
Even Without Me


please enjoy this guys!

Anyway, beside the prompt, I put this song song on repeat when I was writing this chapter. 


I cupped her cheek with my left hand. She looked like she really wanted to cry but holding it in nonetheless.

“Aren’t you happy seeing me alive, Hun?” I let out a little-bit-forced chuckle.

I caressed her cheek with my left thumb and tuck her side bangs behind her ear with my right hand.

“See? Nothing’s lost!” I cupped her face with both of my hands now.

“Is it that hard to believe that I’m here and alive, Dear?”

She shook her head, tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she lunged forward, hugging me tight.

“That’s the response I’m waiting for.” I laughed and pat her hair.

“Stupid.” She playfully punched my back.

“You love me nonetheless.”

“Only if I could say the opposite, Sir.”

I ruffled her hair and she whined about it.

“You’re back from your nth dangerous mission and the first things you do is making fun of me? Well-done, Sir. Well done.” She pouted and pull herself from the hug.

“I’m so mad at you.”

“No, you’re not.” I kissed her pout away and circled my arm around her shoulder.

“Now if you would lead the way to our date, Ma’am.”

She still whined beside me but leaned onto me in the end.

See? That’s the woman I loved.

Her name is Zhang Zhiyu.

I’ve got nothing else to say beside that she’s the sole reason for me to return safely from all of my  missions. The only one I have left in this world.

I prayed hard every night that it will stay that way, that nothing could take her away from me. Not even the raging war outside our shared house.




“Is this the right way to treat your lovely man, Hun? Tangyuan? Is this even the occasion to eat tangyuan?” I whined.

“Excuse me, mister, but you should consider yourself lucky that I made you tangyuan. It’s a lot of work, you know.” She puffed her cheeks in annoyance.

“Beside, it has its own meaning. You should be grateful, young man!”

I smiled at her and reach out to pat her hair.

“I know, I know. It’s just cute seeing you whine like this.” I chuckled and start eating the warm dish in front of me.

“By the way, I’m older than you, Hun. You should start calling me Ge.”

“There you go again.” She stood up from her chair and taking my bowl from my hand, refilling it with more of it.

“I’ll call you Yifan-ge when you finally settle here. No more missions. End of  discussion.”

I smiled inwardly.

Isn’t it adorable? She made up things like that to ensure my return on every missions I was sent off to.

I grinned, recalling what my superior told me earlier today.

‘Yifan, the next mission will be your last. The war is coming to the end soon. Thank you for your assistance so far.’

I waited for that for the past four springs, since the fateful spring day I got to call this woman in front of me my lover.

I was so much of a coward.

Zhang Zhiyu is the girl I grew up with. I was there with her almost in every phase of her life. I am in love with her all along but as I have said, I was so much of a coward. I ended watching her for years.

She was one of two women who cried on the moment I received the news that I was given the honor of serving my country.

She was the only women that cried with me the moment I lost my mother.

She was the one I could return to from my missions.

She was the one declaring her love for me one spring day, asking me to change our label from ‘childhood friends’ to ‘lover’.

I was so much of a coward she ended up being the one doing all those things. Isn’t it man’s responsibility to be brave and do those things?

I am so much of a coward even now she hasn’t change her surname.

“Yifan, did you even pay attention to what I said?” She folded both of her arms in front of her chest.

I stood up and pulled her into a hug.

“I’m listening, Zhiyu.”

She hugs me back tightly.

“You know, Yifan, I don’t think I could let you go on your missions anymore.”


“I can’t handle the wait. I was so afraid the next time you go on a mission, it won’t be you coming home to me anymore.”

“You have to let me go on the next mission.”


“You have to.”

“Give me one reason why I must let you go again.”

“Because Zhang Zhiyu, after the next mission, you will have to call me ‘Yifan-ge’.” I rocked our bodies softly.

There was an unexpected silence after it got out my lips.

“You know Zhiyu, maybe I’ll find my courage after next mission.” There is a scoff from the woman in my embrace.

“Courage my . You are the bravest man I’ve ever met. What could you be scared of?”

‘Death. Losing you. Leaving you behind here alone. Being left alone without you.’

“Let a man has his secret, Hun.” She hit my back playfully.

“I’ll let you go for the last time, then.” I broke the hug and cupped her face.

“You know that I’ll return to you no matter what, right?” She nodded.

I kissed her lips slowly, savoring the sweetness on her lips.

