(13YR) Dumped Date

Love of a CEO

Yuri's POV 




 Sooyoung chewed noisily. Her eyebrows were scrunched together in deep thought. 

 "Jessica doesn't even like you though."

 I threw a piece of celery from my salad and chucked it at her face. Soo yelped in surprise.

 "She does love me! She just doesn't realize it yet." 

 "You're being delusional." 

 "No I'm not!" 

 Sooyoung sighed. She put down her fork that was stabbing at the meat earlier. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. If Soo puts down her utensils, that means the food is either not good, or she's really distressed. 

 "Look, how about I set you up with a nice girl." 

 I frowned. Have a blind date with a girl? No thank you. Jessica all the way. 

 "No." I flat out refused. The shikshin threw a piece of bread at me. From the corner of my eye, I could see the waiter glaring at us. 

 "Seriously Yul. She's never going to like you back. Haven't you figured that out after courting her for years?" 

 "Choi Sooyoung, no matter what,"

 "Fine! If you wanna have this unrequited love for Jessica forever then so be it." 

 I pursed my lips. Sooyoung must really be irritated with me. Maybe I've been pestering her about Sica too much. Or maybe it's just the food.

 "I don't want ham anymore. I want cheesecake." 

 I sighed. Grumpy hungry Soo. 

 "But Yul," Soo started again, "just one date. Just one time." 

 "No. I said I'm faithful to-" 

 "Sica called me earlier today and said she's going to Jeonju with Taetae." 

 "WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me that?! Yah! Kiddo! We're done here!" 

 Sooyoung smacks my hand down. 

 "First, I didn't eat my cheesecake yet! Second, they're going to the Kim household. You don't want to just barge in like that! You don't even know the address!" 

 "But my Jessica…" I pouted and crossed my arms. 

 Taeyeon and Jessica going to the Kim's? Together? Are they back together? I can't let that happen! I glared when Sooyoung's lips form into a smirk.

 "So how about I set you up on this blind date, take a picture, and send it to Sica?"

 "What? No. I'm faithful to Sica. There's no way I would-" 

 "She would get jealous and claim you as hers." 

 "I am friggin in! Let's do this!"




 "Are they still following us?!" I yell over to Yoona. 

 "Stop yelling! That's how they'll find us!" Yoona yells back to me. I'm panting heavily and my legs feel like jello. I think I might collapse soon.

 "Stop yelling too then!" 

 "Hey! They're over there!" one of the men shouted from behind us. Yoona stops abruptly and pulls me into a dark alley. She motions towards a huge dumpster.

 "Oh no, no, no!" 

 Ignoring me, she pushes me towards it and being pressured by the skinny deer and the men following us, I climbed in. Yoona joins me. 

 "It smells so much." I whisper disgustedly. I'm sitting on a pile of who knows what, but it's sort of mushy. I touch it and feel such a weird texture. It was like string sausages or something I don't know. I wipe my hand on Yoona. Despite the darkness, I see Yoona glare at me.

 I huff and blow my bangs out of my face. I immediately regret opening my mouth because I can literally taste the garbage stench. 

 We listen to the men rush and run around. They of course, checked this alley but not the dumpster, thankfully. 

 We wait for another ten minutes until we're definite that they all left. We wouldn't want to run into a few men that are lingering around. 

 Ah, so you're wondering how did the skinny deer and I end up running away into this trash can?

 "Coast is clear. Let's go." Yoona pushes herself up and climbs out. I do the same. She looks around before walking out the alley and glares at me. 

 "This is the worst date ever!" 

 "Uh, really now? Because from what I remember, everyone that goes on a date with Kwon Yuri always thinks it's amazing."

 "Well remember this then; this is the worst date ever!" 

 I scoffed and started walking away from the deer. "Uh, helloooo? Did you forget someone?"

 "Go home yourself, Yoona." 

 "You've got to be kidding me! This is all your fault anyway!"

 I continued walking back to the direction we ran from but stopped when I heard this. 


 "Do you go out everyday breaking girls' hearts? Well I'll tell you now! Karma is a damned !" 

 My jaw drops. For someone who has an innocent appearance and the purest eyes, she sure has one hell of a mouth. I frowned and continue on, Yoona following. We were speed-walking. 

 "That's not true! I didn't even date his sister! She came on to me! Isn't it more rude to decline and break her heart than to accept and then slowly disappear?" 

 "What the hell? What kind of damn logic is that?!" 

 "Kwon Yuri logic." 

 "More like a stupid 's logic." 

 "Why are you following me if you think I'm so stupid then?" I furrow my eyebrows when I don't get an immediate response. I sneak a peak and see a, if I'm not wrong, worried expression.

 "Because I dropped my jacket on the middle of the street." That's a horrible lie. She didn't wear a jacket. 

 She's wearing clothes way too casual for a date; blue skinny jeans, red and white flannel, white plain shirt, and Converse. Actually, I'm wearing casual clothing too; blue flannel with a black shirt, black skinny jeans, and blue-and-black Vans. She's not Jessica so no point in trying to impress her. I look hot in whatever I wear anyways. Well, there are some dirty spots and stains from the garbage and Yoona looks like , especially with that weird wet red stain on her shirt, but I think I pull it off. 

