Dozen a Day





It was a long day, and Hyun-Ae had finally arrived home. She returned the bracelet and received her profit. Her pay varied on the amount of time and distance it took to find and return it to the owner. Some jobs were more complicated than others such as items that have been lost down drains. That was no fun and it wasn't easy, but she'd get paid more for it. Today's job did not require too much work so the pay wasn't as big, but she was still pleased and she was sure her client was satisfied. 

With a heavy sigh, the young lady entered her home and flopped onto the couch, her face hitting the soft pillows. Hyun-Ae lived in a cheap studio apartment, on the third floor, on the south side of Sinsa-dong. A really cheap apartment. The walls were not sound proof, and the wooden floors needed to be redone. Even though it was a place dug up from hell, it was her home and she was comfortable in it. She reached for the remote on the coffee table and switched on the television. It was on a news channel broadcasting another disappearance on Jeju Island. The last disappearance she heard was some American tourist. Not focusing too much on it, she flipped the channel to MTV.  "Haha! Look what we have here." A music video of VIXX was on out of all things.

The scene fell on the boys dressed in dark blue suits situated in the insides of a clock dancing along to the rapper's solo. She figured she had just tuned in near the end of the video, but she watched it anyway. She didn't quite understand what was going on, though. All she got was some woman vanishing just as the boys were getting along with her. She giggled lightly at the blue-haired rapper dancing with himself not realising the girl was disappearing on him. Now all the guys were in the same room, but alone because the woman was gone. Were they all dating the same woman? Her eyes widened for a moment when she got a good glimpse of N on the bed crying then falling asleep, and finally, the video ended with the men piling over a singer.

"What?" she responded, totally not understanding the ending. She shrugged then thought of N and his lip balm she still had. Maybe she could just go to their studio and give it to any of the staff members that were there, but what company were they under? She grabbed her Samsung Galaxy S4 cell phone and sat up on her couch. She simply typed "VIXX" in a search engine resulting with numeral pages of and about them. She didn't need to open any of the links because the group's company was on the main page.

"Jellyfish Entertainment. Well, that's a funny name," she commented while typing "address" at the end of the search bar. She didn't have to look far, the answer was in the first link. Jellyfish wasn't the only one on the page she fell upon, there was an alphabetical list of addresses for all the companies in Seoul. She scrolled down to J and there it was. "What? It's right in Sinsa?!" She jumped up and looked over at the clock in the kitchen. It was 12:18 am, quite late to think about going out. Well, it's not like this would be unusual to her, plus the company wasn't too far. She shrugged on a light jacket and made sure she had N's lip balm, dropping it into her satchel then headed out the door.

She rode her bike through the streets, admiring the cool night air breezing through her hair. The lights of the city displayed beautifully, and there were still a few people out lounging about. Seoul was always bursting with life, especially during the summer time. Hyun-Ae cycled around the same block a couple of times not seeing the building in sight. "Am I following the right address?" She pulled to the side to check her phone and was certain she had the right directions. "It's here somewhere." She continued slower, then nearly fell off her bike from laughing.  The company's building was up a small street that could easily be mistaken for a back street. She turned down the narrow road then eased around the corner and squealed to a stop. She could see the Jellyfish sign plastered on a tall building with windows starting from the third story. Hyun-Ae could feel her heart begin to beat faster though she didn't understand the reason for it. Was she nervous bumping into N again? She didn't leave with the best impression. She shook off the nerves then proceeded to the entrance. She rang the doorbell and waited patiently.

There was no response until she heard shuffling at the door. "Can I help you?" A middle-aged man asked after opening the door and peeking down at the woman before him. 

Hyun-Ae cleared then bowed. "Good evening! I came to deliver a lost item to someone from this studio. I believe it belongs to someone named N from VIXX. He dropped it in the morning," she announced, reaching into her satchel to pull out the lip balm. 

The man furrowed his brows, studying her intently. "So you came all the way here, at this hour, to return it?  Have you come here expecting to catch one of our members? How do I know this really belongs to him?" 

"No, no! That's not it at all, I came here to give it to anybody capable of returning it to him. I'm here at this hour because I was busy tending to my other duties. This is his, I promise you."

