Let Me Be Your Man

Just You

Two boys sat on the bench and were enjoying the beginning of their summer holiday. The sun was bright, while the wind was a calm breeze on a sunny day. One boy was drawing, while the other was restless on his seat.


“I am going to marry you, hyung!” Kyuhyun promised fervently with the intensity of an 11 year old. Ryeowook smiled and continued drawing the landscape. “You can’t marry me. We are both guys.”


“Like I care.” Kyuhyun scoffed, crossing his hands. Ryeowook hyung always took care of him whenever anybody wanted to bully him or he fell sick. It only made sense that Kyuhyun would protect him later when they grew up.


“I am going to grow taller and stronger than you hyung, and then I’ll make you my wife.” Kyuhyun insisted, jutting out his chin.


Ryeowook looked at the younger boy beside and noticed he didn’t look pale like he usually did. He was relieved Kyuhyun was feeling well today as he was sick most of the days. The doctor said he had a weak constitution.


“Kyuhyunnie, once you grow up, you will meet a nice beautiful woman whom you will fall in love with, and then marry. I’ll be your best man in the wedding.”  Ryeowook eyed his drawing critically and nodded in satisfaction with the results.


‘Hyung, look at me!” Kyuhyun demanded in frustration. Ryeowook never took him seriously. Was it because he was younger and weaker?


“I am not going to let you go or marry anyone else. I am not!” Ryeowook’s indulging smile only rankled Kyuhyun more. Wanting to shock him enough to shake his control, Kyuhyun leaned forward and gave a small kiss on his lips. Ryeowook’s eyes widened. It was Kyuhyun’s turn to smile.


“Good, I gave you your first kiss. Don’t you forget that.” Kyuhyun warned with narrowed eyes and walked away whistling.




5 years later…


Kyuhyun spent a restless night as Ryeowook was shifting to another city the next morning. His father got promoted and there was nothing Kyuhyun could do about it. He stopped calling Ryeowook hyung a long time ago, especially when it would be funny as he was way taller and bigger than Ryeowook, just like he wanted to be since he was young. He switched on the lights in the room and opened the window. Ryeowook’s room was opposite his. It was pitch black.


‘Wookie!” He whispered. “Are you awake?” “Wookie! Wake up!” He heard Ryeowook’s deep sigh.


“What?” He grumbled, forcing to keep his eyes wide open. His body was too tired after all the packing and cleaning. He needed to be awake by 6 in the morning. It was already 1. He groaned out aloud.


‘Sleepy head!” Kyuhyun muttered. “I can’t sleep.” He said, sulking. Was he the only one to feel sad about their separation? Ryeowook was so cool about it. After this, they can’t meet each other as often as they liked. They were best friends for so long, sharing and protecting each other, quarrelling, and he couldn’t find the strength to let go of Ryeowook. He has loved this guy since from the day he could remember and every body knew that long distance relationship were difficult to maintain over the years. People tend to change and move on. He couldn’t bear to think the same fate was going to happen to them.


Ryeowook’s sleep cleared, his heart reaching out for Kyuhyun who looked very depressed. He climbed out towards the railing and jumped towards Kyuhyun’s.


“We will always keep in touch you know.” Ryeowook consoled Kyuhyun. He laid a hand on Kyuhyun’s hunched back, rubbing it in a circular motion. It was hard for the both of them as it was the first time they were going far away from each other but Ryeowook didn’t want to dwell on the negative aspects. He believed that they will somehow keep their friendship in hold together.


Kyuhyun hugged his knees and turned to face Ryeowook with a very solemn face. “You are mine, don’t you forget that.” Ryeowook went very still. It has been years since Kyuhyun behaved this way, the last being when he stole a kiss from him.


“We are best friends, Kyuhyun. Of course we belong to each other.”


“No, that’s not what I meant. I love you in way that I want us to kiss, to hold hands, to hug and more.” Ryeowook turned away. His face was unnaturally warm and heated.


Kyuhyun laid a hand on his shoulder. Ryeowook had to take deep breaths to calm him self down. What was happening to them? He loved Kyuhyun without a doubt, but he never considered Kyuhyun that way. He thought Kyuhyun was over the stage where he kept repeating Ryeowook was his. As they grew, Kyuhyun never brought the topic up and Ryeowook didn’t want to kindle anything else. He was happy and content with what they had.


“Can I hug you tonight? Just for tonight. Please.” Kyuhyun pleaded softly. Ryeowook nodded, not sure of anything. He was leaving tomorrow and Kyuhyun is telling him all this now? His head was filled with confusion but he decided he could give Kyuhyun what he asked. They lay on the floor as Kyuhyun embraced him from the side, his warmth taking the place of a blanket. Ryeowook felt himself relax after a while, listening to Kyuhyun’s even breathing. His last thought was, this sure feels nice.


Morning came a little too soon. Ryeowook faced Kyuhyun with awkwardness. Two guys hugging and sleeping, did Kyuhyun still think of them the same way like last night or could he have changed his mind? He didn’t need to worry as Kyuhyun clasped both his hands and brought them to his cheeks. “I’ll come to you once I have become the man I want to become. You have to wait for me till then.” Ryeowook smiled, Kyuhyun doesn’t usually sprout this kind of cheesy stuff. This was another side of Kyuhyun that Ryeowook was coming to know. “It isn’t that bad. We will see each other soon.”


