Jamaican Trio.

Lust Games

Jinwoo could proudly say that his lifestyle was beginning to take shape again. As soon as he got back from the Belle 'Survival' Camp Trip on Monday morning he immediately contacted Jaejoong if the property manager still had those cheap weekly apartments that he mentioned when Jinwoo collected his things with Hanbin a long time ago. Fortunately for him, Jaejoong had taken great pity towards him and Mark, and so he made sure that there was a back up apartment that was much cheaper, claiming that this time Jinwoo could live much more comfortably. Though during the phone call Jinwoo couldn't help but feel annoyed that Jaejoong didn't introduce this apartment to him and Mark at the start of the year, instead the more pricey but undeniably nice apartment. As much as he was excited and truly happy with the news, he didn't tell Hanbin that the apartment was once again owned by Jaejoong, recalling how the other reacted towards the property manager last time. But Hanbin was just being protective right? Jinwoo couldn't help but smile at Hanbin''s over protectiveness and parental instinct. Maybe that was a trait the leaders shared? Both Seungyoon and Hanbin seemed quiet mature for their age, completely contradicting the fact that he was the oldest out of both groups. He may be the oldest, but he certainly didn't act the oldest.

Jinwoo looked around his new apartment, it was small, terribly small. But enough for one person as he wasn't living with anyone anymore. During his phone call with Jaejoong, the property manager mentioned that he was the only one to get in touch after both him and Mark got kicked out. Although it was a few hours ago, Jinwoo couldn't shake off his sadness. His heart felt heavy. As hard as Hanbin tried to cheer him up as the other helped him move in a few hours ago as well, Jinwoo could only muster up a mere smile. Hanbin seemed to be in a rush and could only help with so much, leaving earlier than anticipated, though to the older's relief since Jinwoo didn't want to dampen the mood any more than how it was. Jinwoo sighed as he unpacked his belongings. He didn't own much so it wouldn't take as long, unlike at the start of the year when Jinwoo had finished putting away his belongings but had to help Mark with unpacking, taking atleast 2 days. But as long as it took, it was fun. Jinwoo got to see American style clothing bought by the LA native, various hair dyes that could be used for up to a year, mostly red. But it was also the first time the two met and bonded together. Jinwoo could remember how on the night when they actually finished unpacking Mark's belongings, they celebrated with a glass of ice tea bought from the convenient store below since at that time it was all they could afford. Even if they did get jobs and had a beter income, they considered it traditional to always celebrate with a glass of ice tea, and at times the shop owner would give them discounts if not more free bottles of ice tea since they were regular customers.

As the afternoon passed by, Jinwoo cleaned his whole apartment. Actually it was mandatory for the previous tenants to clean the property before moving out, however since it was such a cheap apartment, located in some dodgy looking area, the previous tenants probably didn't bother doing anything to it. Actually Jaejoong probably kicked them out straight away right after Jinwoo called him earlier today. Jinwoo took a deep breathe as he stood up and walked out of the bathroom, just finished cleaning the toilet. He looked around and admired the difference he made in such a short amount of time. He always questioned why people hired maids to clean when clearly the results were more satisfying knowing that you did this by yourself. Jinwoo's attention was suddenly drawn to his phone on the kitchen counter. He has been trying to contact Hanbin, though the other didn't pick up. All WINNER members, didn't pick up. Though he didn't blame them, the trip back to school took almost 5 hours, a complete contrast to how long it took on the way to the camp site on Friday morning, which only took 45 minutes. Stuck in the heat of traffic, Mr. Lee started to loose his cool and began to shout vulgar words towards the bus driver, saying things like ' DO YOU JOB PROPERLY' 'DOESN'T BELLE PAY YOU ENOUGH TO DRIVE?'. All students and teachers couldn't help but smile at the reaction, knowing that the Mr.Lee they knew was back.

