The Beginning

Your Love Was Always Enough

Their love started like any other young love does. Inexperienced and full of doubts and uncertainty both turned to Chanyeol, a trainee in the same group as them to whom both have become close to, to help turn their friendship into something more. Chanyeol, being the helpful and cheerful fellow that he was, did as much as he could to help both parties realize that their fears and doubts were completely redundant, as he could see that both were in love with one another. 

"Oh my god Chanyeol... I am so stupid! Do you know what I just did?! He asked me to pass him a spoon, so I took the spoon, and as I was about to give it to him I slipped and fell face-down right under his feet! Who does that?!". Kyungsoo was saying this so quickly and with so much anger and fury that Chanyeol thought he might just explode. 

"Calm down! How did he react?" Chanyeol asked, trying to soothe Kyungsoo by using his as it had turned out to be very effective tactic of making Kyungsoo think things through to realize that actually Jongin finds all these silly stunts of his "freakin' adorable". 

"He stood up, helped me up, asked if I'm okay... Then smiled", said Kyungsoo, his voice growing calmer and calmer by seconds.

"See? I told you he likes it when you act all clumsy and cute! He finds it adorkable!", replied Chanyeol, with a touch of told-you-so in his voice.

"He could have just smiled because he found me incredibly awkward and he was trying his best to not burst out laughing in my face!" 

"Or maaybe, just this once you could stop making excuses and actually finally believe me when I say that Jongin likes you!" Chanyeol exclaimed, trying his best to stay calm and not judge his friend for acting like a middle schooler.

Kyungsoo stayed silent and sat down in his chair, which grabbed Chanyeol's attention. When it came to them, Kyungsoo always had something to say back to his friend, even about the tiniest things. 

"Why do you find it so hard to believe that Jongin genuinely likes you?" Chanyeol asked, now softening his tone as he noticed the expression on his friend's face change from anger and embarassement to pure sadness.

"Because have you seen him? He is the epitome of good-looking. He is smart, talented, hardworking, funny, you name it. And then look at me. Do you get it now?" Answered Kyungsoo, and his voice broke at the end of his sentence as he tried to hold back the tears. 

"Kyungsoo, what are you talking about! I have looked at you! I'm looking at you now and I can tell you that you are one of the kindest, cutest, smartest and most amazing people I know! Don't even think that way! Jongin would be lucky to have you. Man, any guy would be lucky to have you!" 

Chanyeol pulled up a chair and sat next to Kyungsoo, wrapping his arm around his shoulders and lightly shaking them, as if willing for Kyungsoo to wake up from this lack of self-confidence dream. 

"You really think so?" Kyungsoo asked, looking up at Chanyeol with his big, round eyes.

"I know so", Chanyeol answered firmly, and pulled his friend into a tight embrace. 

"And have you seen those lips o'yours? If I wasn't committed to Baek right now, I'd be doing everything to try and kiss 'em!" Chanyeol joked, causing Kyungsoo to push him away and chuckle. 

"There we go, that's better. Now that this funeral-of-a-meeting is over, go back out into that damn kitchen and eat lunch with him!" 

As Chanyeol stood up from the chair he brushed Kyungsoo's hair and nudged him in the direction of the door. Kyungsoo walked over to the door, suddenly feeling his heart skipping beats again. He turned back for some support from his friend, and Chanyeol gave him a bright smile paired with a mouthing of go on!

"Thanks", Kyungsoo muttered before finally opening the door and going outside. 

Their first kiss happened about three weeks later. The two of them together with Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sehun and Suho, all trainees of the same group, were practicing their choreography for their new dance "MAMA", when Chanyeol decided it was time to give the two some time alone. Pointing to the other members to leave, the others soon picked up on Chanyeol's plan and made excuses along the lines of "I need the bathroom" or "I'm hungry" to leave the room. Due to Kyungsoo's observant nature, however, he quickly picked up on what was going on and shot Chanyeol a look of fury right before he dissapeared behind the glass doors. Kyungsoo knew he got extra nervous and awkward around Jongin, and he didn't want another opportunity to show him that. Alone with his love interest and nobody to help him out, he was sure he would do something to make a complete fool out of himself.  

"So what do you wanna do?" asked Jongin, trying his best to appear as calm as he could without revealing how incredibly fast his heart was beating. 

"Am... I don't know... Maybe we could dance some more? There's a part I still can't get quite right. Maybe you could help me?". Kyungsoo figured the best chance for him to stay at least a moderately sane person in Jongin's eyes was to right away say he was not capable of doing the task in front of him. 

