


I'd never had anyone chase after me. I was never conconsidered "pretty" and was never skinny. I wasn't ugly, but I wasn't stunning either. I didn't fit in, being a foreigner, but born in an Asian country was difficult. I didn't speak English well, even though my parents came from America, and my skin was lighter than most,  my hair a lighter brown, my eyelids hooded with my eyes being a strange gray color. I was one of the only in my friend group who got picked on and was always the single one out of my friends. The only one that never had a boyfriend and it was my last year of high school. The only one who never knew what it was like to have someone who cares about you. This is partly why I buried myself under art and music, specifically kpop music. I knew of many bands, but I especially liked the band, Block B. There was something about them that made them different from anyone else, almost as if they speak directly to the listener, it was like an escape fron reality.

Everyday, While my friends sat in class, they talked with each other about their relationships. Me on the other hand wouldn't want to hear it. One of those days I got so tired of it I put my headphones on and lost myself in the music.

"Lexie," my friend, Brina, pulled out my headphones, "Lexie, are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I pushed the headphone back into my ear.

Brina glanced at the other friends she was talking to and then back at me, pulling the headphone out again. "Lex, are you sure you're ok?" 

"I'm fine, don't worry about it." I sighed.

Brina never knew how to handle me, especially when I did things like this. Along with being undesirable, I had a lot of things that went on at home that I simply did not want to talk to her about. It wasn't that I was abused or physically harmed at home, but my parents were divorced. I never had a chance to see my mom, but I didn't dare tell any of my friends that. All their parents were still together. What would they think if they knew my parents  were divorced? I sighed and stood up, luckily it was the end of the day. The bell rang and I walked out of the classroom.


Brina quickly ran after me, "Lexie! Ya, where are you going?"


"I'm going home..."


"I have something for you. My mom got them last night and well, she figured since you love them so much you may want to come too."


I stared at her in confusion. "What are you talking about?" 


Brina pulled out two tickets from her bag. On the tickets in bold letters it said ZICO SOLO CONCERT, SECTION 103, ROW F, SEAT 6. DATE: JANUARY 7 AT 8:00PM and the town he would be playing in. Smiling, she handed me one of the tickets. "For you."


I was speechless. Having no idea how to respond, I whispered thank you to her and stared at the ticket that was in my hand. 

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