The security guard huffed, taking the item in his hands, inspecting it closely. He still was uncertain, but would at least ask the lad about it. "Well thank you for coming all this way. I'll make sure to get it to him."

"Thank you," she replied. "I'll be going now." Just as she turned to leave, her face glanced up at the troop of men stepping out of a van that parked aside them causing her to gasp. She faced the guard again, not having the courage to look up at the last person she wanted to see. Was luck against her?

"Well speak of the devil. I've got something that apparently belongs to you Hakyeon."

All the members of VIXX arrived after a long day to do some late night practice. Hakyeon, as the leader, always or at least usually entered the building first. He was greeted by one of the security guards who handed him his missing lip balm. He hadn't paid any mind to the woman standing in front of the door. 

"Hey! This is the lip balm I lost today, where did you find it?" He asked, his face beaming. This surprise had livened up his mood.

The guard looked to the side nodding at her, finally believing her. "I didn't find it, this young woman here did," he corrected. Everyone at the door turned to her including N.

Hyun-Ae flinched, her back still facing them, but she knew now it would be rude if she didn't face them. She exhaled, preparing herself then turned around giving them a smile.  It didn't take the leader long to recognise the girl in front of him. His grinning face turned off and he gasped. "You!" The rest of the party were confused by his reaction.

Ravi poked his shoulder and asked, "You know this person?"

"She's the girl who caused me some trouble this morning," he stated not tearing his gaze from her. The security guard frowned assuming that this girl probably harassed him and used his lip balm to stalk him. He was about to speak out when Hyun-Ae cut in.

"H-Hey!" she started, "I didn't do it on purpose you know." 

"Oh yeah? Then why did you run away? Why did you yell out my stage name then flee?"

"You dropped your stupid thing and I came after you so I could return it, but seeing that I angered you, I felt intimated and left, forgetting what my job was. I'm sorry for causing you trouble, but that's the truth." She explained, glaring up at him. He was making her feel embarrassed. She could sense everyone looking between her and N squabbling. The rest of the guys along with the manager who stepped up watched the two bicker, surprised that something so insignificant became a hot issue.

"Can you at least pretend to be grateful so I can leave?"

"Come on hyung. She said sorry," Ken interrupted, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Seriously, there's no reason to be so bothered by it. It's not like you got hurt or anything," Hongbin agreed.

"Yeah, she came all this way. That's one way to make up for something," Hyuk added getting the others to nod in agreement.  

"Not to mention she's cute," Ravi smirked.

The leader pondered for a moment then finally sighed. Why was he carrying on like this anyway? Probably the exhaustion was causing him to be antsy. "Thank you."

Hyun-Ae blinked in amazement. "That was quick." She then gave back a small smile "Y-you're welcome. Well then, I'll be on my way now. Good night to you all." She gripped the handles of her bicycle beginning to walk down the walkway.

"You're going home alone at this time?" a soft voice inquired. She stopped for a moment to search for the owner. It belonged to a man who was holding an iPod. She wasn't good at remembering all the group members names, but this person she had a bit more knowledge about. He remained in silence, but this was the first time she heard him speak in front of her. It was no doubt in her mind that this was the all too famous Leo. 

"Yep, I'm used to it. My job has no closing hours, and lucky enough I don't live too far in the area either. Oh! Which reminds me..." she paused to dig into her satchel, pulling out cards. "When I said job earlier, I actually meant it. My name's Hyun-Ae, and finding lost things is what I do." She properly greeted, giving each person in the entrance her business card with the same information she made in the ads. "If any of you guys have lost something or ever lose anything, you can contact me with the information here. I can and will find it for you for a reasonable price. I'll let the leader off the hook this time around, though," she informed then caught his quick glare. 

Each person held her card and read it to themselves. The older men looked uninterested by the way they shoved the cards into their pockets most likely crumpling it while the members presented a curious eye. 

The member with a distinct nose questioned first. "Anything?"

"Anything except for the ones I've listed there," she responded. 

