Christmas event goes wrong

Christmas Special

"Oi Yoongi~" he tossed around the bed not wanting to be disturbed and fell back asleep. I sighed, though I can't blame him. The weather's cold and gloomy that you would want to lay down in bed and sleep the whole day, but today was special; its Christmas. I went over to his bed and shook him trying to wake him up again. "Yoongi, get up."

He shrugged me off. "10 more minutes..." now I was annoyed. I already gave him 15 more minutes of sleep and now he wants more.

"MIN YOONGI I DEMAND YOU GET UP NOW" still no movement. "YAH!!" he finally moved but instead of getting up he tossed around and pulled me down, I yelped at the sudden movement. Now his arm was around my waist while my face was buried into his chest and he kept sleeping soundly. I peered over to his face and chuckled at his squishy pale face that looks so cute, makes him look like a chipmunk. I wanted to poke his cheeks to see how deep they went when all of a sudden his eyes burst open and smirked.

"You keep staring at me. Do you want to poke my cheeks that much?" he smiled in a cocky way and I smacked his chest getting up really quick flustered.

"N-No I don't. Don't be mistaken, I was about to pinch your face to make you get up." I said stuttering.


"It's true!"

"You're as stubborn as ever." he finally sat up and ruffled his hair making it messier than before.

"Anyways, hurry up and get up so we can eat. We also promised to go out today remember?"

"Alright." he brought out his legs from the blanket into the cold air, he shivered at the contact. What can I say, he was wearing basketball shorts and a thin white t-shirt.

"And make sure you wear something warmer, it's so cold that you can freeze any second!!" he looked at me and smirked.

"Shouldn't you be doing the same? Miss shorts and hoodie." I looked down to myself and saw that I was wearing my pink training shorts and a large hoodie which turned out to be his, realizing his point I reddened again.

"Ahh, just get ready!!" he walked up to me and chuckled, pinching my cheeks.

"So cute." I swatted his hand away and ran downstairs still blushing in embarrassment.

"You ready yet?" I pouted feeling warm in the coat I was wearing. Yoongi was actually still half asleep so he did everything in a slow motion, which annoyed me becuase I wanted to spend Christmas with him as much as possible. Though, it seems unsual. Usually he would get ready quickly while I take slightly longer but this time he seems to be taking forever.

"Alright I'm coming. Ah wait I forgot my jacket." he ran back upstairs to his room while I looked over to the clothes hanger that had his jacket hung over. Seeing that I sighed. He came back downstairs stratching his head as I took the jacket and walked over to him. "Now where did I..." hearing him mumble I put his jacket over his head and flicked his forehead.

"Turtle." I called him. Now it was his turn to puff his cheeks. I chuckled at the sight and wrapped my arm around his, "Let's go!!"

"Where do you want to go?" asking him while he checked his phone and looked over to me.

"Hmm, why not we go shopping. I hear this mall opens even during Christmas." I smile brightly at his suggestion and waited for the bus. When it arrived he asked me the same thing. "Where do you wanna go?" speaking in dialect as I answered.

"I just want to spend the day with you, doesn't matter where." smiling as we sat in a seat. The passengers around us (the teenage girls) were staring at Yoongi and some whispered to their friends, giggling and somewhat glaring at me. I pouted while crossing my arms. Why does he have to get so much attention? Noticing my actions and the girls he brought his hand making me let go of my arms and held my hand, intertwinning our fingers together and smiled.

"Don't worry, I already have the sweetest girlfriend here so there's no reason to be jealous." whispering to me as I blushed, seeing that his signature smirk appeared. "Are you blushing?"

"No." I responded quickly. He patted my head with his other hand.

"I wonder why I fell for you."

"I wonder why I'm putting up with your cheesy lines." we kept our hands held tight until the end of the ride making me feel a little lonely but shrugged it off, I don't want him to think I'm really clingy. As we arrived at the mall my eyes widened by the amount of people. "Whaaaa there's so many people!!"