Jinwoo walked towards the mini fridge set under the kitchen counter top and opened it, grabbing a bottle of ice tea he bought at the convenient store across the street.
Mark...I've found a new apartment.
It's not as flash as the one we used to live in. But it will do.
The rent is much cheaper than last time, so now I can actually buy more food. I don't know why Jaejoong didn't show us this one first.
It might be tiny, and only enough for one person, but one day come and visit okay? Or if you want, we can live together again like last time. Let's cook our lunches together again okay? And amaze those rich kids that we can cook better than the cafeteria.
A bitter smile crept on Jinwoo's lips as his grip tightened on the ice tea bottle.
Mark, I'm sorry I didn't say hi to you whenever I saw you. I just...I needed to keep my cover.
Mark, I'm sorry that you were dragged into this.  That you had to get kicked out because your hyung didn't pay the rent.
Mark, I'm just sorry for everything....But I promise that I'll get my old life back.
I just hope that wherever you are, whoever you're with, that you're safe. And as soon as this is all over. I'll come say hi. Okay?
We'll eat again at Little Asia after school like we used to okay? I'll pay all the time.....I'll pay...I'll be responsible....
Jinwoo felt his eyes get teary and hot, though he suddenly shook of his emotions as he popped the cap open and chugged down the ice tea. Though it just didn't taste right. It was the same brand. But something was just different. Maybe it was just because the red haired disum wasn't here.
Jinwoo chugged down the rest of the ice tea before throwing the bottle away and returning to unpacking and cleaning. It was a Monday Night and so he still had school tomorrow. though as late as it already was (9:30pm), Jinwoo needed to do some last of the list errands. This included going back to Peaches and Cream and reclaiming his old job as house cleaner. He promised himself that he would find a better job some time this year, or even this week. But for now he needed a job that required minimal skill and made easy money, enough so that he can buy necessities even though Hanbin offered to give him $1000 which he declined straight away, earning a pout from the other.


"Good Evening sir, welcome to Peaches and Cream. How may I serve you tonight." A short and blonde haired girl walked up towards Jinwoo as she trailed the older's body with her fingers. Jinwoo recalled how at the start of the year when Jinwoo applied for the cleaner role that Fei did the same thing to him. Only to be disappointed by what his actually reason was to be in brothel. Although the blonde haired girl was short, Jinwoo couldn't help but feel extremely small under the dominant figure circling around him, heels making marks on the ground as they clicked around Jinwoo's feet.

"My name's Min, what's yours?" Min seductively whispered into Jinwoo's ear. Though he couldn't help but smile. They were called VIP's, named by the Peaches and Cream owner which he and the majority of the workers didn't actually know who it was. And as part of a VIP's job, they were to greet every customer this way. Walking around the client, staring at them as seductive as humanly possible before introducing themselves and asking the client what they wanted. Through out the span of time Jinwoo worked here, he's seen some pretty funny greetings, but Min was by far the funniest as the girl practically needed a stool just to whisper into his ear. Even if the blonde was wearing heels, they did very little to assist her. Jinwoo couldn't help but chuckle. Min only looked at him with confusion before attempting to seduct the older once more.

"Actually I'm here to see Fei." Jinwoo cleared his throat. Min was taken aback before crossing her arms and glaring at Jinwoo with annoyance.
"Making me spend all the time when you could've just asked in the beginning.." Min muttered under her breathe.
"She's not working tonight." Min turned around and was about to walk away into the dimly lit corridor when Jinwoo grabbed her shoulder.
"WHAT?!?!" The blonde screamed.
"Actually, I'm here for the job." Jinwoo stuttered. Min eyed him up and down before shrugging.
"You seem cute enough. Actually you're better looking than some of the guys here so you'll be popular and be making money in no time." Min smiled as she examined him.
"But how experienced are you? You might be better looking than JoKwon. But he is the best when it comes to male pleasure around here." Min questioned the older.
"Oh My God No!" Jinwoo backed away from the blonde with a disgusted look on his face.
"What? Why not?! You're here to apply as a male VIP aren't you?"
"Oh God No! I'm here for the vaccant cleaner position!"
A Big 'O' formed on Min's mouth as she stared at Jinwoo's face. "Oh... right....Well do you want to start right away or tomorrow night? Onew is pretty crap at cleaning so the boss wants to get rid of him as soon as possible. He forgot to do the laundry last week, and so some of our clients complained about weird smelling towels that they used, or the slimy bed sheets they slept on." Min quivered in disgust at the state of the bed sheets she had to 'perform' on for her clients. All the VIP's had to pretend that nothing was wrong incase the clients might get disgusted and leave.