"Ohh!" Ken, Hongbin, Ravi and Hyuk reacted with more interest while the oldest members remained neutral. What were they thinking? She was surprised by the reaction, maybe she'd get offers from them someday. 

"Yep, well I gotta get going. Good night." She gave them a quick nod then quickened her pace down the ramp then rode off.  The others watched until the manager cleared his throat and escorted the idols in.

As they walked through the halls heading to the practice room, Ravi commented still inspecting the card. "Lost things huh? Sounds interesting, don't you think?"

N rolled his eyes and snorted. "It's a scam, Ravi. Her last name's not even on it."

"Well she came and returned your lip balm hyung, and she didn't even charge you for it. She didn't have to do that," the youngest chimed in. 

"You guys don't have time to bother with this nonsense, if anything gets lost, you ask any one of our folks here. Got it?" The leader ordered before walking into the dance room. Ken and Hongbin had already added the number into their phones without N's knowledge. It was clear that Hyuk and Ravi would as well in secret. Leo was behind the group on his phone most likely going against the oldest wishes as well out of spite. He may have appeared impartial, but no one ever caught on to his true thoughts and desires. He then followed the rest of the men into the room. 


Hyun-Ae walked back into her home, and it remained the way she left it. The television was on still channelling MTV. She walked over to the coffee table, grabbed the remote and shut it off.  She glanced over at the office desk where her laptop was resting and moved toward it. She had to check her emails before going to bed. She sat in the chair, opened up her computer then logged into her email account waiting for it to load. While waiting, her thoughts lingered back to what she had just gone through.

"Well, I met VIXX." She giggled lightly thinking about how much fans would have loved to be in her shoes. Although her meeting with them wasn't as pleasant. She had to deal with the leader.  "That N, did he really have to go and make me look like a total fool?" Her thoughts were interrupted once she noticed the number of emails requesting her assistance. She took a deep breath and opened the first one.


To: Hyun-Ae

From: Youna

Subject: Help me!


Dear Hyun-Ae,

I found your ad in the newspaper and just at the right time. I lost my set of keys!! I have a spare for my apartment, but I can't access anything else like my locker at school and work. There was no luck at the lost and found centre, and I really need them. Please help me! 


Youna G.


Hyun-Ae quickly clicked reply and got to work. She wrote, "Ooo, lost keys, that . I'll be more than happy to help. Do you remember where and when you realised they were gone? Also, is it possible to meet up somewhere to discuss more of the details? If I take too long to answer your responses, don't be afraid to text or call me."

After sending the reply she continued on with the other emails. There were some interesting requests like one person wanted her to find her pet cat. Pets were tricky because they weren't stationary like objects, but she did accept those requests. They were challenging, but she liked them. There were also a few usual ones, like more lost jewellery, wallets, and cellphones. There were, of course, spam offers like men seeking more from her, those seeking her to find things she clearly refused to search for on the ads, and of course commercial content. She deleted all of those then moved away from the laptop, deciding it was time to take a shower then get some rest.


The last few days, Hyun-Ae had been busy searching and returning possessions all around Seoul. She went hunting with her bicycle or car if some spots were way too far and complicated to get to with no bicycle paths. Her car was as cheap as her apartment. It was a dark blue 2006 Toyota Yaris. It was just enough to take her where she needed, but driving long distances were out of the question. It was too risky. If she had to go out of Gangnam, she'd simply travel by subway and continue with her bike, walk or bus. 

The past two weeks, she found rings, keys, bags and other small items. As happy as she was receiving all these requests, she was exhausted. She was only one girl in a big city like Seoul searching for things the police and other professional agencies failed to do. It was not easy. She was certain old clients referred their friends and family, and that she was really content about. It meant that more people were trusting in her abilities. 

After returning the last object of the day, she met up with Seojin for supper. This usual meet-up was pleasant for both, but tonight something was off. Hyun-Ae was exhausted, but that wasn't it all. The detective appeared to be really stressed; he had never revealed to her what his current job was, but she remembered him mentioning that it wasn't pretty. What was it?  It was odd of him to look this way, he often kept his chin up refusing to let emotions wear him down. Whatever this was it was really big.