"Of course. Come on, let's go and buy some stuff before all the sales are over." I nodded to his reply. When I said that there were so many people I wasn't kidding, the stores were crowded with crazy people shoving others to get their hands on good sales.

Yoongi and I kept walking around to look for stores we might like, when we entered one we made a little bet on who can dress the other better. As I ran down the store to look for the clothes that might fit Yoongi I could see that he was checking his phone with a worried face. I tilted my head to the side waiting for him to move until he noticed me and waved, he then started moving following me and we separated to find clothes for each other. I found a black leather jacket and a V neck t-shirt along with black jeans. I chuckled at the clothes I picked as he always wore black and white. Thinking he should wear more color I looked around the hangers to find a pink sweater with drawings on them and smirked. I automatically took that off the hanger and ran back to him, he was waiting for me with a black skirt and white sweater that looked similar to the one I brought for him. I showed him the black jacket, t-shirt and jeans first earning a satisfied smile when I brought out the pink sweater and his eyes opened.

"Hell no." I grinned.

"Yup! Come on, just this once~" I gave him my puppy eyes and he just sighed.

"Fine." taking the sweater, he left the other outfit and went inside the dressing room. He came out a minute later with the pink sweater that looked adorable on him, I squeled in joy.

"So cute!! Let's buy it" he took a look at himself on the mirror scanning the clothing when he put his arms up in the air.

"It's too small." I looked up at his wrists and stomach bursting out laughter a second later. Indeed it was too small, but he looked exactly like a little kid trying on his baby clothes. He slightly glared at me but softened right away.

"Will you buy it if I find a larger one for you?" wiping my tears from laughing too much.

"Nah, actually I think I like it small. That way I can see you laugh all the time." I slightly frowned. There he goes again... "Your turn." he shoved the clothes in my arms and threw me in the dressing room. Looking at the outfit he found for me I giggled as his color taste was exactly what I expected. Changing into the outfit I got out of the room and twirled around as he awed. "Looks good on you, let's buy it and while we're at it let's buy you some stockings so your legs don't freeze with that on." he smiled as his eyes turned into slits. I nodded in agreement. We went down the aisle of leggings and I found one that would fit me, we proceeded in buying the outfits and walked down the crowded halls. While walking an announcement opened.

"We will have a special offer to all our customers. All stores in floor 3 will be giving away free products to all customers, but remember it's a limited time offer for 20 minutes so hurry and get your wishlist cleared today! Happy holidays and please enjoy~" and the announcement turned off. Wait a minute, the third floor? All of a sudden a big wave of people started running in all the stores and in the halls. Crap!! This is the third floor!!! The wave of people stampeded while pushing others so they could go first, I was one of them. Getting pushed and pulled into all sort of people.

"Yoongi!" I shouted but no answer, I must be getting separated with him. I ran down to the second floor as best as I can and panted heavily when ended at the floor. These people are crazy!! I thought as I walked around the now empty second floor, also hoping that I could find Yoongi quickly. Looking around the stores I passed a cellphone store and a light bulb grew at the top of my head. I can just call him! How can I not think of this before? I thought as I hit myself lightly on the head. I took out my phone and dialed Yoongi's number, it kept ringing when it clicked. Did he pick up?

'The reciever has rejected the call' What? I tried calling again.

'The reciever has rejected the call' Why would he reject my call? I kept calling him but he wouldn't answer.

I started to grow worried and decided to look for him on the third floor, it's already been about 10 minutes so the stores should be sold out by now. I went up the stairs and found the halls not as crowded as before and seeing how some people are returning to the other floors it seems I was right. I kept walking around, checking some backs that seemed familiar to Yoongi's but never found him. As I kept searching someone was wearing the same jacket as the one Yoongi was wearing, he also had the same hairstyle but beside him was a girl who had her arm wrapped around his. I was thinking of the impossible. It can't be right? Hesitating at first, but with some courage and maybe confidence that I was wrong I slowly walked behind the couple and slipped myself in front of them. I widened my eyes from the sight. It was Yoongi.

