Love On The Dance Floor

DJ Got Us Falling In Love [One-Shot]

C h a p t e r 1:


It’s the beat of the dance that keeps me alive.  No matter what, I feel alive and have a reason to live through the music.  I go to dance clubs with my hyungs every time we all get a chance to go together.  I dance alone.  I see my hyungs dancing with other girls that caught their interest.  All my hyungs are good dancers; except for some times when JinKi hyung tends to be a little awkward and MinHo hyung…it depends on his mood.  Pop, upbeat songs keep me going.  I get the spotlight in the dance floor and that’s how it should be…until competition came.




                “TaeMin, we’re going to the club tonight,” Key hyung said.  My attention on my homework went away and I quickly faced hyung.


                “What time?” I asked.  I was excited.  I needed to see the girl again.


                “Get ready at 9,” he informed.




I turned back to my homework: my elbow resting on the desk with my palm on my chin.  I stared straight out the window instead and started thinking about last week, the last time I went to the dance club.  That girl was amazing.  Her popping and her little bit of ballet added in…it was perfect.  She moves so gracefully.  I can tell that dancing was her life.  She got my limelight that night for a while, but the more I think about it, I didn’t care.  She was…wow.  I could tell that she was new.  She doesn’t seem full Korean, too.  She seems to be half…Japanese!  Right, Japanese.  Ugh!  That girl…I wanted to actually…dance with her, but…


The music ended and she was looking at her watch.  I was going to tap her shoulder, hoping that we can dance together, but she looked up straight behind me where the clock was.  Her eyes widened and she quickly turned around.


                “Wait!” I blurted out.  She never turned and left the club.




It was finally time to get ready for the club.  I wore black jeans, black tank, and a black sweater.  Along with that I had my black and white converse.  I was just reading a book for homework like I always have.  All they ever do is pile up homework.  I heard a knock on my door.  I yelled that they can just come in.  I looked up to see MinHo hyung there.


                “Okay, we’re leaving,” he said.  I shut my book and jumped off my chair.


                “Awesome,” I replied, making him chuckle.


 The club was really dark, except for the streak of colorful lighting moving around.  It was crowded, but because it was winter, there weren’t really that much people.  Many people are on vacation, at home with family, or doing whatever.  It was nice in here though.  y Back started playing and that was my time to get back to the dance floor.  I can hear many people cheering me on when it was the middle of the song.  Soon, someone was next to me.  I looked to see the girl from last week.  I smirked.  I got my chance.  I danced my way next to her.  She stopped for a bit and looked up at me.  I think I stopped too.  She was so beautiful.  She had big, chocolate brown eyes filled with curiosity.  I smiled.


                “Dance with me!” I yelled so that she can hear me through the loud music.  A new song played; still upbeat.  She smiled.


                “Okay!” she yelled back.


Her dancing is perfect.  We danced as if no one else was here; it was just the two of us.  This was the best feeling I have ever experience.  It’s like I danced with her before.  Her body was near mine.  I placed my hands gently on her hips and she didn’t seem surprised or scared, it was like she was expecting this.  A new song played, I was parched.  We both seem to stop and look at each other.


                “Want to get a drink with me?” I asked.  She smiled and nodded and followed me to the bar.  I was still under aged for alcohol so I ordered water.


                “And what would you like?” the bartender ask the girl.


                “Water,” she answered.  He smiled and in a flash, he gave her ice, cold water.  She thanked him and took a small sip.  I faced her and took my hand out.


                “I’m TaeMin.  What’s your name?” I asked.  She smiled and shook my head.


                “Cho Hee, but you can just call me Cho if you want,” she answered.  I smiled and nodded.


                “Cho, you’re an amazing dancer,” I complimented.


 I looked at her smile.  Did I mention how amazing she looked?  It’s like we think alike, considering the face we’re both wearing the same color, legit.  I chuckled to myself.  I sound like a weirdo but it seems alright to me now.


                “You, too!” she yelled.  She looked at her watch and her eyes widened.  “I-I’m sorry!  I have to go.  I hope I’ll see you again!”  And like the speed of light, she was gone.  I sadly sighed.  I really wanted to stay with her longer.




                “Cho, sleep early tonight, alright?” my umma said.


                “Araso,” I answered and close my door and walked into my walk in closet.


