— Prologue

Between Two Worlds

Between Two Worlds

      Jongin yawned as he slowly woke from a few hours of sleep, realizing that he fell asleep while working on his school task. He hated how his teacher gave a difficult homework for weekend; he barely had time to rest himself, his brain. Almost every weekend. While scratching the back of his head, he gazed to the wall clock which was telling him that it was already six, in the evening, and he hadn’t take a shower yet. He rolled his eyes, and quickly tidied up the papers on his desk before quickly leaving to his room. He had to rush, or he would be late for part-time working.

His life was always hard since the day his parents left him, or in other words, abandoned him in that house. They said that he was old enough to live by his own, and they used the word business to convince him that they weren’t really abandoning him. At first he believed, a few months later, he stopped believing. They didn’t come back at all, and they only sent him a few amount of money to stay alive every month. But he would rather save them until he needed it, and work part-time sometimes to pay bills, and fulfill his needs.

He felt like he had no parents since then. But he knew he had to get used to it, because being angry wouldn’t make them come back home. Gladly, his friends were fully supporting him by his side. They were now his only motivation to work hard and be strong.

Walking to his room, Jongin quickly grabbed his towel and wasted no time to walk toward the bathroom to have a shower. He hung the towel behind the door on the hanger, and then took off his clothes before approaching the shower and turned the switch on to warm water.

He took a shower and cleaned himself as quick as possible, even though a few memories of his parents when he was younger kept passing by, he tried his best to ignore it. It was past, he couldn’t change his own past, and he couldn’t rewind time. So, thinking of them would waste too much time.

Jongin knew they didn’t even think about him. Because if they did, they wouldn’t leave him behind.

He breathed out calmly while walking outside the bathroom with towel wrapping around his waist, and rushed to find nice clothes in the wardrobe in his messy bedroom. I wish I have magic wand or something to tidy these mess. He said in his head while rushing outside to where his motorcycle was parked, and locked the house right before leaving to the café where he worked.

It was only a small place, yet people loved it. They often hung out with their friends, family or lovers there. Most visitors in the café were teenagers from what Jongin observed for the past few months. He watched those people who came with their family, such a lucky son of es, unlike Jongin who has nobody. Then again, his friends came reminding him that he had them who were willing to do anything they could do to help him with anything.

He also saw a few cute lovebirds. Making him question himself about his relationship status, he had no girlfriend since he broke up with one at the age of 15. He dated for the first time at young age, indeed, but he learnt how to love. He didn’t intend to love anyone else yet since the broke up, and never hung out with any woman that much since then. Although he was currently having a close friendship with his schoolmate, different class type, Yoon Jaerin. She was indeed smart, pretty, loveable and kind. But she had always thought of her like a friend, best friend. Not more than that.

His friends kept telling him to at least try asking her on a date, but he refused, because he knew his heart didn’t choose her.

He was waiting for the right one, someone whom his heart choose.

Getting off the motorbike, he turned off the engine and walked into the café from the back door. He placed his jacket on the staff locker and took the working uniform before he started working as a servant in the café with two other servants.

He worked very hard. Smile on his face.

Treating the visitors with kindness and patient.

Serving glasses of drinks and beverages from tables to tables.

Cleaning tables and floors.

He did all those until the café was closed, which was at eight. This tired feeling were eating him from the inside, and he felt like collapsing in the ground, but something made him continued walking outside to his motorbike. A part of him hated the idea of giving up only for this kind of serendipity. If to compare with the poor out there, his life was a lot better. Yet those poor had more spirit and courage than he did.

After taking a little break by sitting on the staff couch and have dinner, he decided to go back home to take some rest on his bed, his most favorite bed since he was younger, it was bought by his father. His parents bed was still in their room, he often tidied them when he was cleaning the house, although he knew the possibility of his parents coming back was only 40%. They hadn’t come back for almost two years, no news, and he was celebrating his latest birthday only with his friends. Sad, wasn’t it?

They left, only sending money every month, and then nothing.

He didn’t need money. All he needed was his parents’ love. He wanted them to care when he came home late from friends’ house, he wanted them to know how smart he was at school. He wanted them to pick up his grade reports by the end of the semester to know his grades. When would they come back? That was the only question running around his head every night.

He was indirectly becoming an orphan.

His friend, Sehun’s parents were both willing to adopt him. But he didn’t want others’ life to be complicated because of him. However, he asked them to pick up his grade reports because his school wouldn’t let the student picked up the report on their own.

On the way home, he saw a couple of family holding each other hands joyfully. Weekend was the right time to hang out with your family until the night, because there would be no activities like school or work done the next day. Unfortunately, Jongin had to pass the weekend all by himself. His friends would sometimes came but it wasn’t enough for him.

Days’ atmosphere were hotter for him, and nights’ atmosphere were colder for him.

He hoped he wouldn’t be alone anymore someday.

He hated the fact of being alone. Having no one by his side. It felt like thousands of knife were shot to his heart repeatedly, especially every time he remembered them.

“Where are you guys?” He asked in his own mind, as if he could telepathically sent it to both his parents. Well, he wished he could, though.

After riding his motorbike straight back home, he got off and slowly—and reluctantly— walked to the house door and unlocked it with the key in his hand. He needed rest, he really needed rest. School was quite difficult lately, yet he had to work too. As soon as he got inside, he jumped to his couch and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of finally getting rest after a rough week of activities. His backbone felt a little better when it touched the soft, tender material of the couch – and he groaned as soon as his backbone felt better. The last time he rested his tired body was last Friday, and it was only seven days ago, but it felt like seven years ago for him.

“My bed will probably treat me better,” He mumbled while trying to stand up despite the lazy feeling kept haunting him. He had no problem if he had to sleep on that comforting couch, because he needed a place—any place—that was comfortable enough. But he insisted to go back to the bed.

With eyes slightly closed, he walked toward his room doorstep and reached for the knob, switching it around to open the door. Lazily, he walked again to his paradise—his bed—and rested his body as he groaned. It felt damn good, he would die if this bed was gone, it was the only one that can make him feel better when he was tired, aside from foods and music.

Just as he tried to sleep, he heard loud knocks from outside. Someone was knocking on his door, distracting him who was making a way to his own paradise. He practically grunted and got up after the knocks got louder but less frequent, walking outside again to the main entrance door of his house. In a few seconds, he swung the door open, only to see a woman with pale lips and messy hair and clothes standing on his doorstep.


And then she fainted there, luckily, he caught her in his arms.

Who is this young lady?

Alrighties, this is just the prologue of the story, my take on how it all started.
Please subscribe and leave feedbacks, maybe, to tell me if this is good enough for me to continue?
It'll be very appreciated and make my day, so I hope you don't mind. ^^

Untill next time...

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