

Minseok rubbed his hand on his face for the hundredth time that afternoon. Junmyeon had called for a meeting with all EXO members, Baekhyun being the exception, and to say that Minseok didn’t approve of that was an understatement. On one hand, he got that Junmyeon was feeling pressured by their manager and such others to have this discussion with them; on the other hand he didn’t felt comfortable at all with doing this behind Baekhyun’s back. Baekhyun should be there to defend himself; after all, this meeting was about him.

Baekhyun had been so strange since a month and a half ago; first it was all the disappearing, one moment he was with them, the next he was running out of the door stating he had some business to take care of, the you had the strange rampages he had on TV or radio shows where we would bash numerous people, so far he had bashed Jessica, Heechul, Winner, Park Bom, Seungri, Nana and Taemin. He sure was creative too, going as far as saying things like Nana was only liked because she portrayed a very ual image or that Park Bom looked like too much like a surgery junkie who had no singing talent. The comment he had made on not understanding how Taemin had debuted as a solo artist had irked Jongin who had almost punched the living daylights out of him and currently wasn’t speaking to his hyung.

To tell the truth, it wasn’t only Jongin who was giving the tiny boy the silent treatment; Jongdae, an adept of honesty, also wasn’t talking to Baekhyun, Chanyeol was barely even saying good morning to him, Junmyeon’s and Kyungsoo’s interactions were based on disappointed glances, Tao didn’t even looked his way and, if for some reason, both of them were in the same space, Tao always threw a nasty comment or two on the other's direction. But Minseok was sure that nothing had hurt more to Baekhyun than Sehun’s reaction. The maknae avoided him at any cost and when Baekhyun tried to talk to him, he got silence as an answer.

Aside from himself, Yixing seemed to be the only one to treat Baekhyun normally. When Minseok asked him why the other boy had replied that he was sure that Baekhyun was just having a hard time, therefore he should be loved not pushed aside, which had make Minseok very proud of his dongsaeng.

Minseok was very worried with his dongsaeng. Baekhyun was normally a big ball of sunshine, smiling and being a sweetheart to everyone, Minseok wasn’t really sure if there was anyone who was as sweet and gentle, despite the big mouth he had. Minseok had watched his friend closely and noticed the deep, dark bags under his eyes, the way that his clothes seemed a little bigger than they were before and that was saying something; Baekhyun was a petite person and swimming in his clothes was nothing new but seeing his shirts constantly fall from his shoulders or his pants always needing a belt because otherwise they would fell on the floor, had sent alarms on the elder’s head. That and the bruises we would sometimes catch on the younger’s skin.

He could have sworn he had listen Baekhyun throw up more than once in the bathroom and he knew that the boy slept on the couch most of the nights because his roommates weren’t speaking to him. He had found him one night, shivering on the couch and whimpering in his sleep, muttering things that he didn’t understand, before waking up with a jolt and a choked scream. Minseok had hurried to hug the boy as he started to cry and begged him to sleep on his room. Baekhyun had given him a little smile and shook his head, saying that Jongin, who shared a room with him, wouldn’t be happy. Minseok had sighed and brought some fluffy blankets to his friend, who squeezed his hand. When he had woken in the morning and went to the living room to check on the Baekhyun, the boy was gone, the only evidence of his presence were the carefully folded blankets.

That was another thing that had changed; Baekhyun was hardly at the dorms and when he was he would close himself up on the tiny study they had, full of comic books. Minseok hardly sees the boy these days.

His mind returned to the present moment when Junmyeon cleared his throat.

“Well, I am not going to delay this any further, you know why we are here.”

“Byun freaking Baekhyun…” Muttered Tao under his breath and managing to receive an elbow in the gut from Yixing, who wasn’t keen on being there either.

“Yes, it is because of Baekhyun. As you know, Baekhyun hasn’t really been himself lately; his actions have been displeasing a lot of people.”

“Are you kidding me? Who didn’t he insult yet?” Commented Jongin, from one of the couches, all snuggled up to Chanyeol’s side.

“Yeah, he’s been a real douchebag.” And of course that Jongdae couldn’t shut up.

Junmyeon ignored them and proceed with his speech.

“And truth to be told, SM CEO is really angry as well as our manager. They are…considering nullifying Baekhyun’s contract and remove him from EXO. Our manager told me that they are going to take our opinion into account and that I should report to them as soon as possible.”

The silence was revealing but it was even more revealing when Jongdae opened his big mouth.

“I don’t really want to say this, especially after he lost Luhan and Kris, but maybe it’s for the best that Baekhyun leaves the group. He is bringing a really bad reputation to EXO. Have you heard the comments about him and us? He’s dragging us under.”

“I agree with that” Said Tao.

“I don’t know what to say. I get what you are saying but that seems kind of harsh.”

“I agree with Kyungsoo!”

Minseok was starting to get agitated; where they really considering this? It was completely absurd! And that idiot Chanyeol was quiet while everyone was bashing his best friend. From the corner of his eye, he saw Yixing getting agitated as well.

“Is there even a Baekhyun anymore? Because the person hanging around this house surely isn’t the one I met!” And that was the final jab from Sehun.