I checked the time on my watch.  It was only 10.  I tapped my foot impatiently as I looked for an outfit to wear.  I smiled to get a pair of skinny jeans, a white, loose tank top, and a black sweater.  I took out my black converse.  I decided to take a shower for time to pass.  I need my parents to sleep before I sneak out.  After 20 minutes, I came out, getting dressed.  Usually, my parents sleep early, too.  They’re always so busy with business.  There’s no way I’m taking over.  Realizing that they’re sleeping, I set up some things under my blanket, just in case they come in to check on me.  I just love how it always works.  I opened my window and gently climbed down the tree.  I smirked and ran off.


Okay, Adrenaline is an amazing teen club.  That’s all I can say right now.  I researched clubs in Seoul before planning on sneak outs.  The place was pretty crowded this night, but hey, who doesn’t like dance clubs.  I love this.  When I entered inside, the music was blasting; I can feel my body wanting to move.  My head bobbed to the music and I decided to dance alone.  I took a drink of water for a break.  I hear people cheering.  I wanted to know on what.  I moved in closer to see a boy popping.  I gasped in amazement.  I could tell this was something he would want to do for a living, like me.  It seems to be his life.  His moves are vivid and alive.  When he stopped, a new song came up and that’s when everyone moved away to do their own thing.  I ended up dancing to this song.  I guess I came up with some new moves in my list.  I laughed to myself and looked up at the clock.  My eyes widened and I gasped.  It was basically 1 in the morning.  I know, I should worry, but I was.  I quickly ran off, but I could’ve sworn that someone told me to wait.  I wish I could, but I had to leave.



                “Cho Hee, time to wake up!  Your father and Uncle JaeMin are waiting downstairs for you to talk more about the business,” my umma chirped happily.  I groaned in annoyance.  It was only 8 in the morning and that I came home at like 1:30 and slept at around 3.  I kept thinking about the boy who was dancing.  I smiled to myself.  “Aigoo, my Cho Hee is so happy about the business.  Hurry up and get downstairs.” 


She finally left my room and I rolled my eyes.  I’m never happy about learning the damn business.  I got up and walked inside my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.  I ended up just heading down in my long sleeve shirt and shorts.  Did my umma say Uncle JaeMin?  He’s my appa’s best friend.  The two go way back and Uncle JaeMin loves, and I mean, loves the company.  Even one of his son loves learning about business.   I’m close to Uncle JaeMin, reason why I call him Uncle.  I smiled and hugged my appa and uncle.  And once I sat down, boredom hit me.  I really don’t care, honestly.  Learning about the business isn’t my thing.  I like entertaining and that means dancing.  That’s what I want to be.  A dancer.  Once the music starts, my body rhythmically moves with the beat.  I love the feeling so much.  I can be half dead asleep or deathly sick and I’ll still dance.


                “Okay, Cho, tomorrow you’ll be coming with us to the company,” I hear my appa say.


                “Araso,” I answered.


My appa runs a company here in Seoul so we moved here from Tokyo, Japan.  My appa is Korean and my umma is Japanese.  Pretty cool, huh?  I think it is, just not the I have to take over the business thing because I’m an only child.  I never really told my parents I didn’t want to do it, but they seem so happy.  I can’t really let them down.  That’s how important they are.  Wait, I did tell them once, but that ended up bad.  Ugh!  Save me!!! 


                “Cho, are you okay?” I hear Uncle JaeMin ask.  I realized that my appa isn’t in the kitchen.


                “Where are appa and umma?” I asked.  Uncle JaeMin chuckled and took a seat next to me.


                “They just left.  What’s going on in your mind?” he asked.  I sighed.


                “I don’t want to do this.  I hate learning about the business,” I confessed.  I trust Uncle JaeMin.  I tell him almost everything.  “To the tell you the truth, whenever we talk about it, I just space out and end up entering my own world.  When it’s over, I just quickly want to leave and go somewhere else away from my parents.”


                “Why won’t you tell them?” he asked.


                “I did that last time.  It didn’t end too well.  I got grounded for a month,” I answered.  I put my head down.


                “Well, you got to show them what you want to do.  What do you want to do?  Dance, right?”  I looked at him and smiled.


                “So much!” I exclaimed.  I looked around the room and leaned in closer.  “Can I tell you something that you must never and I mean never tell my appa and umma?”


                “Try me.”  I smiled and whispered in his ear.


                “I go to dance/night clubs late at night while they sleep.”  Uncle JaeMin just chuckled.


                “I’ll help you out so that you can go earlier, but you have to leave at the time I tell you to because you know your appa.  Sometimes he wants you when you might be gone.”  I hugged him so tightly.


                “Thank you so much!”  Uncle JaeMin chuckled and hugged back.