“You can’t date anybody else. You have to promise me.”  Ryeowook couldn’t prevent the blush. Kyuhyun made him feel all fluttery. There was no way they could stay the same anymore. Things have changed. This time, he was ready and welcomed Kyuhyun’s lips on his. This was a promise.




6 years later…


“Saengil chukha hamnida, Kyuhyun!”

Ryeowook smiled by himself as he watched the recently uploaded video of Kyuhyun’s birthday by a fan. The Cho Kyuhyun he knew from childhood was now one of Korea’s top idol, dazzling the hearts of many with his wonderful vocals. A sadness lingered with the memory of a certain day 6 years ago when Kyuhyun confessed to him. After Ryeowook shifted, Kyuhyun never attempted to call him. When Ryeowook went to search for him, his parents told that he entered SM Entertainment and was forbidden from communicating with the outside world. The years went by and Kyuhyun made his debut and reached fame. By then, Ryeowook once again shifted to pursue his studies in university and Ryeowook didn’t feel it was right to go after Kyuhyun as it would have looked wrong. Instead, he decided to stand at the side lines and watch Kyuhyun grow as a talented singer. His apartment was filled with Kyuhyun’s cd’s and posters.


Ding dong, ding dong.


Somebody rang the house bell. Ryeowook answered the door and came face to face with Kyuhyun, standing there with a big smile of his own, holding a bouquet of white roses. The surprise almost killed Ryeowook.


“Kyu-Kyuhyun???” He stuttered.


“I have come to make good on my promise, Wookie.” Kyuhyun answered, his expression suddenly serious.


“Promise?” This was too insane. Why was Kyuhyun here after all this years?


“11 years ago I told you I’ll take you as my wife. I am here to do that.” He entered the apartment on his own, and was impressed looking at the collection of the cd’s.


“You are mad.” Ryeowook felt the beginning of a migraine. Kyuhyun was standing here, in the middle of his living room, proposing? They had lost contact for 6 years!


“Do you remember what I told you before you left?” Kyuhyun asked, standing directly in front of Ryeowook. Ryeowook thought hard, but he couldn’t remember. Everything seemed to be blur right now.


“I told you that I’ll come to you once I have become the man I want to be. I have reached my goal, Ryeowook. I became the man I wanted you to deserve. Would you accept me?” Kyuhyun bend on his knee and waited.


“Kyuhyun, stand up! You can’t..we can’t…” Suffice to say, Ryeowook was dumbstruck.


“Not until you say yes.” Kyuhyun remained in his position. In his heart, Kyuhyun knew Ryeowook was still the same guy he felt so hard with. Didn’t the cd’s and posters say it all? There were so many times he wanted to break his own rule to communicate with Ryeowook but he knew he had to make it first. He wanted Ryeowook to be able to depend on him, to know that it was Kyuhyun’s turn to take care of him.


Tears gathered in Ryeowook’s eyes. He couldn’t stop them. 6 years! This guy took that long to come to him. It was so hard when he thought Kyuhyun have forgotten him. Ryeowook never shared anything to anyone like he did with Kyuhyun. He missed him so much. Sometimes the pain was so acute that he couldn’t breathe while the other times, it was just a throbbing mild ache.


“You are a star.” Didn’t Kyuhyun meet many beautiful artists? He was nothing compared to them.


“I am your star. I am who I am today because of you. I have never forgotten you even for a minute. Whenever I had trouble and broke down, all I had to do was to think about you and I could take the next step. I wanted to be a strong man who deserves your love, Wookie.” His voice was husky and persuasive.


“You could have called! I waited and waited.” Ryeowook released out his pent up emotions.


“I couldn’t. I was afraid that I would break my own rule and will come and see you. And then I wouldn’t have gone on my journey because I couldn’t have been apart from you. I would have wanted to stick by your side like your shadow without being some one. Can you forgive me?”


Tears flowed freely now. The young sickly boy grew into a man Ryeowook could look up to. It was the years without Kyuhyun that made him understand the importance of Kyuhyun’s presence in his life.


“Yes! I want to be with you. Just don’t leave me without a word like that.” Ryeowook agreed, wanting to be hugged by Kyuhyun. He was embraced and it felt like heaven.


“Be mine.” Kyuhyun whispered, hugging Ryeowook harder to stop the trembling.


“I was already yours from the moment you kissed me 11 years ago.”

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Chapter 1: “I was already yours from the moment you kissed me 11 years ago.”

-Kyahhhh!!!!!! I melted from a cuteness overload!
Chapter 1: That's so sweet^^
Chapter 1: woah! it's good..i like the flow of the story ...
pillow4hyukjae #4
Chapter 1: i am a kyuhyuk kyumin n eunhae shipper.. bt this is cute ;)
EuphyYu #5
Chapter 1: It is so sweet! I really liked it
Chapter 1: aww, congrats !
congrats on the random feature .
Congratulations on getting featured!
tsukis #9
congrats on the random feature!