"Who is this? Your girlfriend? She looks plain to me. Why not just break up with her and go out with me?" this girl was pretty, her hair was styled nicely and her clothes looked very stylish on her, even her make up was perfect. I pictured myself beside her and you could see a big difference between us. But as she said that a sharp pain stabbed my heart.

He shrugged the girl off making her let go forcefully but I was already in a mental breakdown state. My eyes started to water and I hicupped making me cover my mouth with both hands out of reflex, I took a few steps back and started running away. My tears started to flow as I kept running, I can tell he was coming after me but that girl restrained him by pulling on his arm and I didn't care if he was calling out to me either. I kept running away not caring where my feet took me thinking of the situation. Is that why he rejected my calls? Jealousy was the only word that can describe me right now. Yeah I was pissed but I couldn't get myself to hate Yoongi, we dated for 3 years and to think that he would betray me was something unexpected. My sight was blurred from the salty tears but I kept running away ending up at the park, I didn't even notice I ran out the mall. The park was empty but bright as the traditional Christams lights were on as it light the whole park, I kneeled down on the cold ground and cried loudly not caring who could see me. As I thought I was all alone someone put a hand on my shoulder.

"Awww, did something bad happen to the cute princess?" looking back to the owner of the hand I scrunched my face to see an older man around his late 20's. He had a creepy smile plastered on his face and continued. "So much for a Christmas miracle. Hey~ How about this? We can go to my house and have some fun!!" due to my snot and the cold air I couldn't smell anything but I can tell he was drunk, definitely drunk. I shrugged him off not saying anything at first but he placed a hand on my shoulder again. "Don't be like that~ I'll make you feel better." I shrugged him off a little harder than before and he was feeling impatient, grabbing my wrist tight as I yelped.

"Please let go." I said with a serious tone but he wouldn't budge.

"I saw you at the mall before, you just got dumped so it would be better to find another guy real quick." he smiled in the same creepy manner, thinking to what he said I paused. Was I really dumped? No but this is wrong, he's drunk and who knows what he could do to me.

"I said let go." this time I yelled and as I was about to scream he noticed what I was going to do and covered my mouth with his other hand.

"You better shut that mouth of yours or who knows where this can lead to." his tone was scary and the tears of sadness that fell before was now full of fear. He let go of my wrist and started rubbing my stomach making me cringe at his touch, Yoongi would make me feel better whenever I felt sick but this guy just wants to harass me. My tears fell down as he moved his hand near my skirt Yoongi and I bought previously at the mall and drew circles on my upper thigh. Yoongi, please help me.

"If you're going to ually harass someone then I think you sould go to hell." said a voice behind us. The man turned around but I stayed in fear, he got up and I can tell he was about to beat the person.

"Who the hell are you to meddle with someone's business?"

"Just an ordinary guy trying to save my girlfriend." my eyes widened and snapped my head behind seeing Yoongi with a serious expression but once he saw me he grinned. Stupid, how can you smile in a situation like this?

"Well she is not your girlfriend anymore, you dumped her right? You found a better girl so I think I have my right to claim her." I wanted to run but my legs wouldn't move, then realizing what made this happen I shivered. I ran away from Yoongi. He always made me feel full and smile brightly everyday but now he doesn't want me. I couldn't feel my legs, my arms were trembling and my sight was still blurred by my tears. I didn't know what to do.

"I believe that I didn't dump her so would you get lost?"

"LIKE HELL I WILL" the man brought his fist and was about to punch Yoongi, but being a boxing prodigy he dodged it right away punching the man right after. The man faltered grabbing his face and grew more furious, he tried punching him again but Yoongi blocked it and striked the man in the stomach making him bend over in pain. The next thing I knew Yoongi ran to me and grabbed my legs and shoulders holding me in his arms in the princess manner. He ran away from the man by going deeper into the park as I was still processing everything. When he stopped running we ended up at a fountain and put me down on the cement ledge.

