Christmas Wish

Ryeowook's Christmas Wish

It's snowing outside, and the dorm is empty, expect for one person. Everyone had gone out for Christmas to visit families and go on dates. He was the only one who decided not to go out. He saw his parents the day before so he doesn't have an excuse to go see family. Eunhyuk and Donghae offered him to see the town with them but he refused, making an excuse that he needed to sort his clothes out. He couldn't admit he would feel like a pest bothering them on their date. He wanted to go out but didn't have the heart to, he would feel lonely. With the other members he would be carefree but alone he was different. His only wish was to be with the one he loved. He walked to his room and without paying attention tripped over something. He groaned and propped himself up.


He turned his head and saw an empty turtle cage he forgot to move. His anger turned to sorrow as he remembered. The turtle wasn't there anymore, and his precious turtle was gone. He sat up and wrapped his arms around his knees.

    "Hyung." He whispered softly.

Tears filled his eyes quickly as he was obviously missing someone. His petite body shook with heavy sobs.

    "Yesung!" He cried.

He knew nobody could hear him and he was grateful for that. If he was with Eunhyuk and Donghae he probably would make an unwanted scene. He knew he was a crybaby that's another reason why he didn't accept the offer. He couldn't stop crying because he was thinking about his weird boyfriend. The way he would make everything 10x funnier, or the way he would hold him and kiss his head while he slept. He told him two years would go by fast, but it felt like an eternity. Oh how he just wants Jongwoon with him right now. He misses his awkward, weird, and handsome turtle. Of course him and Kyuhyun spent with Jongwoon last year but it just wasn't the same. After a while he passed out, and the snow outside continues to fall. The dorm door opened silently and the person looked inside. The dorm was empty, it doesn't surprise him. It's weird though, he called Leeteuk and Kangin ahead of time so he was kind of expecting a big welcome back for one day party. He put down his backpack on the couch and made his way to his room for a nice warm shower. Upon opening the door he saw a petite male laying on the ground. He smiled softly but wondered why the male was on the floor.

    "Ryeowook-ah." He called.

The petite male was still asleep and didn't respond to him. He shrugged and went to take a shower. Once he came out of his shower and put fresh clothes on he saw the male was still passed out. He had a confused look but waved it away. He picked Ryeowook up and placed him on his bed. He was going to walk away when he saw how lonely Ryeowook looked. He climbed into bed with the latter and held him close.

    "Yesung." Ryeowook mumbled in his sleep.

Jongwoon smiled and held Ryeowook closer, instinctively Ryeowook wrapped his arms around Jongwoon. When Ryeowook woke up, he noticed he was warmer than usual. Maybe Kangin had turned the heat up but when he looked to his right he was wrong. Sleeping soundly was Jongwoon himself. It took every ounce of Ryeowook's being not to tackle the older male with hugs and kisses. Jongwoon opened an eye after feeling Ryeowook stir.

    "Nice to see you're up." Jongwoon said.

Ryeowook couldn't take it and hugged the tall man tightly.

    "I've missed you so much, Yesung." Ryeowook squealed.

Jongwoon chuckled and returned the hug.

    "I found you passed out in the floor with tear stains on your pretty face. Did you really miss me that much?" Jongwoon asked.

    "Of course I did. Why wouldn't I miss my boyfriend?!" Ryeowook exclaimed.

Jongwoon looked surprised by the use of the word boyfriend. Ryeowook himself blushed because he never admits that Jongwoon is his boyfriend.

    "Then I've been a terrible boyfriend." Jongwoon said.

    "It's not your fault you have to be gone. I'm sure I can wait a couple of more months." Ryeowook said, sadly.

Jongwoon pulled Ryeowook down for a loving kiss.

    "A few months will go by fast." Jongwoon said.

    "That's what you said last time." Ryeowook said softly.

Jongwoon kissed Ryeowook again and smiled.

    "I promise it will." Jongwoon said.

    "Merry Christmas, Yeye." Ryeowook said, placing his head against Jongwoon's chest.

    "Merry Christmas Wookie." Jongwoon smiled, kissing Ryeowook's head.

Now Jongwoon knows why everyone was gone. His poor giraffe has been suffering without him. He's just glad he can make Ryeowook happy on Christmas. Ryeowook's only Christmas wish to be able to see Jongwoon again, looks like his wish came true.

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Chapter 1: love... love.. love.... ^^
Chapter 1: ,,YeWook.,is the,couple full of sweetness! !so nice story!
ApinkPanda4ever #3
Chapter 1: That was so cute!!! Loved it:)