A black thing caught his peripheral vision and Minseok looked right to see Baekhyun standing on the doorway. Kyungsoo must have seen him too because he gasped loudly making everyone look in Baekhyun’s direction.

He could see how some of them were shocked to see Baekhyun’s appearance; the black sweatshirt hung from his body and his usually skin tight jeans were swimming around his legs and waist, the pale color of his completion, contrasting with his dyed black hair, made him seem almost translucent, his eyes had enormous bags around them, making Tao’s looking a joke.

The boy shuffled a bit before speaking him a soft voice.

“I have to go out. I’ll see you later.”

With those words he hurried out of the door and Minseok exploded.

“Good freaking job everyone. I hope that you are really happy and proud with yourself and this whole stupid meeting. We made a vow to have everyone’s back after Luhan and Kris’ departure and this is how we commit to that vow by having a meeting on whether he stays or goes. I’m disappointed. I’m disappointed with you Jongdae, you Tao and you Jongin for letting anger cloud your judgment and for the nasty comments you have thrown him and don’t think I don’t know about you locking the door room at night. I’m disappointed with you Junmyeon for allowing Baekhyun’s place on this group to be at risk. I’m disappointed with you Kyungsoo for striding along this absurd idea. I’m disappointed with you Chanyeol for not even backing up your supposed best friend, you just let him take the blows and do absolutely squat. I’m disappointed with you Sehun for turning his back on the person who always was there for you. And I’m disappointed with Yixing and myself for allowing this to happen and not saying anything sooner.”

“And what do you know about anything hyung? He isn’t innocent!”

“He isn’t! I’ll give you that but whatever it is that is going through is destroying him. You saw him right now! Did he look ok? Do you know that he is sleeping day in, day in in the couch? Did you know that he sobs all night? If he was really okay with whatever he was doing, he wouldn't be like this!”

By the end of Minseok’s speech everyone was showing some kind of shame and guilt on their faces.

“I’m going to look for him. He heard us, no doubt of that. I’m going to apologize!”

“I’m going with you!” Stated Yixing before getting up and following Minseok.

Before exiting, Minseok turned to the group.

“You said that you didn’t recognize Baekhyun. I say that, right now, I’m not really sure I recognize any of us.”




Luhan was strolling around Seoul lazily. He had arrived to Korea a few hours ago and had tried to contact his friends but so far no one had picked up the phone. He tried Minseok again and after a few seconds, his Baozi picked up.

“Finally! Do you know how many times I tried to call all of you?”

Sorry, we are having a little bit of a problem right now. Have you arrived yet?”

“I did, but now you got me worried; what kind of trouble?”

I’ll tell you later the details but long story short, I’m looking for Baekhyun right now!”

“You told me that he was having some kind of trouble. Any update on that?”


A scuffle right in front of him stopped his train of thoughts. He looked closely and saw two tall guys grabbing a smaller one by the arms and the scruff of his neck. They were shaking him around and one of them kicked the smaller, almost sending him to the ground if not by the arms grabbing him.

“Minseok I’ll call you in a minute, something is happening.”

He disconnected the call and approached the scuffle.

“Miss S told you not to mess with her. Aren’t you tired of getting beat up? This is becoming a routine for us.” Said one of the guys to the smaller adding another kick to the boy.

“Let me go…”

Luhan froze; he knew that voice very well. It was the same person who Minseok was looking for. He seemed to regain his senses when one of the guys shoved Baekhyun into a wall, making the young boy smack his head against the brick wall.

“Hey!” He yelled, making the two guys turn to him. ”Let him go!”

Both guys nodded to each other and run away, possibly afraid of letting their faces be seen properly by Luhan.

Luhan approached Baekhyun quickly, seeing the disoriented look on the younger.

“Baekhyun, are you ok?”

“Luhan hyung?”

“Yes, it’s me. Are you okay?”

“I am. I’m fine. I’m okay.”

“You don’t seem fine!”

“But I am hyung!”

He stumbled a little while getting up and Luhan immediately moved to help him. The other boy smiled at him gratefully.

“I’m taking you to the dorms.”

“I can go alone. I am going there anyways.”

“I am not taking no for an answer.”

Baekhyun seemed to struggle for an answer but nodded after Luhan insisted again.

“Good. Just let me make a call and then we’ll go.”

Luhan fished his phone from his pocket and called Minseok.

“Baozi? I found Baekhyun” He said as soon as the other picked the phone. “I’m taking him home.”

Where was he?”

“He was just wondering around town. I actually found him being roughed up by two guys. They said this is becoming a routine for them and mentioned a Miss S. Minseok, what is happening?”

I don’t know Luhan. I’ll try to get something out of him after you bring him home. I’m really worried about him. Can you let me talk to him?”

“Sure, I’ll put him on. Baekhyun, Minseok wants to…”

When Luhan turned to give Baekhyun the phone, he found that the younger wasn’t there anymore.

Luhan? Is there anything wrong?”

“Baekhyun escaped. He was here just a second ago. I turned by back on him for a moment and he just run away.”

He heard Minseok sigh from the other side of the line.

“He said he was going home, to the dorms. I’m going there.”