 Honestly though, thank goodness we didn't wear a dress and heels. It would be hard trying to run in those tight dresses. It'll be hard trying to climb out of a dumpster too. We'd probably trip or break our heel, possibly sprain our ankle from running. Or maybe those heels would've come in handy. We could've took them off and throw them at the guys. Hopefully it'll poke 'em in the eye or something and become a boomerang and… I have a wild imagination. 

 After getting lost in my imaginations, I didn't notice we had already arrived at the restaurant. I didn't choose a fancy one since, why? There's no Jessica. Then I noticed something and I almost ripped my hair from my scalp. I couldn't though. My hair is too beautiful. I'm too beautiful.

 "WHERE'S MY CAR?!" The whole parking lot is empty. Did those guys really scare off everyone? I hear someone try to stifle a laughter, but they were failing miserably. 

 "Stupid crocodile! This isn't funny!" 

 Her smile immediately fades away. "Did you just call me a crocodile?" 

 "With how wide your mouth opens, yes! I'm surprised your crocodile family hasn't found you yet!" 


 I kick a pebble and shove my hands in my pockets. I just bought that car a week ago too. It's my baby. What kind of heartless bastard would steal my baby? 

 "Oh ." This girl curses more than a sailor does. 

 "Wha-Oh ." I repeat. I feel the rain coming down. I curse everything I can think of. 

 "Let's go!" 

 The crocodile drags me over to a bus stop but by the time we reached it, we were soaking wet. Drenched to the bone, you could say. I was shivering from how cold it was. 

 "When does the bus arrive?" I ask impatiently as I hug myself. She checks her phone but it's dead. I roll my eyes and check my own. Well, that's when I realize my phone isn't in my pocket. 

 "You gotta be kidding me." I mumble. I left my phone in my car. Yoona pointing at something catches my attention. 

 "There it is!" It's the bus. 

 We happily climb on board and are into the warm heat of the heated bus. Right when we board, everyone around us crinkles their nose. Ah we must smell like garbage. Guess the rain didn't wash the stench out. I reach for my wallet but realize that I must've dropped it when I was sitting in the dumpster.

 "Yoona, I don't have my wallet." 

 "You want me to pay for you? But doesn't the great Kwon Yuri pay every time she's on a date?" 

 I glare. "This isn't a date anymore, and it never was." 

 Yoona rolls her eyes but pays so we could ride the bus. Should I say thank you? I decide against it. It'll just make Yoona cocky for the rest of the ride. We take a seat up front so we don't disturb anyone, who all were moving to the back. How nice of them. This is going to be one hell of a long ride. 




 "Yuri? Why are you-" Sooyoung didn't get to finish. I immediately strangle her long neck. 

 "Die you damn shikshin! Die!" Sooyoung throws me off her and gasps for air, coughing a bit. I storm into her living room. 

 "What the hell was that?" 

 "You set me up on a blind date with Yoona!" 

 "Well yeah! I figured she was your type so,"

 "That crocodile is NOT my type!" 

 "Crocodile? Yuri why are you -- and whoa! Why do you stink?" 

 "I was in a dumpster with that crocodile you call Yoona! It's been two days and I still can't get rid of that stench!" 

 "What happened?" 

 "This is a long story but you gotta listen to every detail, starting from Yoona and I's first encounter too." 

 "You two met before?" 

 "Well yeah! Oh gosh Soo! I still can't believe you think she's my type! She's so skinny she resembles a stick!" 

 Sooyoung ignores me and tries to peek behind me. 

 "What's so interesting on TV that you're ignor," 

 When I turn around, I see the dumpster Yoona and I were in. The reporter was speaking through the microphone.

 "A homeless man was searching through the dumpsters and found a body chopped up into pieces. The guts were torn apart from the body and," 

 Sooyoung jumped when her phone vibrated in her back pocket. "Hello? Yoona? Why are you crying?" 

 "I have blood on my favorite flannel!" I heard the deer cry. Wait does that mean I touched guts and wiped it in Yoona? I touched guts?! I turn back to the TV and my eyes pop out of their sockets. 

 "Wait what is that?!" I see the homeless man being interviewed while holding on to a familiar wallet. It's mine! I had the initials sewed on the leather wallet!  

 "Yah!" I screamed. 


Author's Note: Wow. I haven't updated in so long. I'm sorry. Writing the next chapter! 

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Chapter 14: Update please...I want jungcest^^
Chapter 14: Update please...I want jungcest^^
Moustache123 #3
Chapter 14: Ummm
Chapter 14: Update author...
Bluesapphire17 #5
Chapter 14: Hey author please update soon and make the jungsis progress T_____T
Chapter 14: update soon author nim... it's amazing story..
So.. 'sup, author-ssi..? Can you just let me know if there will be an update.. this year? It's not sarcasm or something, I had actually forgotten about this fanfic, but yeah. Just curious.
rocketsocks12 #8
Chapter 14: Interesting story author-shi!
1740 streak #9
Chapter 14: Yoonyul is so funny
Hahahahaha update soon
Chapter 14: Yuri's reaction makes me laugh at the end, hard xD (sorry for veing weird if i found it funny) but im sad because i feel like drama is on the way (?) Update soon authornim.