“I miss you.” She said in the middle of the kiss. I chuckled and resume the kiss.

‘You have no idea  how much I miss you in the middle of the war outside, Dear.’

Let’s say what happen next is the sweet welcome home from my lover.

At the end of the day,  I will always have this woman in my embrace to come home to. I have nothing else to ask for as long as I’m with her.




The departure for my last mission sure is an emotional one. She refused to let me get out from our bed that morning. Thing I could never turn her down on every other mornings. Sadly, I had to turn it down for the sake of my country.

Another 5 months passed and now I could finally set my foot back on my hometown.

“Yifan!” Zhiyu ran, jump onto me, koala-hugged me.

“Zhiyu.” She broke the hug, only for me to kiss her lips passionately.

“Thank you for coming back to me, Yifan.” She said after pulling away from the kiss.

“It’s time for you to call me Yifan-ge.” I grinned at her. She rolled her eyes and pull my arm, encircle it around her shoulder.

“Let’s go home, Yifan-ge.”


Maybe it’s finally time to gather  all my courage.

“Let’s go somewhere first, Hun.” I held her hand and start walking to the park where she confessed four springs ago.

I unconsciously touch my pocket.

It’s still there. Good.

“I have something to tell you.” I let go of her hand and dropped  my bag on the ground.

“What is it? Are you having a secret affair at the base camp?” I chuckled.

“You are the only one for me, Zhang Zhiyu.”

“Then what? You wouldn’t bring me to the park, especially this park,  just to say something like you lost your wallet or you want to eat dumplings.”

“Zhiyu, do you know that I’ve loved you since I was thirteen?”

She frowned.

“I thought you said you loved me since I’m thirteen! When you’re thirteen, I was like…” She did the count inside her pretty little head.

“I was ten! What else didn’t you tell me!”

“I liked you first.”

“No! Didn’t we finish this topic months ago? I like you first! I even confess first.” She pouted.

“I never have the courage to ask you out. Sorry about that, Dear.” She only nodded.

“I was afraid you will turn me down. I was afraid when I was called to serve. You can’t imagine how happy I am when you confessed but I was terrified on how will you do if I never made it back from the missions. I was terrified of leaving you behind. I was afraid. I was very afraid.” I tuck her bangs behind her ear.

“But now, I am no longer afraid. Do you remember that you ask me what was I scared of?” She nodded.

“It’s to die in the battle field and ends up leaving you behind here alone.”

I held her hand, squeezing it lightly.

“I am no longer afraid, Hun. I no longer have doubt about you and myself. Do you?”


I reach out for the thing inside my pocket.

“I know I probably not the most courageous man in the world nor I am the most desirable man on earth,” I got on my knees, “but will you do this coward a favor and stay with me forever?”

“Zhang Zhiyu, will you marry me?” I held up the ring. “I’ve been wanting to do this since forever, but I don’t want to leave you as a widow if I died in the battlefield.”

She chuckled but I could see the unshed tears on her eyes.

“Yes.” The tear was finally being shed.

“Yes, yes and yes.” I kissed her and brought her close to my heart.

“Let’s go home then, future Mrs. Wu.” I wiped the tears away from her eyes and sneaked my right arm around her waist while retrieving my bag on my left.

We walked home with me playfully pecks her cheek every now and then.




“Hun, do you smell it?” I sneaked a kiss on top of her head as I sit on the empty chair on the dining room.

“Nu-uh. What do you smell?”

I sniffed around, getting closer to the kitchen.

“I don’t know. Something chemical? Do you spill something on the kitchen?”

She shook her head while sipping her corn-soup.

“Call someone to check it if you’re not sure, still.” She said.

“Okay. Are you going to work today?” She nodded and I pout.

“Quit working, Hun.” I put my hands on the table and rest my head above them, winking so that she could fall for it.

“I love my job, Yifan. It’s not that boring like you think it is.”

“But I love you more! No way you job can love you like I do.” She laughed and lean to me, pecked my lips.

“I love you too, Yifan.”

“You said you’ll call me Yifan-ge.”

“Yifan suits you better!” She shouted from the kitchen.

“You’re lucky I love you, Zhang Zhiyu.” I mumbled as I  followed her to the kitchen.

“You do know that I love you, right, Yifan.” She said as I back-hugged her.

“To the point I’m afraid you forget how to love yourself.” I rest my head on the crook of her neck.

