
Thirteen's a Crowd

Just a warning that this chapter contains some mature content :) 

You walked around with Taehyung for a little while longer, playing carnival games with him along the way. He told you about his parents and his baby sister and all of the friends he had at school.

“So are you going back to school soon?” You asked him.

“I think next week or the week after.” He smiled. “I don’t mind missing though because I have a really nice tutor hyung that teaches me when I have to go to the hospital.” Taehyung explained.

You couldn’t believe how casually he talked about everything; it almost bothered you in a way that he was so accustomed to living in and out of the hospital. As you thought about it Taehyung ran over to his brother to talk to him.

“We’ll be back, I have to take him to the car to give him his medication.” Sonhyung said to you.

“Okay, we’ll be around.” You smiled at Taehyung as they left.  You turned towards Sehun and grabbed his arm. “Lets go! We’re going in the haunted house!” You smiled pulling him along.

On the way over you found Hyojin and Kris playing a dart game.

“Hey! We haven’t seen you all night!” Hyojin said sadly.

“I know. I’ve been with Taehyung and his brother. Come to the haunted house with us.”

Hyojin looked at Kris worriedly, he took her hand and pulled her along with the rest of us. “It will be fun.” He assured her.

You all made your way up to the line and showed your bracelets to the carnie. You pushed Sehun in ahead of you, holding onto the back of his shirt. After everyone was inside the door shut behind you and there was pitch black. All you could hear was everyone else breathing.

You walked forward and the sound of thunder and a bright light flashed then you felt everyone pushing you from behind screaming.

“Someone’s chasing us!” Kai yelled.

You started to scream as you ran and you could feel yourself wedged into a small room with your face pressed against Sehun’s back.

“Sehun move!” You said harshly.

“I can’t there’s a wall!” He said, turning around to face you. The lights flashed again and suddenly stuff started falling, all you could feel was legs on you, like spiders.

You could hear Hyojin screaming and everyone else yelling as you finally found a way out of the small space. You spent the rest of the haunted house running towards the exit, not stopping to see what was chasing after you or if any of your friends were following.

You waited outside the exit for five minutes before everyone made their way out of the haunted house. Luhan was pretty much crying against Kai and Hyojin looked like she hadn’t blinked since they got in there.

“That wasn’t that bad.” Sehun scoffed, walking with you.

“Yea, sure.” You laughed.

Sehun checked his phone and nodded to himself. “Lets go.” He said.

“Where?” You asked, “I have to wait for Taehyung.”

“There’s a concert, they can find us there.” Sehun said. He grabbed your arm and started to take you over to the stage. 

* * * * *

When you got there with everyone that went into the haunted house the rest of the guys were there.

“Oh good, you made it!” Baekhyun said to you.

“What do you mean?” You asked, laughing.

“Nothing, we just got front row spots for all of us.” He pulled you up by the stairs.

“This is awesome!” You clapped, waiting for the beginning of the concert. You were so wrapped up looking around at all the people that you didn’t notice Baekhyun pointing at you and nodding at the band, signaling them to start playing.

The singer started to talk. “Before we start this first song is for a very special person.”

You turned towards the stage and the band started to play.

“This sounds really familiar.” You said to Baekhyun as the melody started.

“The loneliness of nights alone…” The singer started and you looked at Baekhyun quickly.

“What’s going on?” You asked Baekhyun. He was smiling at you widely.

“Come here.” He took your hand and walked you up on stage. You could feel everyone staring at you and you felt self-conscious. You took a deep breath and looked around. Baekhyun left you standing on the stage.

All of your friends smiled at you from the front row.

Chanyeol appeared from the side of the stage and walked over to join you at the front. He hugged you and kissed your forehead.

“What is this?” You asked.

“Well I know that I said that I was going to tell my parents that I wasn’t going to propose but I gave it a lot of thought and I love you so much and that isn’t going to change.” Your heart was racing as he spoke to you. The song was almost over and your hands started to tremble in his.

As the song ended he reached behind him and took the box out of his back pocket. He knelt down on one knee and opened the box, showing you the most beautiful ring you had ever seen in your life.

“Sarah, will you marry me?” He asked. You could hear people awing and sighing in the crowd. You started to tear up and you nodded quickly, saying yes through tears. He put the ring on your finger and stood up, picking you up and kissing you.

The band started to up again and as you heard Hallelujah playing you started crying all over again, wiping your tears. You held Chanyeol’s hand as you walked down the steps of the stage to all of your friends.

