

Jinki loves you. He loves you when you’re happy, when you’re tearing up, when you’re throwing pillows at the TV set because you don’t like what happened to your favorite character from your favorite TV show, he even loves you when you’re fighting about him not sleeping and bottling up all of his worries as a musician and as an idol. He especially loves the way you look in the mornings, because he never imagined that someone could look so beautiful at the crack of dawn.

Looking at you now, surrounded completely by white and blue blankets and with your hair messily but somehow perfectly arranged around your head, he thinks that he may fallen just a tinge more in love with you, and he smiles as he sits right at the foot of your side of the bed. You naturally wake up under his intense gaze, and start to stretch out your arms before pulling yourself to sit up. You feel him moving closer and smile. When you open your eyes, you find Jinki’s immediately, but it’s not long till you become distracted by what he’s come home with. 

Jinki blinks. You blink. He wonders if this is a new way of greeting him, but he can tell that your focus is shifting, so he blinks again. You blink back.

You’ve been staring at him for close to ten minutes now. It’s been almost an hour since he came home from Japan, and ever since he walked out of the plane he was holding his favorite fan-given present to show you. He thought you’d get a kick out of it, maybe chuckle for a little bit and joke around with him. He certainly did not expect you to just stare at him with the smallest grin on your face. 

You’re doing everything you can not to break into a fit of giggles. You had no idea, until this very moment, that Jinki actually does look like a bunny. And now, with faux bunny ears atop his head, you’re pretty sure you’re losing it. He just looks so cute, and it gets even better when he tilts his head to the side to question your expression, and as if the hat could feel it, one of the ears immediately flops a fraction. Now you squeal because, well, what do you do when your boyfriend is wearing bunny ears and it looks like they were made for him? Where has this hat been every Halloween you’ve spent together? Can Jinki even fathom the kinds of things that you would’ve done to him if this hat had come into the picture sooner?

Well, he’s about to find out, because the moment that Jinki breaks into one of those tear-jerking, shiver-inducing, heart-fluttering smiles of his, you basically jump at him. His arms flail around for support first, and then he starts to laugh because your nose is tickling the crook of his neck. You really wish he would stop it because you love to hear him laugh like this and it makes him even cuter and you don’t know if you can handle Jinki getting any cuter before you explode into ing confetti, but you can’t help that you’re laughing, too. 

Jinki keeps laughing as he rolls the both of you around the bed because you are rarely like this. You’re usually quite serene, and you hold the most commanding of gazes. He initially fell in love with your aura, how everything seemed so at peace around you when everything around him felt like chaos, and then he came to know you and realized that you’re actually full of light. Not the bright, white kind of light, the kind that’s blinding and makes you transparent, but the blue-ish kind of light. It radiates all over you and plays around your smiles and your words, and there’s no other way he can describe it but by saying that he feels like you’re the ocean. Calm and serene but ruthless and unforgiving and rampant and unpredictable and indelibly beautiful. Right now it feels like he’s on the shore of your ocean, rolling around over rainbow colored sea foam and surrounded by endless cerulean.  

He remembers that you’re both just playing around in your bedroom when you try to straddle his waist and he wraps himself around you to roll to the top, resulting in the both of you landing on the hardwood floor with a loud thud. You both giggle for a few seconds before you settle for staring at each other again, lingering smiles and stupidly in love gazes still in full force. Jinki wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you against him, because in all of your shenanigans, you both managed to fully burrito yourselves into the blankets. You’ve done such a great job that, in your current position, it feels more like you’re in a sleeping bag. Breathing settles to normalcy and eyes flutter closed, and you try your best to relish in the moment for as long as physically possible because you both know that these moments don’t come easily. 

Jonghyun tells you later that day that you’d fallen asleep in that precise position, and you and Jinki exchange embarrassed grins. 

You must’ve looked like the most lovestruck pair of idiots this world had ever seen. But goodness knows you probably are. 

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Chapter 1: So sweet o;
Chapter 1: This is so effing cute! I seriously imagined Jinki wearing bunny ears. ❤️
Junniepie #3
Chapter 1: cute!!! :) can I make a request? (*^﹏^*)
minho please o∩_∩ jebal!!!