"I'm worried about you, you know? You may be able to fool others into thinking you're fine, but I've known you for years and I can tell that something terrible is going on. What is it?" Hyun-Ae finally demanded.

The detective looked up from his plate. "And I thought I was the detective. I would discuss the case, but not here in public."

"You told me that excuse before, and you still never got around to tell me. You can write it down instead."

Seojin let out a heavy sigh while reaching into his bag for his notepad. "I don't know how you've become so persuasive, but I'm telling you this is one nasty case." He flipped open the notepad and began writing. "The information I'm giving you is brief. I don't want to spoil our meal."  After he was done, he slid the pad over to her and she hastily read it.

It was a serial murder case.

"Oh god, Seojin, you can't go into this. Not alone." She objected, ripping the page into shreds.  

"The case didn't start out this way. I was to help this fine lady discover if she had a stalker or not, and it turned into this. I can't explain how A got to B here and now.  You say you know me well Hyunnie. Well, you should know that once I begin a case I don't and can't simply just back out of it especially right now when I've dwelled so far into it. Plus you know this isn't my first murder case."  

The woman across from him bit her lip anxiously. "But you know that these cases are best left for the higher authorities to take, and here you are trying to solve it on your own. You're not worried that this serial killer could come after you if he ever finds out about you?"

He hushed her by reaching over the table and squeezing her cheeks. "Ssh! Ssh! Keep quiet about it, will you? Why do you think I'm being so incognito over this? Just let me do my job in peace."

Hyun-Ae shook away from him with a glare. "Oh Jin, what have you gotten yourself into?

"A really big case that I can exercise my skills well on," he smirked with passion in his eyes.

"You really want to do this."

"It's my job, Hyunnie."

"Okay, okay, but please be careful. I don't want you to get hurt."

He backed away from her and winked. "I'll be fine, but as for you... Keep off the streets at night. And you know what I mean." 

"It's my job, Jin," she mocked, sticking out her tongue.

He glared into her eyes not appreciating the joke. "Hyun-Ae, I'm serious." He knew about her late night services and was not up for finding his sister's body left on the side of the road.  

They both studied each other well. Hyun-Ae knew that if she faked that she would end the late shifts, he would see through her right away. He was an excellent observer and knew how to catch people in their lies including hers. Seojin knew she would completely go against his demands, but he still needed to get her to hear him so maybe his warning would actually stick with her for once. After the chat, the two ate quietly then he drove her home.

Hyun-Ae walked through her doors, her mind never forgetting the discussion they had. He was chasing after a serial killer. She absolutely hated when he dealt with those cases, but if he never worked to solve them, she wouldn't be anywhere now. She still owed him a lot. Thinking back to that time, she shivered then sighed getting over it. She knew why he was overprotective like this thanks to their past, but she was better now.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she suddenly felt her cell phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulled it out, entered her digits and opened up the message.  "Huh?" She cocked her head to the side and re-read it.


                From: Unknown

                Hey, this is Hyun-Ae, right? I- no we really need your help! 

                                                                                                  Sent 11:35 PM


"Who the heck?" she mumbled then replied with:


             To: Unknown

             Yes, this is Hyun-Ae. Who is this?

                                                Sent 11:37 PM


Not even seconds went by until the unknown texter responded.

           From: Unknown

           It's Ken. We really need you, come meet us now!!

                                                                                 Sent 11:37 PM

"Ken? Who's Ken?" As soon as the question left , it clicked. When she came back home that late night, she had decided to investigate on the members and was a little more familiar with the names.  "No, it couldn't be." 


           To: Unknown

            VIXX Ken?

              Sent 11:38 PM


            From: Unknown

            Yessss! Can you come meet us or not?

                                                             Sent 11:38 PM


She couldn't believe her eyes. Was this really one of the main vocals texting and asking her to come meet them? It had seemed urgent too. What did they need help with? I mean sure she gave them her business cards, but she wasn't expecting the idols to actually contact her. It took her a couple minutes to finally answer.


            To: Unknown

             Um, yeah... Where?