“Don’t bother. He will probably be expecting you to do that. Therefore, he will only return later.”

“Are you sure?”

I’m sure Luhan. I’ll handle this.”

Luhan put his phone back on the pocket and sighed deeply.

“What’s happening to you Baekhyun?”





Minseok was sitting on the tiny study when he heard the dorm door close. He glanced at the clock. It was a little after one a.m. Baekhyun was home and he was relieved. He wanted to talk to his friend but at this late hour it would be unproductive. Tomorrow! Minseok would try tomorrow.

He made his way to his bedroom and saw light peeking underneath the bathroom door. He thought about opening the door and hugging his dongsaeng but he figured that would only freak Baekhyun out.

He was reaching to his bedroom door when a loud banging noise, coming from the bathroom alerted him. He made his way back to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

“Baekhyun? Baekhyun is everything okay?”

When he didn’t receive any answer he was alarmed.


“What’s the matter hyung? I heard a loud noise.”

Minseok turned to see Jongin standing behind him, looking sleepy as hell.

“Baekhyun’s in there.”

“Is he alright?” Asked Jongin softly, shuffling his feet, concern

“I don’t know, he isn’t answering.”

He called Baekhyun’s name twice and both times he didn’t get any answer. Jongin was getting anxious behind him. He turned to the younger and told him to back up.


“I’m breaking this door.”

Minseok took in a breath and with two good, solid rams, the door broke open. He quickly got in and felt his breath escaping off his lungs when he saw Baekhyun’s figure, lying on the floor, unconscious, with an ugly cut leaking blood above his eyebrow. He immediately got on his knees and checked his dongsaeng's pulse. He was breathing and his pulse seemed fine.

“Baekhyun?” He called the younger boy’s name but the other was unresponsive.


He turned to see a horrified Jongin standing behind him and he noticed that Kyungsoo and now Chanyeol were there as well.

“What the hell is going on?” The tallest asked assessing the scenario in front of him.

“Call 911, immediately.”

“Oh my god!”

Junmyeon was there too and everyone seemed to be frozen.

“Call the damn 911. NOW!” He yelled at them, managing to awake them from their state.

“Why is everyone screaming?”

Oh no, now Sehun was there. Minseok prayed that none of them would let him in but the scream he heard was a clear indication that he wasn’t successful in his prayers. Next moment, Sehun’s frantic hands were holding Baekhyun’s unconscious body, a sob ripping out of his throat. Minseok let an arm rest on the younger’s shoulder while the other was cradling Baekhyun’s head. They both waited like that until the paramedics arrived, wishing fervently that the boy in their arms would be okay.




Minseok didn’t really remember the whole trip to the hospital. He knew him and Chanyeol had to hold Sehun tightly while the paramedics took Baekhyun to the ambulance and that they all managed to get there by some sort of miracle and now everyone stood in their pyjamas in the waiting room while the doctor told them that Baekhyun was fine. The fainting spell was a result of a concussion mixed with extreme fatigue and a hint of malnutrition.

Minseok had been the first to see the resting boy, leaving the others feeling guilty and ashamed in the waiting room.

For several minutes, he watched the other have a restless sleep, whimpering in his sleep, constantly asking for someone to ‘let him go’ and ‘don’t harm them’, making Minseok think that, maybe, someone else was responsible for Baekhyun’s behavior.

He also knew that Baekhyun wouldn’t tell him anything so, his mind told him that it was time to call reinforcements, and he knew exactly who to call. He grabbed his phone and dialed the number of the person he knew for sure that would jump straight in to help Baekhyun.

“Hello? I need your help, something is happing with Baekhyun.”




A/N: Hello there wonderful people. Here it is, one more chapter of my story. A dramatic one at that! I hope that you enjoy this and that you are excited for the next chapter. And I would like to think the support. Really it means a lot to me. I really wasn't expecting to have many subscribers or even comments. I just want to share my stories with you and it makes me trully happy that you seemed to like it! So, once again, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
A big hug to you all and have a wonderful day!

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Chapter 9: Oh...That was so much drama.. but glad it ended well
Palak27 #2
Chapter 5: I love kris and Minseok and my baby yixing too. Everyone else can go to hell to pay for their sins and comeback..
Palak27 #3
Chapter 1: Damn first chapter and I already hate someone.
real_ohsehunx #4
Chapter 9: Oh my god all your stories as masterpieces ?❤️
Chapter 9: Jongdae is the real MVP here. Seriously any fanfics would be boring without the sassy and trolling jongdae. Thank you authornim for all great sebaek fanfics. Hoping more from u. Please keep jongdae's character as always. Seriously jongdae is really the best. Hahahahaha
R_nine21 #6
Chapter 9: thank you for writing this fic :) ♡♡♡♡
R_nine21 #7
Chapter 7: I love you jongdae XD
Totally_Extreme #8
OMG OMG this was the second fanfic i read!!! OMG IT WAS U WHO WROTE THIS!!! ♥
I didnt hav an account back then so here i am to support u! :D


(also there is this picture of 'kai and chanyeol kissing' I found. I don't really believe it but the story reminded me of the pic)