zhou Mi's cheek and kissed his lips. "Those two things... you just being you... that's why I love you more than anything."

Zhou Mi sniffled, tears rolling down his cheeks as he beamed at Henry, positively glowing.

"I love you too, Xianhua..." Zhou Mi all but threw himself in Henry's arms. 

Henry proceeded to make sure that Zhou Mi was far too preoccupied at that moment then to dwell on his insecurities- Zhou Mi even forgot about the ice cream by the time they were finished.


"We've never... in the morning..." Zhou Mi panted as Henry heaved himself off Zhou Mi's slender frame and all but collapsed beside Zhou Mi.

"Yeah," Henry tried to catch his breath, staring a little blankly ahead at their bedroom wall, feeling a little as though his mind had just imploded.

When had Zhou Mi's skin gotten so soft? When had the curves of his body become so pronounced? When had he become so sensitive...?

"Xianhua...?" Zhou Mi blinked, slowly rose as he looked at Henry with concern.

Henry had never really reacted quite like this after they'd made love... was he already unsatisfied? Zhou Mi wondered, his confidence lapsing again.

But Henry soon pulled him in his arms and kissed him deeply, making Zhou Mi blush. The kiss was really all Zhou Mi needed to be assured of Henry's feelings: Henry poured so much love into the kiss.

"Mimi, please don't ever be afraid to tell me how you're feeling, okay?" He smiled as Zhou Mi happily settled on his chest, his long, long legs winding through Henry's own.

"Okay, I promise," Zhou Mi smiled back, just enjoying the feeling of Henry's arms around him, their bodies pressed together...

He might just be able to make it through his pregnancy if Henry was at his side.


Will have another chapter: I kind of derailed from my original idea ^^'

Thanks for reading :)

x Angela

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Chapter 1: This is so freaking adorable! Zhou Mi and Henry are so cute together. I'm really liking this!<3
Chapter 1: Very cute~
rocksolidpanda #3
Chapter 1: So sweet! Henry is like eternal sunshine. X3
sounds really good i cant wait till you update it!
4ever_kpop_love #5
This sounds like a cute story; I'm looking forward to reading it!