"I'm sorry." my tears fell again.

"What are you sorry about? Rejecting my calls? Letting some other girl act as if she's your girlfriend? That's fine, I could find someone else." my body was shaking, I know I don't mean that. I felt like a coward running away from getting hurt when I was actually hurting myself. I got up from sitting on the ledge, seeing my actions he brought his arms closer but I refused. "That man was right, if you dumped me then you should have left me alone." his actions became a little harsher and pulled me into his chest.

"No one can replace you." I punched his chest but being weak it didn't make much of an impact. "This is a misunderstanding. I didn't reject your calls. While going through that stampede I dropped my phone and that girl picked it up, she thought I was alone and tried to hook herself up with me. I already told her I had you but she refused to let me go. She magically found me whenever I hid and considering she had my phone I had to stay with her until I got it back." I shot my head up to see his face but his chin was resting on my head so I was only able to see his neck. "When you came along and ran away she decided to let me off and gave me my phone. Who the hell thought she put her number in it already." I pouted.

"Are you going to call her?"

"Hell no, she's not as pretty as you."

"Says the person who stayed with her and got all touchy." now it was his turn to pout.

"I just explained... And now look at you, you're cold and shivering almost got even!" I smiled as I snuggled more into his chest.


"Idiot." all of a sudden he moved back and looked at the sky. "It's snowing." I mimicked his actions and saw a snowflake land on my nose agreeing with him.

"It is Christmas." his phone rang and I thought he would reject it, instead he picked it up. Now I was mad. He hung up and wrapped his arms around me as I was buried into his chest once again and he sighed.

"Ahhh, and I had it all thought out too... Now because of you it's all ruined." he said in a playful manner while I slightly glared. "We were supposed to watch a movie and go to a restaurant and eat like crazy, then come here to see the water show." my eyes widened. "That phone call was from the restaurant, since we're late they replaced our seat with someone else."

"You thought of that all for today?" he hummed in reply.

"But since the reservation was made for later I had to do everything slow so I don't run out of ideas to keep you busy." I chuckled.

"That's why you were being a turtle."

"But now I just blew off so much money because of you." I pouted.

"Is money more important than your girlfriend?" he chuckled, knowing what I was thinking.

"Woow, now you're even jealous of money."

"Hmph, what if I am." he chuckled again.

"Hey, what kind of man would I be if I didn't care for his girlfriend; especially on Christmas. Who cares about money as long as I'm with you." I sighed breathing in his scent and smiled. "By the way, I have a present for you." he let go of me again as I had a confused look.

"What is i-" all of a sudden he brought his face closer and touched my lips with his making me surprised at first but I slowly closed my eyes and replied back. We broke the soft kiss as he smiled.

"Me, Merry Chirstmas to my number one in my heart. I love you~" I lightly flicked his forehead.

"Cheesy." I responded as he puffed his chipmunk like cheeks, smiling back I raised myself on my toes as he was too tall and kissed him. "I love you too."


Merry Christmas to all readers~ Haha, hope you guys liked it. I was actually listening to BTS' Christmas radio while typing, it was so cheesy that I ended up making Suga cheesy as well... What have I done? >_< And have you guys listened to Jimin's and Jungkook's Christmas present to ARMYs? It's so sweet for them to do all these things for us, I read that Jimin wrote the lyrics HIMSELF Kyaa~ Hope you listen to their cover from Justin Beiber's Mistletoe Christmas Day! Again, MERRY CHRISTMAS

Anyways, for new readers out there if you haven't read my ongoing story yet please do! It's called 'I hate erts!' hope you love that story as well, here's the link!

Hope you guys keep looking forward to my future stories

- Minsugafree

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NurHidayahZaini #1
Chapter 1: how can u wrote ths beautifully :")
Chapter 1: you made my deep-voiced swagful tough bae into this cheeseball of fluff HELP MY FEELS >//<
Chapter 1: Ah, how cute !! I loved it great job ! and Merry Christmas!!