You were greeted by so many hugs and congratulations.

“How long did you guys know?” You asked, laughing.

“A couple days.” Kai said.

“I can’t believe you all kept it from me.” You said, in awe.

“It was so hard!” Baekhyun exclaimed.

“I can’t believe we all kept it quiet either.” Chanyeol sighed. “I was dying not to just ask you when I decided about it.”

You hugged him and kissed his cheek. “I love you so much.” You said. “We should go see your parents.” You said to him.

“Before we do that there are some other people to see you.” He smiled, pointing behind you.

You turned around and saw Jason and Monica standing with your friends smiling at you.

“You came!” You ran and hugged both of them. “I’m so happy you’re here!”

“When Chanyeol called and told us I knew we wouldn’t miss it.” Jason said. “I’m so happy for you Seulgi.” He hugged you again. “I can’t believe you’re actually engaged.”

“Seulgi?” Sehun asked.

“We’ll explain later.” Chanyeol laughed at him.

“This is so exciting!” Monica cooed, grabbing your hand and looking at your ring. “It’s so beautiful!”

“It’s the most beautiful thing I own.” You laughed.

“You picked well.” Monica said to Chanyeol, “The ring and the girl.”

“I would have bought her anything, she is the most important thing to me.” He said, staring at you.

You stood and talked with your brother and Monica for a while longer before saying goodbye. You told them that you would be over for supper the next night to make up for the night before.

You walked up to the house to see his parents. When you walked into the library you bowed as they turned towards you.

“Mrs. Park,” You started to say but she stopped you.

“Call me mom.” She hugged you and then Chanyeol’s father hugged you.

“I’m happy that he has picked such a nice girl to be his wife.” He said to you, holding you at arms length.

“Thank you. You have both been so kind and welcoming to me.” You bowed.

“So when will we meet your mother?” Chanyeol’s mother asked you.

“Lets talk about this tomorrow.” Chanyeol said. “I just want to spend some time with my fiancé.” He took your hand and led you out of the room.

“Thanks,” You said, “I really didn’t want to have to explain that tonight.”

“No, tonight is a happy night.”

You walked up to the bedroom and took your jacket and sweater off. You flopped down onto the bed and stared at your hand.

“This is the most beautiful ring!” You smiled. “This just feels so unreal.” You said quietly.

“It’s real.” He smiled, lying down beside you. “You really like the ring?” He asked.

“Of course! Its exactly what I would have picked myself.” You kissed him.

“I love you so much.” He said against your lips. “I’m so happy you said yes.”

You kissed him again pulling him close to you so your bodies were completely together.

“Should I lock the door?” He asked, after a few minutes.

“Definitely.” You smirked.

Chanyeol moved faster than you had ever seen him move in his life. He jumped up and ran over to the door, locking it. As he walked back over to the bed he took his shirt off. He crawled down so that he was over top of you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down.

You stopped for a moment and laughed.

“What is it?” He asked. 

“I’ve just never felt nervous like this before.” You admitted. “I feel embarrassed.” You laughed.

“About what?” He was still leaning over you.

“I just love you so much its like it’s the first time that’s really mattered.” You admitted.

“Well I’m happy you’re my first,” He said, “I would wait forever to be with you.”

“Well you don’t have to.” You pulled him close to you.

Chanyeol slid his hand under your shirt, cupping your . He wrapped his hand around to the back of your bra and unclasped it, his lips never losing contact with yours. You started to his pants, trying to slide them off of him. Chanyeol surprised you as he grabbed your wrists and pinned them over your head.

“I’ve always wanted to do this.” He whispered huskily, looking down on you.

“I’m all yours.” You replied, rotating your pelvis against his.

“Just tell me if I get too rough.” He said, seriously. He stopped kissing you and looked into your eyes for a moment to be sure that you knew he was for real.

“I like to be rough.” You winked, nipping his collarbone.

Chanyeol pulled you up so that he was on his knees and your legs were wrapped around him. He took your shirt off quickly, fumbling as he did it. He then slid your bra down your arms so that you were half in front of him. You moved so that you were now on your knees, staring at him directly in the eye.

“Don’t be nervous.” You smiled, placing your hand on his cheek, “Just follow my lead.”

You stood up and pulled him up so he was standing in front of you. You pulled his pants down and started to make out with him, one hand on the back of his neck and the other moving up and down his torso, getting gradually closer to his underwear.