"Tomorrow night, I've got to finish unpacking so I won't be able to tonight." Jinwoo smiled as hopes of reclaiming his life back seemed a step closer.
"Okay, I'll tell the boss. Looks like Onew won't find anymore money for fried chicken." Min laughed before going back into the dimly lit corridor.

Jinwoo smiled as he took a breathe. Actually taking a breathe inside was a bad idea since the brothel always had some sort of weird smell. Even as a cleaner, he tried to clean out the whole place but the scent would always come back. It was indescribable. Jinwoo looked at his wrist watch. 11:43 pm, which meant that school was just a few hours away. Though Jinwoo didn't mind how late it was. In fact he was quite comfortable on the way back to his new apartment. He had deciced to only be Rachel within school, allowing him to roam freely as himself for the rest of the time. He missed wearing normal guy shoes, and normal jeans that didn't suffocate his thighs in an attempt to squeeze through them, and of course he missed his grey hoodies. They may be bland in taste, and he might have another 8 grey hoodies that were exactly the same, but they were comfortable. And that was what Jinwoo needed to be. comfortbale. Walking in heels day to night wasn't the most assisting or beneficial towards his feet. He actually had to be assisted by Hanbin whenever he needed to go toilet during camp. Hanbin would always wrap his arms and hands around the older's tiny waist as he lead Jinwoo towards the female bathroom. Not that Jinwoo complained. Being held by the other always made him feel safe.


Jinwoo gently closed the bedroom door, hoping that it wouldn't fall apart from the already dilapidated state of the wood. He slammed himself into the squeeky and lumpy single bed, though it was okay since all the layers of blankets he owned made the bed less 'going to break your spine if you sleep on me'. He was exhausted, he truly was. Coming back from the trip, moving into his new aparment, unpacking all his belongings and applying for a job in one day had taken a toll on his under eye bags that even BB cream or any type of concealer he had couldn't cover up. But he was at home now.

Though as hard as Jinwoo tried, he couldn't sleep. His mind still unable to dispose of one thought that bugged him through out the whole day. On the way back from the trip he had been asking Seungyoon where Mino was multiple times, but the answer would always be 'just wait he'll come back'. Though at times it would change completely with 'I don't know'. Finally Jinwoo stopped asking as he realized that even Seungyoon didn't know where the other was. He had already tried contacting Mino via phone but all Jinwoo received was a dial tone, followed by 'the number you have called is not available right now, please try another time'. Not that Jinwoo knew Mino had two phones. One the private Song phone, and the other the smart phone Jinwoo always sees. Jinwoo sighed, he couldn't do anything right now, so he might as well put himself to ease. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, only to be irritated by moans coming from next door.

Jaejoong you bastard, you didn't tell me anything about noisy people in this apartment complex. No wonder why it's so dam cheap. It's like listening to 24/7.. Jinwoo covered his ears in frustration. It's going to be a long night/morning.


