2nd Miracle [Luhan]

12 Miracles in December [One-shot Collection]

"Luhan, please don't go."

"But I have to. I'm so sorry."

"I'm begging you. Don't leave me alone."

"I won't be long, I promise."

"But what if you'll be there for so long?"

"You love me, right?"

"Yes, so much."

"Then, you have to trust me that I'll come back." Your tears kept falling and Luhan wiped it all. You hugged him tight as he did the same. You really love him and you can't be happy without him.

"Be back, okay? I love you."

"I will, very soon. I love you too." He kissed your lips and left.

[ A Year Later ]

A few days left and Christmas. You were happy to be with your family but at the back of your mind, you were still sad because you missed Luhan. You were here in Seoul but he was still in Beijing. He didn't called you nor messaged you. You somehow thought if he forgot about you and stayed there as long as he wants. Or maybe he fell in love with someone else there. But he kept a promise, or was it just a sweet lie? You kept on jumping to any conclusion, but the truth was, you just didn't know.

The next thing you knew was that it was the day before Christmas, and people at your house were very busy decorating, wrapping gifts and many more. But you still felt kinda worried about Luhan. Your mom saw your expession and approached you.

"What's the matter, dear?" She asked.

"When will Luhan come back?" You asked her back.

"I don't know, dear. But for me, I think soon."

"Soon? Mom, it's been a year since he left. What if he found someone else? What if he doesn't want to come back? What if he doesn't love me anymore? What if-"

"Oh stop with your 'What if' questions, dear. We don't know when, so don't judge him like that. You still love him and I know he still loves you too." She patted your back and went to the kitchen. You somehow thought that your mom was right. You can't just judge him without knowing the whole situation but on the other hand you felt impatient.

Few hours later, your mom went to you with a huge smile on her face.

"What's with you, mom?" You asked, felt confused.

"Nothing, dear. Can you do me a favor?"


"Great! Here's a blindfold. You know what to do with 'em."

"Eh? Why?"

"Put it now." You have nothing to do but to follow her. You put it on and you felt arms held yours.

"Get ready, dear."

"Okay." You held her tight as you went out of your room. You only saw darkness as you gently step every stair. The next thing you knew, you heard whispers and not-so-loud squeals.

"What's going on?" You asked.

"Okay! You may take it off now." Your mom said. You took the blindfold off and confetti popped up infront you. Then, you saw the one you've waited for so long. Your family squaled and shouted happily.

"I miss you." Luhan hugged you tight. You just couldn't believe it. He finally came back. Tears began to fall as you hug him even tighter.

"I miss you, so much." You said which only you two can hear.

You two broke the hug and he kissed your forehead. Your mood brightened and felt so happy.

Then, on Christmas day, your family and his family celebrated and shared gifts to each other. You felt the best spirit of Christmas and the greatest love from your loved ones.

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Chapter 6: author nim Continue palli