Unclear {HIATUS}

“unnie let’s go for a ride today!” Dana said.

“uhh, today? Why?” you asked

“hmm, it’s been a long time since we last went for a ride. So, since we have nothing to do today, let’s go for a ride!” Dana said. “okay then, let’s go” you agreed with Dana.

Dana is riding a bicycle while you choose to seat at the bench because your body feel tired. You can see Dana from far. Suddenly you saw two boys racing among them. Your eyes are growing bigger when you saw they are nearing Dana. You shout at Dana and you saw the boys are trying to stop their bicycle. Gladly they are able to press their brake just in time. You ran to Dana to see if she’s okay. You’re just to panic and not looking at the boys who are nearly hit Dana. You are busy checking Dana and you can hear the boys said “are you okay?” “we’re really sorry” “I hope you forgive us” and suddenly you can hear someone scolding the boys “yah. I’ve told you don’t race here! Glad that you guys didn’t hit her” their voice sound familiar. “unnie, I’m okay. Look at your back” you look at Dana with curious expiration but you look back anyway.

“noona?! Omg Kai I’ve told you we can’t race here. Look you nearly hit Dana. Dana-yah sorry for Kai’s bad behaviour” Sehun said to Kai and acted like it’s not his fault.

“What the hec- Yah you’re the one who suggest this! Don’t act like it’s not your fault. Aish you seriously. Dana yah sorry.” Kai said and bow to you both and hit Sehun’s head. “it’s okay, oppa. It’s not a big deal anyway” Dana said.

“Hana-yah Dana-yah anneyong!” Tao said while riding his bicycle happily. You two wave back at Tao.

“Yah Tao, be careful while riding! Don’t be like these two idiots” Suho shout to Tao while sarcasm to the maknaes. Tao make a tumb up gesture to Suho means he will be careful and he will not be like Sehun and Kai. Sehun and Kai pouts at Suho’s statement.

“where are the other else?” you asked Suho wondering where the other member.

“they are there.” Suho pointing at a group of boys relaxing and eating. Some of them are playing some games. You can see they are sitting on a mat and you saw Kyungsoo with a basket. You sure it is food because you can see Chanyeol eating happily.

“picnicking?” you asked. Suho nod as an answer.

“how about you joining us? “ Sehun said happily.

“uhh. I guess I can’t” you said. Actually you can feel that your body is not really in good condition.

“unnie, let’s join them. Please?” Dana begging. You’re not sure that you should join them but suddenly Sehun said. “You owe me bubble tea! So you can’t go anywhere, noona~” he added aegyo when he call you noona. “hmm. Alright then. We’ll join you guys” you said. No choice anyway.When you guys are heading to their place you can see Chanyeol is waving at you guys with his big smile. And there Sehun and Kai are racing again but this time Tao is joining them too. No one can handle the maknaes tho, except Kyungsoo.

You sat on the mat while looking at the boys. They are playing basketball. Kris and Luhan is the team leader. Dana is being their referee. Well, that is the only thing that she can do anyway. Playing basketball with those tall guys is too impossible. You sigh, your body feeling weak. You didn’t do anything anyway that day. Just you feel tired.

“feeling tired?” someone asked.

“oh? Not really. Why are you not joining them?” you asked him.

“I change with Lay hyung. What are you doing here?”he asked

“well, Dana said she wanted to have a ride. And unexpectedly we bumped with Sehun, Kai and Suho. And they asked us to join you guys. I don’t want to disturb you guys actually, but then Sehun asked me to treat him bubble tea today, so I agreed at last” you explained to him

“ohh, I see. You owe me bubble tea to. Remember on my birthday? So you have to treat me to~” he said.

“I remember, Baekhyun. Okay okay I’ll treat you today” you said giving up.

“yah. Where’s your manner? You forgot to add something!” Baekhyun said.

“what did I miss? I didn’t do anything rude to you” you asked curiously.

“you forgot to add ‘oppa’ at my name” Baekhyun said while pouts. You blush at his statement. Is it necessary? “omg Hana, come to your sense back. It’s just a normal things between friends. Yes. Friends. Nothing more. He just asked you to call him ‘oppa’ because he is older than you. Don’t dream big.” you said to yourself.

“HANA WATCH OUT!” you heard the boys shout. You just don’t know what to do do when you saw the ball that they are playing are coming to you. You close your eyes just thinking about the taste getting hit by ball. You wait for the ball to hit you, but can’t feel anything. You open your eyes. You saw Chanyeol is holding the ball that should hit you. You make a confused face.

