How to Apply

A-CHA! K-pop and Ulzzang Roleplay

Post on my wall, or comment, 'Can I be ______?' After I approve of it, then you apply. 

You should know by now that this is a Facebook Roleplay. Not Twitter or Tumblr. Hehe. So what you will need is a Facebook Account! A new, fresh one please. :)) Fill the info with the idol's information and boom boom you're done! If you dont make an account after one week, I'll un-reserve the idol.  

FIll in this form and comment below that you applied as who. PLEASE FILL THE FORM.

Put 'A-CHA! Kpop Roleplay' in your About Me section and 'A-cha' as your alternate name :) Add the admin first. Once I add you in the group, you can start adding the others. You'll have to wait if I'm not online at that time to accept you. ^^;; 

Greet others and you can start the fun! OH! Don't stop here. Keep on to the next Chapter~~

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Ok , Can I be SNSD Jessica because Seohyun is taken
Can I be SNSD Seohyun ??
this be Key! :D<br />
Can I be SHINee's Key? ^^
#5 <--- SNSD Yoona ^.^