"Mrs. Park, may I please go to the bathroom?" Jinwoo raised his hand in the air, interrupting the class 60 homeroom teacher's lesson on life.
"But Rachel, break wasn't too long ago. Why didn't you go then?" Mrs. Park sighed as she eyed out the female student sitting in front of her. Surprisingly, for the short amount of time Rachel attended Belle, she's been a significant high achiever in all of her school subjects, even going as far as surpassing those who attended Belle from the very start of the school year. Teacher's praised her for her amazing work and study ethnic. And of course Mrs. Park's lunch break wouldn't be complete without receiving a compliment on how skillful and pretty her Rachel student was. Yesterday the homeroom teacher was even called up to the principal's office, where Mrs. Choi asked Mrs. Park to pursuade Rachel into taking the role of Junior Acedemic Representative for Belle. It was one of the many prestigious roles that the private school bestows upon certain individuals. Usually when a student receives such a position, they are inclined to apply for overseas trips to their brother and sister schools all over the world, alongside other neighbouring private schools like Shinhwa Elite High School where the ever so popular and notoriously well known group of male students called F4 attended. At times Jinwoo would hear the name Gu Jun-Pyo echo amongst the female student body. Not that he knew who he was.  And of course Kirin High School, or as the students that attend there call it, Dream High. The programme was called E.E.E.S, or Elite Education for Elite Students. Or As Jinwoo liked to name it, a poor excuse to spend money and boast that your family can afford over seas trips. Not that Jinwoo would refuse, in fact he would've glady taken such a role since he attended Belle with a scholarship. All expenses paid. However, he attened as Rachel Yoo for the time being, the Jamaican cousin of Song Mino along side Cha Eun Sang. Jamaica? Seriously Taehyun?

"But Mrs. Park...." Jinwoo uncomfortably shifted in his seat, trying to get the homeroom teacher's attention. Mrs. Park carefully leaned over her desk and whispered into Jinwoo's ear.
"Is it... Is it your time of the month?" Mrs. Park hesitantly asked, quiet enough so that the other students wouldn't hear, not that they were paying attenting to her speaking in the first place.
Wait what?
"Uhh..yes?" Jinwoo went along with it. It seemed a good enough excuse.
"Oh my. Yes, by all means Rachel go." Mrs. Park quickly gestured the other to go. Jinwoo was about to leave the classroom when Mrs. Park grabbed his shoulder.
"Oh um Rachel. If you need any spare pads I have some." The homeroom teacher smiled as she opened her desk drawer.
"Uhh.. hahahaha...I'm fine Mrs.Park thank you." Jinwoo nervously chuckled before the leaving the noisy classroom.
"Daym she's got alot of pads." Jinwoo muttered as he made his way all the way to the other side of school, over to the music block. Not that the main school building toilets that were much closer to him weren't good enough. In fact they were the best student bathrooms in the school. Marble flooring, marble walls, marble ceiling, marble everything. Though the music block toilet were the least used if not empty, and so he didn't mind having to walk all the way across the extremely large property.


Actually, Jinwoo didn't even need to go toilet, he just needed to adjust his makeup and hair once again for today. Unfortunately, the wig he originally received from Mino's stylist a long time back ended up being slaughtered to death. Bald spots everywhere, it was like when the famous American singer Britney spears went crazy and shaved her hair off, thanks to Jinwoo's drunk behaviour on last Saturday night at the survival camp. It was Wednesday and the new wig he bought on Monday Night during his unpacking wasn't really the best quality. But it was the most similar and natural compared to the old Rachel wig. And so he had to keep readjusting everything since at times other female students would reccommend their favourite salon to him, noting that Jinwoo's hair looked strange. Though since the wig wasn't the best quality, he had an extreme fear that if he turned around the wig would fly off. And that was something he wanted to avoid at all costs.

Jinwoo entered the music block bathroom, though only to grimace. Expectations blown off as 4 other female students occupied the bathroom. Though they seemed nice and polite enough since all 4 bowed as soon as Jinwoo entered.
"Hi Rachel." Minah greeted with a lovely smile.
"You guys know me?" Jinwoo questioned the 4 as he checked himself in the mirror.
"Well yeah..." Yura added to the conversation.
"For the 4 months and 3 weeks we've been attending Belle, you and Cha Eun Sang have been the only girls to ever really hang out with them." Hyeri joined in too.
"With who?"
"WINNER." All 4 of them said in unison.
"'But you guys know what's weird? Mino hasn't been coming to school ever since the survival camp." Minah brought up the topic.
"Wait, how do you know that he hasn't been attending?"
"We're in the same homeroom as WINNER." Again, all 4 said in unison.
"You guys know what else is weird? That Jinwoo kid has been gone for so long now. I wonder what happened to him." Hyeri complained.
"Yeah...he was actually cute." Jinwoo felt like blushing at Yura's compliment. These girls are so precious. I hope Taehyun doesn't flirt with them and tarnish their innocence.
"Yah, we'll get scolded again by Mr.Lee if we're gone too long." Sojn suddenly entered the conversation, making the other 3 nod, again in unison.
"Are you guys going back to homeroom?"
"Yes." Once more, all 4 replied in unison.
"Okay...Can you please say hi to Taehyun, Seunghoon and Seungyoon for me?"
"Sure. But actually Seungyoon oppa is the only WINNER member there right now." Sojin replied.
"Oh okay... Well say hi to him for me."
Again, all 4 nodded and unison, before bowing in unison, and walking out of the music block bathroom...in unison.