"Sure. Which part?" Jongin asked, a smile spreading across his face. Kyungsoo had asked for the one thing that Jongin could use to impress him. Dancing was the only thing he was sure of, and he was determined to use that confidence to wow Kyungsoo.

"This one", said Kyungsoo, as he struck a pose weakly resembling the one from the actual choreography. Unable to control himself, Jongin let out a soft laughter, finding the pose incredibly cute. 

"Alright well, that's not exactly how we do it", answered Jongin, traces of laughter still lingering on his lips. 

"Yeah well, not everyone is a born-to-be dancer like you", Kyungsoo spat out, angry more at himself rather than Jongin for not being able to do anything right.

"Hey hey, I'm joking. Come on, I'll help you". Jongin walked up behind Kyungsoo and put his hands on Kyungsoo's waist. Kyungsoo felt his heart exploding. He longed for this touch for so long, he'd do anything to keep those hands there. 

"Like this, move them a little bit to the side, and then back", whispered Jongin, quickly loosing his breath. He felt blood rushing to his entire body. He felt alive. His hands belonged on Kyungsoo's waist like a key in a lock. He wanted to touch every inch of him. He wanted to explore his chest, his arms, his hair, his lips... Oh, his lips! 

Without realisation Kyungsoo placed his hands on top of Jongin's causing him to shift even closer, so close that his breath was ruffling the hair at the back of Kyungsoo's head. Suddenly the awkwardness and conscience that had been present between them moments ago evaporated, leaving only desire and lust. Desire to hold, to touch, to kiss.                                                                                                                                                                                                            

The following actions required no words. Kyungsoo turned to face Jongin, realizing just how small he was compared to the dancer as he wrapped his arms around his waist. No words were needed for Kyungsoo to know that Jongin felt the same way he did. Looking into his eyes Kyungsoo could see the same desire that he felt. Leaning down, Jongin lightly brushed his lips against Kyungsoo's, feeling the softness and the warmth and the fullness of them that exploded his heart into a million pieces. Suddenly the room, the building, the world were no longer there. It was just the two of them, their bodies brushing against each other, their kisses growing deeper and deeper by seconds. Nothing mattered but their hands grasping, lips parting, tongues intertwining and heavy breaths.

This would have continued for much longer if Kyungsoo wasn't snapped back into reality by the sound of hands clapping. As Kyungsoo parted from Jongin, he followed the sound with his eyes to see the four trainees clapping and cheering for the kiss the two just shared. Embarassed, Kyungsoo turned over to Jongin, only to see him bowing and waving to the observers as if he had just won a golden medal. This action earned a laugh from Kyungsoo, and soon the six boys were all together in the dance room, laughing and smiling. 

And just like that, the two became a couple. They were now inseperable. Days were spent together rehearsing and nights were spent watching movies in each other's embrace and sharing passionate kisses. The other members often teased the two by telling them to get a room and stop their "lovey dovey stuff", but deep inside all were happy that the two finally found each other. Everybody could see how happy the two were together. One day, when Kyungsoo was in the recording studio, Jongin walked in with a small bag in his palm, looking rather excited.

"I have something to give you!", Jongin exclaimed as he walked through the door.

"What is it?", asked Kyungsoo, failing at hiding his curiosity. 

"Remember that one day you and I came here to record a song? And we recorded our voices saying "I do"?" asked Jongin, getting more and more excited with each word.

"Yeah...". Kyungsoo was lost. What could have Jongin prepared for him?

"Well, later on that day I came back here and copied the pattern that our voices made on the computer when we said that. I then had it engraved on these rings". As he was finishing the sentence he opened up the bag to let two silver rings fall out onto his palm, both engraved with a zig-zag shape. Before Kyungsoo had a chance to reply, Jongin took Kyungsoo's hand in his and slid the ring onto his ring finger.

"I want this to be a promise. A promise that we will always love each other. If you are ever wanting to hear me say I love you and I am not there, I want you to look down at this ring and know that I do, I do love you." 

Jongin was interrupted mid-sentence by Kyungsoo pulling his face to his and absorbing him into a long, deep kiss. After their lips seperated, Kyungsoo pressed his forehead against Jongin's and whispered, "I do too, Jongin. I so do". 



A/n: So what do you guys think?? This is the beginning of their relationship and this will help set the scene for what happens later. Make sure to comment and tell me if you liked it! xx


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Hi guys! Please do give me feedback on this foreword! Do you want to read more? This is my first time so please be nice! ^^


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yow767 #1
Chapter 1: This is awesome!! Please update soon authornimm><
kimkaiii #2
Chapter 1: I like it much author-nim!so this is gonna be chaptered?please update soon,thanks author-nim /bows/