The New Girl

Behind The Mask

For the past week student's at JF College had been talking about the rumor of the new student. Luckily their Kingka's hadn't been about but today was their unlucky day.

It was lunch time on Friday and as usual everyone was talking about the new student that had yet to turn up. Was the person male or female? Were they strong? Weak? y? Slim? Nice? Mean? Everything was being talked about. Unfortunately because everyone was so focused on the topic they had yet to realize a group of 6 sitting a listening to the chatter.

"A new student, hm?" The dark skinned one spoke with a smirk.

"People seem to be excited about it... The person's not even here and they're all making a fuss... They didn't even realize we were in school..." The Handsome one pouted.

"The teacher's seem excited about it to." The blue haired boy muttered. His deep voice laced with sleep as he yawned as laid his head on the table.

"I have a bad feeling." Everyone snapped their head's to the emotionless one in the corner who was watching over the whole canteen. "Something's going to happen soon." He muttered.

"Eyyy....... Really?" The big nosed one spoke up. "For real?"

"If Leo hyung say's so... It must be." The youngest pouted. Muttering about how cool his hyung is.

"N, we should lay low for awhile." Leo muttered once more before leaving his spot and heading out the room.

N nodded and looked at the others. "Come on boys." He patted them all on the back and exited the room, the other 4 following behind him.



A girl yawned quietly as she watched people talking about her. The college seemed excited about her arrival. To bad they would never get to know her personally.  Well, Not herself but maybe her fist. Cracking her bone's into place she left the college ground's and headed home to her run down apartment.



Monday rolled around and all the student's of JF College were quietly watching the gate's. hoping that today was the day their new student would be arriving and to their luck in she walked.

She was beautiful in their eyes. She seemed almost innocent but with he mask and her piecing eyes they all cowered slightly.

Mystery sighed as she looked at the people staring at her, putting on her sun shade's she adjusted her clothing with a nod, making sure her face mask was on tight before heading in.

Once she arrived at the office she collected her schedule before heading to her homeroom. Luckily the hall's were all cleared so it didn't take her long to locate the room. Knocking on the door, it was opened second's later by a male.

"A-ah... You must be the new student?" Mystery nodded. "I-i'm Mr Kang... your teacher... for every subject... Just wait here." He muttered heading back in.

"C-CLASS!" Mr Kang stuttered out. "We have a new student... Please come in." He muttered. Mystery rolled her eyes behind her sun shade's and sighed before heading in. "Introduce yourself." Mystery nodded her head to her silent class mate's before writing on the chalk board.

"Mystery? No surename?" Mr Kang muttered. "Well, Mystery-ssi... Go sit in an empty space." Mystery just nodded and headed to the back where there was an empty seat. But it wasn't the seat she was interested in, no. It was the six males who were watching her, just as she was watching them and everyone in the class could see the sudden spark in the cold girls eyes. It was then everyone knew - Including the six males - that from now on everything was going to get just that little bit more interesting.



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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Oh my god.. Authornim.. This is great !! Cant wait for the spark to start hitting them.. Haha.. Update soon neh ... Hwaiting ~
karaxjackson #2
Chapter 1: Authornim , please update soon. I eant to know what will happen . Your story is interesting.
meleane #3
Chapter 1: Oh My Gosh YESSSSSSSSSS it's so good
1say16 #4
Chapter 1: I'm excited :)
Awsome22 #5
Chapter 1: First chapter good and awesome
Chapter 1: I'm so curious yea~
Chapter 1: Ahhhhhh it was so good but please update soon it's making me curious now
Plz plz plz update soon I can't wait!!!!!!!
So update soon please
Ahhh why aren't you updating this story or have even started it
Reading the description, the plot seems good.