Silence filled the bathroom as Jinwoo enjoyed the essence of being alone. He pulled out his small makeup bag and started to redo his eyeliner which he accidently smudged trying to call Mino for the fifth time already today at lunch break. Seungyoon or the other two didn't seem to have any answers either, so Jinwoo had to try his all to even get in contact with the other.

Jinwoo's hand disobeyed him as he dragged the eyeliner too far, fidgeting from the sound of toilet stalls being opened. . He's not alone. Jinwoo turned around but instantly regretted his decision of ever coming to this bathroom in the first place.

"Taehyun why are you here-" Jinwoo stared at the figure standing beside Taehyun.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Jinwoo broke out in laughter as he eyed Seunghoon up and down.
"Rachel, meet our new cousin." Taehyun gladly smiled as he introduced the cross dressed Seunghoon.
Taehyun and Jinwoo broke out in laughter together as they stared at Seunghoon.
"What? It looked fun when you guys were doing it. So I wanted to join." Seunghoon pouted. Though the two couldn't help but laugh even more, feeling their eyes begin to water. So much for the music block bathroom being the most peaceful.

"Oh my god I love you guys so much." Jinwoo chuckled as he wiped his tears away.
"Welcome my Jamaican cousins of Song Mino." Taehyun giggled as he brought the two in a trio hug. Ignoring the fact that his stomach was extremely sore from 5 minutes of laughing his life out.

Author's note: Can you just imagine? If Seunghoon was born as a girl in his next life? .... .AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. When I was watching their parody of The Heirs, and when Seungyoon came out with that ajhumma mum look, all I could think of was

The resemblance is so real.
AHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Look up "The Ahjummas of YG Entertainment" on youtube. Your Welcome :) Soz, no use putting the link in since I put the privacy setting on unable to highlight or something like that

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Chapter 31: I am confused . so who is jinwoo with ? Mino or hanbin?
Chapter 27: falls off bed laughing at pics...
Chapter 26: last pic = BOOM...PREGNANT!lmao
Chapter 15: I title this picture as JINWOO OMMA AND HER KIDS: (subtitle) OMMA'S LAP-BY SONG MINO lol
TaeKookHope #5
Chapter 31: I just finished this story, and all I have to say is that I loved it. This fic was beautifully written and it gives you those feels and it's just awesome. I loved this story. It was amazing.
kpoploversamantha01 #6
Chapter 31: I just started reading this fic a little while ago and oh my gosh. This is such a well written fic. I love this fic sooo much.
pautato #7
Chapter 30: I feel so empty. I got alot of questions but I think its good the way this is written, i hate endings T^T
vthealien #8
Chapter 31: I cried in the end oh my god.. i never comment but i HAVE TO for this story. I love your unique writing style and you made me ship minwoo :D tysm for writing this, i enjoyed every single chapter AND THE STORY GAVE ME SO MANY DIFFERENT FEELS
I am anticipating more of your works :) pls write more minwoo, i wanna know what happens to them after!
keKuro #9
Chapter 31: WAAaaa~ finish already T~T
So sad...I'll miss this story....T^T
pautato #10
Chapter 29: Minwoo please please please stay strong huhuhuhu this is really saaaaaaaaaaad