You could feel his hard on pressed against your stomach as you pulled him closer to you. You ran your finger along the inside of band of his underwear, feeling his hipbone. As you moved your hand over, your fingers brushed the tip of his , and Chanyeol shivered. You moved your hand from the back of his neck and used both hands to pull his boxers down, moving your hand to his . You pumped up and down, looking at his face for his reactions.

Slowly, you walked him backwards towards the wall, starting to kiss his neck and chest. You started to move down lower, still teasing him with your hand. You could feel the precum on your hand as it ran down his tip. You got on your knees and looked up at him to make sure he was watching as you from base to tip.

“Sarah…” He whispered, almost pleading. You knew you had to be slow and a little gentler because he had never done any of this before.

In response to your name you swirled your tongue around before taking him into your mouth. You started off slowly, humming as you did it and then started to speed up.

“Wait…wait.” He said huskily. You pulled away, dragging your tongue up the underside of his before you stood up.

When you looked up to meet Chanyeol’s eyes something had changed, you had never seen him with anything but pure love in his eyes and this time you saw lust and it excited you. He closed the gap between you as he swiftly picked you up and threw you on your back onto the bed.

“I think you need to get on the same level as me.” He said ily, you had definitely never seen him like this and you were glad he was showing it to you now. He pulled your pants down with one hand and threw them at the opposite wall. He got on the bed and leaded over you, on your neck. You left in a sharp breath as you felt his hand run over your underwear. You could feel his hand gripping them and then you felt as they were ripped off.

“You’re so hot.” You said breathlessly as he moved down to put his mouth on your .  He slid his hand down and put his finger in between your , rubbing your slowly and then shoved his middle finger inside you. You let out a gasp as he pushed in, surprising you.  

Chanyeol moved back up to your mouth to kiss you as he slowly moved his fingers in and out of you.

“You are so good.” He breathed into your mouth. You pushed his arm so his fingers came out of you and you rolled over so that he was on his back and you were on top of him.

“All for you baby.” You said. You on his collarbone and grabbed his , rubbing it up and down your wetness. “You ready?” You asked seductively. He nodded quickly, concentrating on the feeling of his against your .

You sat up straight and positioned yourself on top of him, sliding down slowly, your back arching as you felt him fill you. You could hear his breathing clearly and the feeling of his big hands on your hips and back turned you on. You started to move slowly, getting used to his size.

As you started to move faster you came down and kissed him, his arms wrapped around your back and hugged you close to him, moving his mouth down your jaw to bite at your ear.

“I love you so much.” He said, his deep voice reverberating through your body, “I’m going to show you how much.” You were taken off guard as he flipped you over without pulling out from you and started to pound into you, moving your legs so that they were over his shoulders.

“Chan-Yeol!” You yelled out, losing your breath every time he into you. You quickly put your hand over your mouth, but he pulled your hand away.

“I want to hear you say my name.” He growled.

You started to rub your s, playing with your s as he watched you, you could see the desire in his eyes, even though he was already inside of you he wanted more.

“I think I’m gonna .” You breathed out.

“Me too, babe.” He started to go wild, wanted to release at the same time.

As you both hit your peeks his back arched and your nails dug into his back.

He fell beside you on the bed, pulling you towards him.

“That was better than I had ever imagined.” He said, trying to catch his breath. His hair clung around his face with sweat.

“Well we still have all night.” You smiled, kissing him sweetly on the cheek.

Song for this chapter: Hallelujah by Jonghyun

Thanks for reading guys!

This was my first shot at and i think it went pretty well...I didnt want to use super phony language and I also didnt want it to go on too long if you guys didnt want to read it. Please tell me what you think of it! 

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 80: Aw to bad on hiatus :-[
Oberdoze #2
Chapter 80: author nim i miss you... and the story.. please update soon
Oberdoze #3
Chapter 80: i miss you sooo much ;( please update very soon author nim❤️❤️ fighting
Oberdoze #4
Chapter 80: i hope everything is going well. I really miss reading this fanfic, please update very soon :) fighting! <3
KissMeFanny #5
Oberdoze #6
Chapter 73: LOVE IT!❤️
Oberdoze #7
Chapter 72: idm if its angsty! :D
KissMeFanny #8
Chapter 73: AWWWWWWW I just love kids❤
duggars #9
Chapter 71: HAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHAAAAHAHAHA idk y im laughing but just felt like it
FarahQilah #10