 Since then, I ended up going to dance studios now.  Okay, so, I never knew that Uncle JaeMin’s wife owned a dance studio, so that made things easier.  I only know Uncle JaeMin and not really anyone else in his family.  I mean, I never met his two sons.  It was finally Saturday when Adrenaline opened for the night.  I love how Seoul has an actual teen night club.  It was 9:30 when I came in.  y Back started to play and I ended up going to the dance floor.  I hear people cheering for someone.  I peeked over to see that same guy again.  I smiled.  I didn’t know what came over me, but I ended up dancing closer to him.  The music took over me and I almost forgot about him, until I felt him dancing closer to me.  I looked up at him.  His face was flawless.  He has sparkling, brown eyes and the smile on his face had me smile back.  My stomach had butterflies and my heart was beating fast and I know it’s not from dancing.  What can I say?  Love at first sight, right?


                “Dance with me!” I heard him yell.  A new song came up.  I smiled happily.




His dancing is perfect.  He was a born dancer.  His body and my body were so close.  It felt as if it was only us in the club dancing.  I felt his hands gently on my hips.  I didn’t mind.  The feeling didn’t shock me or anything, I enjoyed the touch.  It was the first time I danced with anyone, nonetheless, a boy.  The song ended and I was thirsty.  I wonder if he was too.  I looked at him and I wanted to ask if he wanted a drink.  He beat me to it, though.


                “Want to get a drink with me?” he asked.  I only smiled and followed him to the bar where they served water and…yeah alcohol.  We both ordered water though.  Ah, the water felt so good.  I can see him turning to me and I saw his hand in front of me.  “I’m TaeMin.  What’s your name?”  I shook his hand.


                “Cho Hee, but you can call me Cho if you want,” I answered.  I watched him smiling with a nod.


                “Cho, you’re an amazing dancer,” he complimented.


I smiled at his comment.  He looked really hot.  His hair was somewhat messy.  It was long for a guy and it was straight and brown.  Oh gosh, and his smile.  I legit can see sparkles in them.  I realized how we wore the same exact colored outfits.  We think alike, right?  I feel like a weirdo but I guess i don’t care anymore.


                “You, too!” I said back.  I checked the time on my watch.  It was almost 11.  My eyes widened.  “I’m sorry!  I have to go!  I hope I’ll see you again!” 


I then left, without turning back.  I sighed when I was outside.  I wanted to stay with him longer.  I see Uncle JaeMin’s car and I went in.  Uncle JaeMin saw my pouty yet sad face.


                “There’s a boy involved?” he asked.  I swear he knows me better than my own appa.  I only nodded.


                “He’s a really good dancer.  I danced with him the whole night.  He’s a true dancer, Uncle JaeMin,” I blurted out.  I could’ve only answered yes.  Uncle JaeMin just laughed.


                “Your appa wants you home from “the library”,” Uncle JaeMin said.  I smiled and nodded.


                “I’ll tell them…soon hopefully.”


And that soon never really came.  Let’s just say that it’s been about a month and I always felt bad to leave TaeMin sooner than I wanted to stay.  It upsets me so much.  I couldn’t take it.  It’s time for me stand up to them.  It’s time for to say…


                “Umma, appa, I’m sorry,” I said.  We were alone.  One month since I met TaeMin, we met a few times a week in the club.  I was on the verge on crying just on the word sorry.  “Appa, Uncle JaeMin loves learning about the business and his son.  His son can take over.  I don’t want to do this.  All of this is pressuring me.  I still remember last time, but now…I can’t take it.  I love dancing and that’s what I want to do.  I want to do dance.”  There I said it.  Time for the tantrums like last time.  I felt my umma hug me.


                “We’re sorry sweetie,” she said softly.  I smiled and hugged back.  My appa hugged me once my umma let go.


                “We are, Cho Hee.  But…we’re only going to say one thing,” he said.  I looked at him, wondering what he’s going to say.  “You’re grounded for three days for lying to us for the past month.”  I gave a really confused look.  Umma laughed.


                “Why would you go to the library wearing your black night club clothes,” she said.  In Japan, I went to dance clubs and often get in trouble.  I usually wear black to clubs too.  I only sighed.


                “Sorry,” I said.  My appa ruffled my hair.  I looked up at him and smiled.


                “I’ll talk to JaeMin and his son.  Now go to your room, young lady.”  I playfully rolled my eyes.


                “Yes, appa,” I say, but not in an angry way, you know?  I never felt happier and now, I can finally spend more time with TaeMin in the club.


                “Yah, why the long face?” MinHo asked me while I was sadly doing some Calculus.


                “It’s just…this girl,” I started off.  I could honestly tell MinHo hyung a lot of things.  Well, Key hyung, too, but he’s too naggy at this moment.