“I guess you owe me bubble tea too?” Chanyeol said teasingly while showing you the ball in his hand. You sigh realive that Chanyeol manage to catch the ball before it hit you.

“are you okay?” Baekhyun asked worriedly. You nod as an answer. You stand up and said.

“who wants bubble tea? My treat!” you said happily to them.

“MEEEE” they said in unison. You laugh.

“wait here. I’ll go buy” you are already grab your purse and phone and someone said.

“I don’t think the bubble tea store is near here. You have to take taxi or bus. Are you sure you are going alone?”  that tall guy said. Oh yeah, his name is Kris you thought. You open the zip of your purse and take your car key out while said.

“I’ll drive. Don’t worry”

“what? You’re already have a license? You’re younger that me!” Kyungsoo said. You smile teasingly to him.

“unnie, are going alone? I don’t think you can carry 14 bubble tea alone. Want me to follow you?” Dana asked worriedly.

“It’s okay. Just continue playing” you said.

“I’ll follow you” you heard Chanyeol and Baekhun said. You make frown face.

“ we will follow you then” Chanyeol said happily.

“uhh. I don’t think so. My car can only fit for two people. . .” you whisper the last sentence. Now, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are bickering who will follow you to bubble tea shop. You just can’t wait for them to stop. You was about to said Baekhyun will follow you, but you shook that thought away because you thought Dana will be sad and you think about Chanyeol. Confused, you just want to say that you will go alone or you asked Sehun to follow you but you know Sehun want to play more. And there you are, walking to the parking with Chanyeol.  You choose Chanyeol to follow you because you don’t want to burden yourself to carry 14 bubble tea alone with sick body. Just not today.  You’re now in front of your car.

“holly shi- white razor R8 is just freaking bad for 22 years old girl” Chanyeol said in awe. You laugh at him. How did he know your age? Oh yeah, Dana must tell them already.

“let’s go. We’ll be late” you said entering the car. Chanyeol followed you.

“tell me you bought it” Chanyeol said. you make confused face. “this car”

“well, my mom and dad bought it for me for my missing 3 years birthday present. I also can’t believe they bought this for me at first” you said while driving far away from the park.

“just for birthday present” Chanyeol said.

“Don’t act like you’re not surrounding with ‘rich people’ like I don’t know Tao own a Maserati when he is 22 years old. And more unbelievable, he used his own money to buy it. And me? No I’m not using my own money, my dad bought it for me. So stop nagging okay Chanyeollie~” you said teasingly.

“yah. Call me Chanyeol Oppa not just Chanyeollie” Chanyeol said faking his angry.

“what’s wrong with all people today. Why did you guys bother me to call most of you oppa? Aish I’m going crazy I think” you nag.

“what? Who else ask you to call them oppa? I’m not the first?  It must be one of the member right? Aish seriously. Tell me who” Chanyeol said.

“hah? U-uh. w-why did you bother anyway?. Just stop talking I’m driving” you said stuttering. Gladly no traffic congestion so Chanyeol had no time to ask me about who the guy that asked me to call him oppa.

“ 6 chocolate pearl, 2 strawberry, 3 honeydew, 3 americano” you ordered. You and Chanyeol sit near the window while waiting for your order.

“so tell me when did you got you license?” Chanyeol asked.

“hmm, when I was 20” you answered him.

“what? Why so early?” Chanyeol asked.

“well, mom and dad are not always at home. So I decide to take my license because I don’t really like to use my dad’s driver. It’s feel like you’re being watching by somebody. Everywhere you go he knows where you are. So I think 19 years using driver is enough for me.” You said boringly. Chanyeol nod after you answer his question.

“your dad is a businessman?” he asked again. You nod. Suddenly you feel like you are going to vomit. You quickly stand up and ran to the toilet leave Chanyeol alone without saying anything. You heard Chanyeol shout your name  but you don’t bother to look back because you really need the toilet. After you wash your face and you look at your watch 3:43 p.m. “maybe it’s because I didn’t eat anything yet today. Think positive, Hana. It’s nothing serious. Just find something to eat after this and you’ll be okay” you said to yourself. You walked out from the toilet and you saw Chanyeol is waiting for you worriedly. When he saw you’are already out from the toilet

“are you okay? I don’t think you’re okay. Your face look pale.” Chanyeol asked worriedly.

You shook your head  “maybe it’s because I didn’t eat anything today. Can we find anything to eat after this?” you asked him. He nod. You walked back to your seat. Chanyeol following from back with worried face.


