First meeting

You're worth it


"Mom are you okay? I don't have to go to work today.. I can stay-" I asked

"I'm fine sweetie. It's not a big deal. It's just a little cold. Don't worry about me, and go. I'll be fine." She said, giving me a warm smile. 

"Okay.. Oh, and if you get dizzy again, call me. I'll come as soon as possible." I replied in a worrisome voice. 

I knew it wasn't a little cold. It's been a few weeks since its started, but she refused to believe that it was anything big. More than anything, I wanted to stay home for a few days to take care of her, but I knew I couldn't. I had to work. I was the only way for us to survive. 

For as long as I can remember, we lived like this. Me and my mom. When I was young, I would see my mom going out everyday to work. She would leave early in the morning, to return late at night. I had always wondered where my dad was. All of my friends would come to school, holding their mom and dad's hands. I would come walking in alone. I had always wondered, but never dared to ask. 

For as long as I can remember, we lived like this. Me and my mom. As soon as I turned sixteen, I went to work. I worked at night, for school always got in the way. As soon as I graduated high school, I applied for a job. That was the best I could do for my mom. Dreams stayed dreams. A dream, a passion doesn't provide me money. It didn't guarantee my moms health. 

My mom, I believe, is going blind. I'm not 100% sure, because I'm not a doctor, but I am sure that her eyes aren't the best. Since a few weeks ago, my mom started acting weirdly. She wouldn't notice me in a crowd, or would think that my friend was me. She couldn't distinguish things, and would go dizzy often. She says that she's fine, but I know better. I know we have to go see a doctor, but to make an appointment, money is needed. Something we don't have. 

We live in a small rooftop apartment, the cheapest we could find. I receive $1,400 per month, and the rent alone is $1000. As you can see, I am not the richest person, however, I know that we are not the poorest, unluckiest family. I know that there are others who live in poverty. Even though it's not a lot, everyday, I volunteer at the adoption center, tending to the children. The children are what gives me hope, and laughter. They smile and laugh, even though they live in such harsh conditions. They come running to me everyday, giving me the warmest hugs and kisses. 

As soon as I finish work, I walk to the center, and the kids always run to me. Today was not the case.

As soon as I finished work, I walked to the adoption center, to see the kids huddled up around a strange figure. I got closer to see cameras filming the scene. 

"Ajumma.. What's happening?" I whispered to the caretaker. 

"Oh, Minju you're here! You came just in time. The broadcasting station came to take footage of some boys with the children. Isn't it great! Those boys are so kind." She replied, gazing at the multicolored haired boys.

"Oh, that's great! If the viewers see these children, maybe they'll want to help!" I said. I looked over to see her gone.

I looked back at the scene, to see the children and some guys laugh, and play. 

One of the children named Jongsung turned his head towards me, and screamed, "Minju Nuna!!! You're here!! Come play with us!!" 

That diverted everyone's attention to me. I smiled, " It's okay! I have to get going anyways! " I said, " I'll see you guys tomorrow okay!" I was just about to walk out, when I felt thirty hands on my back. 

I turned around to see all of the children holding on to me pleading not to go. 

I crouched down, giving each of them hugs, "I'm sorry guys!! I promise I'll come tomorrow and stay double time! " 

The room filled with "aww" , and "okayy". I felt bad  because the broadcasting station came all the way here to take footage of the children playing with the boys. I didn't want to interrupt. I walked out, to bump into some other guy, dropping some of his snacks. 

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I hurriedly picked up what fell on the floor. 

He gave me a cold glance. "Thanks." He said simply

Well that was interesting..




Today, our director told us that we had to go to an adoption center. Like are you ing kidding me. We're Teen Top. Not a stupid rookie group. He said it was for our sake, and that the public would get more interested in us blah blah blah. I argued that we already had enough fans, and that this publicity stunt wouldn't rise our popularity greatly. But of course. He's the director, and his word is law. The other members, especially Chungji seemed hyped up. I guess its just me that doesn't want to go. 

As soon as our schedule ended, we drove to the center. I got my "angel" face on, smiling with the kids. To tell you the truth, I. Hate. Kids. 

After a few hours of "playing" with the kids. I went out, saying that I would buy snacks for the kids. Did I honestly care? No. I just needed some time away from these annoying brats. As soon as I came back, some girl bumped into me. She knocked out the snacks from my hand.

 Who the heck... Wow.. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" She asked.

I was speechless. Dang.. She's so beautiful.. What's she doing in a place like this... Wait what the heck L.Joe. 

I my cold face, "thanks." I said, as simply as possible. Girls always like the cold guys, and guess who the coldest of them all is? That's right. Me. I'll make her fall for me. Hard. 

I smirked, making up a plan. 

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