Baekhyun and basketball practices

Love at Its Finest

baekhyun and basketball practices


Baekhyun was currently peeking through one of the pillars of the school’s gymnasium located at the stage. He could visibly see the varsity player Kris Wu dunking, slamming and shooting the ball impressing people around because of his skills.

This Kris Wu we’re talking about is the Kris Wu Baekhyun likes for already years now. And if I we’re to be exact, he’s liking the heartthrob for already two years.

The ecstasy started when Baekhyun attended Sehun’s (his childhood friend) basketball practice for the first time ever. Staying for already five minutes without doing anything in the bleachers, Baekhyun could feel boredom seeking up the insides of his head. He was about to leave when a tall guy approached him on his seat.

“Oh, you must be Baekhyun. Sehun’s childhood friend—oh wait. You’re leaving already?” Baekhyun was stunned there for a moment as he stares at the 6-foot basketball player. There’s something in his voice that pushed Baelhyun to not leave the gym there and then.

He looks so hot. And Baekhyun could feel he’s kind even if it can’t be visibly seen on the outside. This guy looks like an Abercrombie model, and it seems like he’s older than Baekhyun if we’re basing it on physical features.

After wasting moments staring at this guy, something snapped inside Baekhyun. At this point, talking to Kris at the gym’s bleachers section, he found out he wanted to attend Sehun’s basketball practices, after all.

“I-I was not! I was about to… uhm, get my bag!” he looked around nervously, his locks covering parts of his eye. “Here it is!” he raised his stuff and awkwardly looked up to smile at Kris who in his surprise was already giggling shyly.

“Well, okay then. I’ll see you around here, Baekhyun! Nice meeting you, by the way.”

Baekhyun waved back at Kris and began staring dreamily at his slowly disappearing figure.

Maybe, just maybe…

Transferring schools wasn’t that bad, after all.

He was about to take a seat when he saw a shadow almost covering half of his body. “Giggling, aren’t we?”

Baekhyun wondered as this unfamiliar voice resonated on his ear. He turns around to see a boy just as tall as Kris staring intently at him. He looks younger, though. But his voice sounds incredibly lower than any of the boys he just met.


“Don’t be so ridiculous, Byun Baekhyun.”

“W-what are you talking about?”

Baekhyun can’t bear another second looking at Park Chanyeol’s eyes… well, in that moment I must say. No, it wasn’t mesmerizing. It was so big Baekhyun didn’t know why he became so afraid. Chanyeol looks calm, but it looks like Chanyeol was eating him alive.

“Oh we all know what I’m talking about Byun Baekhyun. You just declared war.”

War… that’s the last word Baekhyun heard from Chanyeol that day. As a high school freshmen transferee, Baekhyun was weak. He only has Sehun.

And up to this point, nothing has changed.

Except of course, the war Chanyeol declared.

For the both of them, it was the most serious thing ever.

And it’s still on.





Baekhyun tried to free himself from the holds of Sehun’s heavy arms. Taking another glance at Chanyeol, he could already feel his insides burning. The boy just smirked at him, and everyone they know knows why.

Baekhyun bites Sehun’s arms and he knew if he didn’t do that, he would cry in the spot. He could bear losing to Chanyeol once again this day. And it’s already the fifth part of the war when it’s only recess time.

“Ouch! Baekhyun!”

He ran as fast as he could, and yes, he’s aware that Chanyeol’s limbs would go farther than him. Baekhyun threw daggers at Chanyeol’s back, almost boring a deep hole large enough to pierce right through his heart. If there is someone who could piss Baekhyun just by running it’s Chanyeol. And believe me, if he pays no attention the war just about two years ago, right now, it’s all he cared about.



He would do everything… for Kris.

“Just, where do you think are you going?!” Baekhyun yelled at Chanyeol, who was taking the wrong path. He knows Kris has a practice in the gym. Did he change practice spots?! Will it be on the grounds? How could Baekhyun be so outdated?!

Chanyeol took a pause to breathe, Baekhyun also doing the same. “W-why are you s-stopping.”

Breathe, Byun Baekhyun, breathe.

“I just wanna lose you off your track. Bye!”

Baekhyun could kill someone.

How could he be so intense in following Chanyeol and be so oblivious that the boy was already tricking him? How could he fall into Chanyeol’s tactics miserably?

Baekhyun gave up. 5th round goes to Chanyeol. There’s still plenty of time.

He couldn’t help but to feel sad.

Chanyeol most likely wins.

And he couldn’t do anything. He tried hard yet he’s still losing.



The brunette reached the gymnasium just before the gang started their practice. When he saw Kris he became mesmerized. He couldn’t move. He’s overwhelmed. Everyone on Sehun’s team is good, but Kris stands out more than others. He’s taller than most of them, and the most good looking too.

He dropped his bag on the bleacher’s area and flopped down next to it, still not leaving his gaze on Kris. Oblivious to a pair of eyes looking at him, he smiled. And that smile caused those eyes to widen, to sparkle, yet returned to its normal sizes before staring at another figure on the other side of the bleachers.

“You have very short limbs.” Chanyeol commented. Baekhyun’s eyes turned into slits before grazing Chanyeol with his eyeball of fury. “I walked, Chanyeol. You tire me.”

“Don’t go too harsh on yourself.” Baekhyun’s orbs widened and looked at Chanyeol, perplexed, still.

“Besides, I will win this war no matter what.”

He could just strangle him.



i'm ing


to be 



i love you hehe

*throws hearts*



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you've got a really interesting thing going on there! please keep updating, i'm looking foward to the next chapters! #fighting ~<3
Chapter 1: Omggg I love you!!! Updatee soon <33333333333
turtleo3o #3
Chapter 1: I can't believe I read a fanfic in a fanfic xD awesome plot can't wait to see where it goes ^^