Smile again

iKON B.I(Kim Hanbin) oneshots
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Even though it’s been years, B.I still couldn’t forget you. Never was there a day that went by without you crossing his mind. To him, you never really left. You were always there. As much as he longed for your presence, he would have to make do with whatever that he has left of you right now: memories.

Just like every other day he visited you. The pain was always sharp, but today it was much stronger. Everything today reminded him of you. Today was your favourite kind of day, where the sweet scent of the flowers and dew would hang in the air and the sky was a baby blue shade with pure white clouds.

Putting down a bouquet of lilies next to your grave, he sat down and stared at the picture of your beautiful smile. No words were needed; everyday he would buy you lilies because they meant ‘I miss you’ and because they were your favourite flowers. Oh how much he missed that smile of yours…but all he could do right now is try to picture that smile of yours and engrave it in his mind for eternity.

*(Y/N)-ah…How are you doing in Heaven? I hope it’s great up there for you. You must be amongst the angels. Life’s great…but there still hasn’t been a day where I don’t miss you… Do you miss me too? I miss you so much…*

Tears started welling up in his eyes as he continued to stare at your picture and he took in a shaky breath to prevent himself from crying. Once the tears had cleared, he reached out a shaky hand to touch the picture of you and all the memories of you started flooding back to him.


“Hey beautiful~” B.I wrapped you in his warm embrace as he kissed your forehead. He knew you loved those kind of kisses.

“Hey…” You replied without enthusiasm.

Sensing that something was wrong, he leaned back and stared at you.

“Wae? What happened?”

All you could do was stare at him and try not to cry.

“Hanbin…I have something to tell you. But first promise me you won’t break down or freak out on me ok?”

“I’m all ears.”

“I went to the hospital today and I found out that…” You clenched your jaw tightly. You didn’t know how to tell him. It was too hard. Both for him and you.

“Wae…What’s going on Why are you like this? (Y/N) don’t scare me please…What happened? Tell me, I can help you.”

“You can’t help me on this Hanbin. Even I can’t help myself.”

“Maybe if you told me there’ll be a way.”

You contemplated not telling him but then you decided that would be too cruel and unfair towards him. He deserved to know what was awaiting him if he were to continue dating you.

“Hanbin…I have cancer…I’m sorry…I know we talked about our future together but I’m sorry…I can’t fulfil those wishes of yours anymore…” Silent tears started streaming down your face and he stared at you in disbelief.

“(Y/N)…you’re not joking are you?”

“Hanbin… why would I take my own life as a joke?”

“Hey don’t cry…don’t cry…” He wiped your tears with his thumbs as he held your face. You placed your own hands on his wrists and held them ti

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I'm so sorry for the lack of updates but here's a new one for you'll and I hope you like it!


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Chapter 1: Awww this is cute! I'm honestly yg family trash (i love all the artists but i dont like sajangnim cos he tortures them :")) hahahaha I'll read the rest of these slowly cos busy af xD
ikonic_17 #2
Chapter 27: bad is the best chapter ever xD!!!!
un_known99 #3
Chapter 27: hahahaha...... i love all of them.....seriously.......but please, i'm begging you..... please do a story(like a long story) about hanbin ...... i really need them....
Chapter 27: Omg I didn't expect u to make a part 3 BUT THANK U!!! I guess "Bad" is my favorite chapter out of all of them :) Thanks for writing these precious one shots! ^_^
Chapter 24: Can u make a part 2 for bad?? Please T_T U cant keep us hanging :( I LOVE EACH ONE OF UR ONE SHOTS! <3
ikonic_17 #6
Chapter 24: Another chapter of bad plisss....i want a happy ending :(
iiroyalangel #7
Chapter 24: Another chapter of bad please
Andreana_khant #8
Chapter 24: Pls tell me that there will be another chapter on "Bad"
butterfly0811 #9
I love all the story huhu