                “The one you’re always with at the club nowadays?” he asked.  I smiled and nodded.  Whenever I think of her, I just smile.  Cho was amazing in every single way.  I heard hyung chuckling.  “So, what’s wrong?”


                “I hate it when she leaves at the most unexpected times,” I sighed.


                “Really?  That’s it?” he asked.  I nodded and used my innocent smile.  Hyung ruffled my hair.  “Aigoo, you’re such a baby.  Don’t worry, she might be busy.”  I only shrugged.


                “It upsets me though.  I really, really, really like her,” I blurted out.  My eyes widened and I covered my mouth.


                “Nah, I think you love her,” MinHo stated.  He got up.  “I have work.  See yeah.”


I only nodded.  It’s been a month and we’ve met in the club a few more times a week at night.  I liked it that we meet a lot more often, but she always leaves.  MinHo hyung is right.  I do love her.  Why else would I be thinking about this?  I got up and headed to my room.  I haven’t seen her in three days.  I miss Cho like crazy.  I decided to go to the club to let go of this frustration.  I put on dark blue, skinny jeans, a black T-shirt and a black sweater.  I put on my black converse and headed out the door.  JongHyun hyung and Onew hyung were busy with their college work.  MinHo hyung was at work, and Key hyung was at the library for his school work.  I finished mine.  I took a cab to the club.  Once I entered, the stress was still there.  DJ Got Us Falling In Love was playing.  It was a nice song.  I ended up being in the dance floor again.  I felt someone bump shoulders with me.  I stopped.


                “Cho!” I yelled happily.  She only laughed happily.  She hugged me, which shocked me, but I shook it off and hugged back.


                “I miss you, TaeMin!” she said.  My heart fluttered.  I missed her too.


                “Me, too,” I softly in her ear.  I know that she heard it.  I can feel her fast heartbeat with mine.  It was the greatest feeling ever.


                “I’m glad.”

What a coincidence.  A slow song started to play.  We both pulled away and looked at each other.  We both laughed at the same time and moved closer to each other.  Her arms were around my neck and I placed my hands on her hips.  I leaned closer to her so that our foreheads touched.


                “TaeMin, if I tell you something…will we still be friends?” she asked.  That worried me, but I wanted to know what she’ll tell me.  But, maybe if I say something first, then what she’ll say won’t be a bad thing?


                “Cho Hee, I really like you.  No…I love you,” I confessed.  She only smiled.  So, does that mean…


                “Good because I was going to say that too.  I love you, TaeMin,” she said.  I smiled and mentally cheered.


                “Can I ask you something though?”




                “Are you going to runaway like you always do?” I asked.  I was curious.  I never knew why she does this, but I have no right to in.  If she loves me and I love her, she’ll tell me one day.  I looked at her, waiting for an answer.  She kissed my cheek and shook her head.


                “Not anymore.  I’m finally staying where I want to belong,” Cho answered.  I smiled at her answer and we both continued on dancing, something that we both love, but it’s much better when we dance together. 


So, what did you think? I'm sorry if it was bad or the pace was fast, but I really do hope you liked my one-shot. Please comment and tell me what you think! ^^v

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chas_ssmentrok #1
i thought uncle jaemin was taemin's appa :))<br />
anyways i like the story
Awesonmee!!!! Completely addicted! !!!! <3<3<3 Comtinue writing!!! ;)
Love this fanfic. So sweet and romantic:) Are there really such things as teen dance clubs? o.o
I thought Taemin is his uncle's son. LOL<br />
My heart was doing backflips at the last part!<br />
<br />
GAWWDDDI love poppin' too, it's like my life ~ after Taemin~!
sendohime #5
Awe, this was so cute! When I found out Uncle Jaemin, I was totally thinking of Taemin and Taesun. And I'm reading this on 10/10/10 -- my birthday, haha. How lucky. Great story :)
SupaCj #6
AHHH :D i can picture the whole scene in my head ! i knew i was going to enjoy this ^^<br />
awesome oneshot unnie <3
i really liked it! :D<br />
awesome~<br />
whoa dude i thought of taemin the second i heard that song too O_O<br />
its so like him! upbeat and AWESOMEEE > <<br />
love this one-shot!<br />
10 points out of 10! -starts singing 2pm's 10 points out of 10-<br />
SupaCj #9
COZ BABY TONIIIIIGHT, THE DJ'S GOT US FALLING IN LOVE AGAAAAAIN *sings heart out* hahahaha i love that song and wow it does suit with taemin - i have a feeling i'm gonna love this one-shot pwahaha update sooon ^^