“How would you live without me, Hun?” I kissed the crook of her neck softly and she chuckled.

“I just can’t, Yifan.” She turn her body so that now we could face each other.

“Maybe I should start looking for a job so that you could quit.”

Zhiyu hit my chest playfully.

“I work because I enjoy it, Yifan. Be safe, okay?”

I broke the hug.

“Of course I’ll be safe, I’m not in the battlefield. Don’t let me slow you down, Sweetheart.” I pecked her forehead and push her a little.

“I’ll be waiting, Hun.” I smiled as I bade her goodbye.

“I’ll be back by four, Yifan. Love you.” I just waved.




I should start writing my wedding vow.

It’s three months away.

Moreover, I am bored. Home without Zhiyu doesn’t feel like home at all.

Maybe I really should start writing my vow.

I should brew some tea first then.

I filled up the pot and leave it on the gas stove. It should be boiled by the time I finished the vow.

I walk into the room and open the time-capsule I saved for all the letters I’ve written at the base camp. It was never be delivered. She’ll see all of it on our wedding day along with the marriage vow I’ll be saying that day.


My lovely Zhiyu. I, the coward finally have the courage to call you my wife.

We spent three springs kissing each other goodbye, praying that I would be back in one piece. Hard days but you make it, Honey. I’m so proud of you.

Now let’s focus on the little things I don’t want to forget. After a while I realized that these every little things have you in it, even our catfights that ends up on my favour. I realized that all I wouldn’t want to forget is your beautiful smile. You being happy. Us being happy.

Right now I wonder about things I’ll be sure to remember until my death. It will be you. Your face, your smile, your warmth. You, everytime you wait to welcome me home from the battlefield. You, everytime you are actually worried but tried to look nonchalant. You, everytime you cook dishes only for me. You, every time you woke up in the morning next to me.

This will be our new beginning. I will try to be less annoying for you and love you more but promise me, Hun, don’t love me too much that  you forget how to love yourself.

Until death do us part, Wu Zhiyu.


“Then I should kiss her so passionately.” I chuckled to myself.

I folded the paper and put it in the time-capsule, locking it with a small lock. I remember Zhiyu having the other key to this time-capsule, though. I hope she won’t get too curious before the wedding.

I smelled something odd in the air.

Is this smoke?

I opened the door and the smoke clouded my sight.

What happened?

I ran to the direction of the kitchen, only to be blown away for the fact that it’s already burnt. Our house is on fire.

I should run.



No! I should try to put the fire out first. This is the house Zhiyu and I are saving together.

I grabbed the fire hydrant on the dining room and ran towards the kitchen.

All I saw is fire. I couldn’t see anything else.

Then something dropped, making me trapped under something heavy.

Is this the end?

Zhiyu would be back by four. She would be back so I can’t give up.

I kept telling myself that I can’t give up, tried to crawl my way out of the thing that trapped me.

Until finally the darkness is the only thing I could see.

It’s not supposed to be like this.

Zhiyu should live happily after all of the pain I put her through.

She deserved to live happily.

Even without me.

I smiled with her image on my mind as I lost my conscious.

















The lover cried on the hospital ward, clutching the burnt time capsule that survived the fire close to her heart.


She cried and cried.

Don’t love me too much that  you forget to love yourself.

“Now what would I do? How will I keep on living, Yifan?”

She took the burnt time-capsule and walk lifelessly to the morgue.


Jie!” A pair of hand held her back from entering the eerie room.

“I need to see Yifan.”

“Zhiyu-jie, don’t.” A man with black hair pulled her back.

The image came and torture her.

The charred and blackened hand of the corpse under the white sheet.

“It’s not Yifan.” She whispered.

“Yifan said he’ll wait for me. It’s not Yifan!”

Zhiyu fell to the floor, still crying, still clutching to the burnt time-capsule.

Until death do us apart, Wu Zhiyu.

after living through hell, he died in the place where he supposed to be safe

That was the prompt given to me by elseiraa-

It's not that bad, right? She told me this is kinda okay. 

Yes, the man at the last part is Zitao. I will explain who he exactly is if I make the spinoff of this. tee-hee

That concludes this story. I hope I don't that much

and do leave any comment below and tell me what do you think about this.

See you next time!




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Chapter 1: This is good to be honest. In my real life, there is a person that I know died this way. Being back from mission safely but unfortunately died at the place that he should be safe at.
Thumbs up! Keep on writing.