                        Sent 11:40 PM


He sent her the coordinates and she slipped on her shoes. It seemed like she'd never got to stay home and rest; she was always heading back out. She left quickly and took the car. The place wasn't that far, but she didn't feel like cycling and it was getting late. Who knew if this was a group of pranksters. At least she would be in a car and prepared to drive off if anything went wrong. It didn't take her long to pull up at the side of a very tall residential building. She texted the singer letting him know that she was here.

In moments, two men zipped up in hoodies came rushing out of the door and they looked left and right for her. She recognised these men's faces, they were certainly from the group. Oh true, they were probably looking for her bicycle. She stepped out of the car hesitantly and walked up to the sidewalk. "Hey, you guys needed me?"

"Hyun-Ae!" The one with the unique nose which she found blended well with his puffy lips. It was like the gods, if there were gods, had physically sculpted him into a perfect human being. He was handsome and adorable at the same time. Was that possible? "I'm glad you came."


"Yes, we really need your help," the second man spoke. He was perfect too if perfect was the word she could use to describe him. Each and every part of him was proportionate. His face was gleaming even though he didn't look too happy. In fact, both of them as beautiful as they were appeared to be apprehensive. 

"Let's quickly introduce ourselves first. I'm Lee Jaehwan, my stage name is Ken. You can call me whichever you like."

"Yes, and I'm Lee Hongbin. My name pretty much stays the same although some refer to me as the Artwork or Bean. I prefer it to be Bean to be quite honest." Even though they were clearly anxious, they cracked smiles for her. 

"Omo, these guys are gorgeous! What the hell? This is no time to be taken in by the beauty of these idols. Stay professional!" Hyun-Ae ended the fight with herself and returned a warm smile of her own. "T-That's great! So what's the problem?"

"Um yeah..." Ken started. "I know you've said that you can find anything except for the few things mentioned on the card, but can you make an exception this time?"

"Huh?" She blinked in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

The one who revealed dimples when he smiled cleared his throat and said, "We need you to help us find Hyuk..."


End of chapter


Woo! The chapter is done!  First, I want to thank all my new subscribers! You guys are great, and I genuinely hope you'll enjoy the story.


Uh oh, I made N look like a total jerk in this chapter... Will I get scolded for this? LOL xD


So, what do you all think so far? I know there's not much to go on just yet, but what do you think happened in Hyun-Ae and detective Seojin's past? What happened to the maknae? Why would he go missing now? They're not even on Jeju yet. 

In other news, are you all enjoying One Fine Day so far?

Haha! Anyway, next chapter will be up soon, so stayed tuned!



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nerdybunny1206 #1
Chapter 19: The ULTIMATE ARC?! Oh boy щ(゜ロ゜щ)
farararaa #2
Chapter 18: Seojin why- ㅠㅠ
Cant wait for the next chapter
Chapter 18: DAMNIT! SEOJIN NOOOOO! I am seriously crying here! Why author! Why’d Seojin have to die! !
Also, I'm glad Callimachus is gone. Set fire to his grave! ING MONSTER!
Chapter 18: Awww balls. I had a feeling Seojin would be the unfortunate soul. Great chapter! :) Though, eesh to dark for me
AnimeKitty #5
Chapter 11: I decided to go back to this chapter after reading the latest update (I'll have a full review of it within the next two days btw) and I found Callimachus' appearance here!
"The last person, who was a tall man, in their area glanced quickly at them then disappeared."
That was him, wasn't it? At first I didn't think it could be because Hyun-Ae would have recognized him, but since it's evening there's a chance it might be too dark to tell.
I need to go back to the beginning and take notes!
mrstaehyungcool #6
Pls seojin, dont die :(
mrstaehyungcool #7
Chapter 17: Binnie :,(
Chapter 17: Ok, author-nim. THIS CHAPTER REALLY HAD MY HEART RACING, MY BREATH HITCHED AND EVERYTHING HELL IN TO KEEP ME FROM CRYING. Which made it the perfect chapter for Halloween. Good compliment to Vixx's comeback. I love "The Closer" and the song "Desperate" nearly ruined me. Still, you put the nail in the coffin. that cliffhanger. AHHHHH. Now, I'm going to have to pester you until you update
Chapter 17: GAH! I need to know!