Awkwardness Be Self Inviting Itself

Weirding Bingu Out






What even.

Was that just me or?

I mean like I was literally in some other place and now I'm magically back in my room?What sorcery is this even.I swear I was in some weird studio and there was this guy interviewing me and there were cameras filming me.I'm serious.I'm not kidding but I don't believe myself either.Was it all just my imagination?Or like I just spaced out from shock and ended up there?Omg I feel so dizzy now.And when did I even or more specifically where did I get this bottle of water from?Wow okay I'm weird like insanely weird.Damn I need to get a grip on myself.Okay chill relax just breathe.Alright so what was I doing before I went happily off to my weird happy land?

Oh right.I was texting Seunghyun and I was suppose to reply him.Oh .


                          Hey,you still there?               

:Yup I'm still here  👋     

                      Yeah sorry about taking so long

                       to reply heh 😅   

:What?It's barely been 5mins

so its okay.


                   What but I felt like it was really long 😮   

:Nope.Anyways I don't mind

 waiting for your reply.


                        Oh uh anyways about your question.

                     Would it be okay if Youngbae comes along too?

                       He owes me ice cream so yeah 😅 😆 

:Yeah sure.I owe that idiot ice cream

too anyways 😁 😂

:So I'll meet you and Youngbae at

1pm tomorrow infront of 동빙고?

:We can get some patbingsu there 

before heading over to Fell + Cole 

for ice cream?            


                              Yup that would be great 😊

                              So I'll see you tomorrow then?^^

:Yeah see you tomorrow ^^


Oh .What am I doing.He probably isn't okay with it right?I mean like which girl would invite another guy when you ask them out right?I'm pretty sure he's annoyed at me now.Or am I just overthinking it too much?But I don't know omg is he really okay with it.I just didn't want it to be awkward and I knew that if I went out with him alone it would be pretty awkward.That's why I needed Youngbae.He's like the best person to have around when you need to break that line of awkwardness.Even though he still has no idea that he's about to get dragged along to this by me.I should probably tell him about this wonderful news now.




                      This is me kicking your

:😭 yahhh I'm fragile
 Anyways you won't be kicking
my when you find out who
it is 😏

: Okbye got to go


               Yah where are you?You need to appear right now.

: Waeyo?Did you like my surprise?



                     You think you're so funny don't you?><


                   I just had the most nerve wrecking conversation ever

                       no thanks to you hmph

: What.You should be thanking me.

: I'm gonna read that as 'Thanks Youngbae

 you just made my night,I'm going to return

 you your math homework and treat you to

 ice cream'

: Oh you're welcome.What are friends for right?

 I know I'm the best ;)


                       Okay can you not talk to yourself


                       Also since we're talking about ice cream


                      And because you owe me ice creama anyways


                     You've been invited to hang out with me

                         and Seunghyun tomorrow to eat ice cream yayy


                     Also you aren't allowed to say no cause it has

                         already been decided and there's no way out ^~^

: I'm invited to this because

 you didn't want to be 

 awkwardly left alone with Seunghyun

 right right?


                       Yes very accurate congrats to you


                  Do you think he's annoyed at me cause of that?

: Cause of what?o.0


                         Cause I invited you along T.T

: I don't think he'll be

 annoyed by that.He's not the

 type to get petty over stuff 

 like that.

: But he probably would have preferred

 it being just you two?


                       I just didn't want it to be awkward :(

: But you're good at covering up

 your awkwardness


                       Are you sure?I feel that it just overwhelms everyone lol

: You'll be fine tomorrow.

: Just be yourself.

: So where am I meeting you guys?


                             1pm infront of 동빙고


                              Please be there ><

: Of course I'll be there

: That guy owes me ice cream 

: Okay see you tomorrow then ^^

: Please bring along

 my math homework thanks


                              If I remember lol see you tomorrow ^^



Sighs.I really don't know what to feel about this.This is nerve wrecking and my mind has definitely been wrecked about a million times today.Honestly I feel super tired right now.Who knew a conversation could tire you out that much.Oh wait I had that weird shock thingy too yeah that definitely screwed up my brain about a thousand times more.Liking someone is so exhausting but I feel like without that excitement I would definitely be bored?Yeah I'm a weirdo,its official.Sighs time to go to sleep weirdo me.








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Chapter 12: Ohh! Introducing Jiyong! How fun! Thank you!
Chapter 12: Sorry for the long wait and short chapters :( life's been hellish but the kings are back yayyy okbye be back as soon as possible ~
Popkorn17 #3
Chapter 11: Yay you updated! Only criticism is that it's too short! Please update soon and don't leave us waiting for months~
Chapter 10: Please please update soon! Can't wait
To read what happens next!
Popkorn17 #5
Chapter 10: New reader here~ very much enjoying the story, please continue!
nputri91 #6
Chapter 9: Welcome back author nim .. ^.^
Chapter 6: I swear the concept of the TFC is too hilarious I've never read something like this before
topwife #8
Chapter 6: Say yes please!!! If only the TFC show is real, i volunteer myself to be in the very first row. Haha
topwife #9
Chapter 5: im so happy that u updated. my life has not been so good lately, but thanks to your story i have a reason to laugh^^
topwife #10
Chapter 4: OMG! author-nim, i can say that after spending about less than 2 years in asianfanfics site, this is the first time that i laugh like crazy, well i mean your story is beyond amazing. totally suits for the not so pretty yet have a popular crush like me. ihihi. hope it happens in my real life. okay, enough of daydream. kk. all i want to say is FIGHTING! and keep writing and stay happy alive
and kicking cause as far as i can sense in your writing style, you're a very easy outgoing and a positive person.