Her face are pale, just like the night at Baekhyun’s birthday. Is she really okay that night? She walked out and said she just need fresh air. And now she just vomit and said she didn’t eat anything. Is there something wrong happening with her? Aish think positive Chanyeol. It’s jus not a serious matter. Go back to your sense. Why did you bother anyway?

After paying, Chanyeol said that he will carry all the drinks while searching for something to eat. You saw hotdog stall and decide to buy it hurriedly because you’re sorry to see Chanyeol carrying all the drinks. You bought 4. 2 for you and 2 for Chanyeol. Well, you’re food lover anyway. And you know Chanyeol loves to eat. You and Chanyeol sat on a bench along the street. You ate silently. You’re just ate half of the hotdog suddenly you loss your appetite. You stop eating.

“eat more, you look like a ghost. Eat up, don’t left your stomach empty. You’re lack of energy” Chanyeol said while shoving the remaining hotdog into your mouth. You’re force to eat the remaining hotdog. You ate the half hotdog and you just can’t shove any food into your mouth. After eating, Chanyeol said that he will drive back to the park because he saw your pale face. You just give up when Chanyeol decide to drive cause you feel your body getting tired. It was a silence when you two are on the way back to the park. Arrived at the park, Chanyeol didn’t give you any chance to carry the drinks.

Now, the boys are drinking their bubble tea happily while you just playing with the straw without drinking it. You just feel so tired today even tough you didn’t do anything.

“unni, are you okay?” Dana asked worriedly. You give a weak nod.

“I’m okay, you don’t have to worry, just continue with your own things. I’ll wait until you said you’re tired and then we’ll go home” you said to Dana.

“no she’s not okay” you saw Chanyeol coming towards you and Dana. Dana make a confused expression. While you look at him with confused. “she vomit when we’re at the bubble tea shop” Chanyeol continuing his sentence and take a sit beside you.

“you vomit?!” Dana asked shocked. You shook your head

“it’s just because I didn’t eat anything. I’m okay now. Don’t worry” you said to Dana trying to calm her down and glare at Chanyeol. He just give you an innocent face while you glaring at him.

“no unni, let’s go home now. I’m okay. We can meet anytime we want. Not the important thing is you to rest. Come on. I’ll tell the guys that we’re going home now.” Dana said quickly standing up and tell the other that you and Dana are going home. You felt sorry for Dana for disturbing her time with the other.

“Don’t worry. We’ll meet again. Now, go home and rest” Chanyeol said while patting your head. You and Dana bit them last goodbye before drove far from the park. It was a silence ride to home. You just feel too tired to talk and Dana is now felt sorry for you. you and Dana are now in the lift going to your room.

“unni, sorry. I shouldn’t force you to go if you’re sick” Dana whisper. You look at Dana and pat her head.

“it’s okay. Not a big deal” you said.

“just, I felt sorry. Your face are pale. Just like that night. Are you sure you are okay? Want to go to the hospital?” Dana asked worriedly. You shook your head

“I Just need a rest and I’ll be alright. I don’t need a doctor” you said. Dana nod.

“get a rest until you feel better. I won’t disturb you this time. I promise. Just get well soon. I don’t want you to sick. No, you can’t sick” Dana said and give you a hug before going to her own bedroom. You nod your head and you see Dana walking to her own room. You lied on your bed and cuddle under your warm blanket. “ What’s wrong with me? And I’m getting worse? What should I do with mom and dad? What if Dana know ?” you thought before going to sleep and don’t bother to take a bath first. You’re just too tired.


Unnie is weird. Did she keeping something from me? No, unnie never keeping any secret from me. She is just tired. I hope she is okay and go back normal tomorrow. Goodnight, unni. Mom. Dad.





soo hi, again. this is the same author with chap6. they asked me to update another chapter because they have something to do. . . . . . i guess they are bullying me since I'm the youngest here (lol) so, sorry if this is a boring chapter because i don't know how to write a proper chapter actually (I'm serious) so, i hope you will continue reading and I WILL MAKE SURE MY COUSINS WILL WRITE THE NEXT CHAPTER. and oh, sorry for the mistakes grammar and spelling or whatever it is. i'm just bad at this. . . . . so, keep reading ^^

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i hope u guys can understand our situation..


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heyyy i've been wondering are you guys going to update??
Chapter 4: Oh my god I love this story it's exactly what I was looking for!!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhhh I wanna continue reading!!! .... But my eyes aren't letting me... If the story isn't from you prospective I would love it even more!!! If it's from Dana or Hana point of view or author point of view it would more amazing but right now I'm anticipating for what happened next! Please right more!!! ^^