

pic is not mine



“So what are the plans for tonight?” Changmin asked as soon as he sat down on his bed and stared at his roommate who was very busy with an online game on his laptop.

“I don’t know… Jong Hyun said there was a new café opened near the campus or something like that”, Kyuhyun said not even glancing away from his computer.

“Oh yeah … I heard the students talking about it today too. Apparently, it’s not just a simple café shop. It’s decorated like an old-time jazz club with live music and other cool stuff.” Changmin kept up the conversation with his roommate while walking toward his closet to get some clean clothes.

“Well, I am really excited.” Kyuhyun said in a not so exciting voice. His fingers are hitting the keyboard mercilessly.

Sarcasm, Changmin thought but knowing Kyuhyun too well, he just let it pass. “You should be! It’s the weekend.”

“Sure, whatever. Now please go take a shower. You are polluting the limited air we have here with your sweat-drenched body.” Kyuhyun said dryly.

“Excuse me but at least I go outside and play sports, unlike you nerd with your computer games.” Changmin quickly bit back.

“Changmin, please. Don’t let me give you another lecture about how Star Craft can not only enhance one’s mind but also practice many useful skills like reflex and focus. This is not an argument that you are going to win and you know it.” Kyuhyun replied mischievously. Changmin just said another whatever before leaving the room.

An hour later, Jong Hyun and Choi Minho came knocking on the door and they were greeted with a clean and ready-to-go Changmin.

“Hey guys, ready to leave?” Jong Hyun asked walking into the room carelessly.

“Kyuhyun…” Minho, who had already followed Jong Hyun entering the room without anyone’s inviting, called out to Kyuhyun who was still on his desk playing Star Craft.

“Alright, give me a moment”, Kyuhyun said unpleasantly before stopping his game and shutting down his computer. “Let me grab my jacket,” he said, finally standing up.


“So what is this café called?” Changmin asked while they were walking through the dormitory hall.

“Acoustic”, Jong Hyun replied.


It was kinda sad that their plan for a Friday night was going to a café shop but after all, this was their first year at the new college and they were not familiar with the city yet.


After walking for half an hour, they arrived at the café shop. It was just a small hut standing among big and shiny shops but it certainly stood out. The gate had two main colors red and black; a wooden sign hanging from it with the word Acoustic written in an artistic way.

The four boys walked through the gate, crossing a beautiful small garden before entering a glass door. Inside, the whole place was dimly lit by only a few yellow lights. It was not a very broad space. Therefore, the tables were not too far away from each other, but not so close that privacy could be intruded. At each table, there was a small red lava lamp making the atmosphere more mysterious. There was also a small stage in the shop but it was not occupied by anyone and it wasn’t even lit up by the stage light. The boys spent a few moments admiring the set-up of the shop before settling down at a table.

A young girl quickly approached the table.

“Good evening. Here are the menus. Please let me know when you are ready to order”, she said and hurriedly left to come to a different table.

“Pricey”, Kyuhyun blatantly commented as soon as he opened the menu and looked at the first few options. Needless to say, he group was so used to this kind of reaction from Kyuhyun.

“It’s not like they are not affordable and maybe they have really good drinks”, Minho said positively. Kyuhyun didn’t reply.

Changmin ordered a White Chocolate Mocha, Jong Hyun ordered an Iced Caramel Macchiato, Minho got himself a Caramel Macchiato and Kyuhyun ordered an Iced Green Tea Latte because he didn’t drink coffee. After about twenty minutes, their drinks arrived. The waitress apologized for the slow serving because of the high numbers of customers they were having and left again in hurry. But the boys didn’t really mind. And Minho was right; they had pretty good drinks here. Even Kyuhyun could not complain about his Green Tea Latte.


After a few minutes, their small talks were interrupted as the lights on the small stage lit up and one of the employees walked up there to check the microphone and other devices. After he was done, he excitedly said into the mic.

“Good evening, everyone. I hope all of you are having a good and relaxing time with your delicious drinks. I just want to announce that in just a few more minutes, you will be enjoy good live music from one of the artists that we have here at Acoustic. I hope you will be entertained”. The guy walked down from the stage and got back to busing tables.

As he had said, indeed, a few minutes later, a tall guy walked toward the stage with a beautiful guitar. He dressed in a simple white tee and black jeans. However, because of his fit and tall body, the plain outfit only worked for his advantages. He brought a wooden chair up the stage with him and set it down it the middle. No one could clearly see his face up to now because the guy kept spinning left and right trying to connect the devices, adjusting the microphone and moving his chair. When he felt happy with how everything was, he eventually turned downstage and let everyone take a good look at him.


Suddenly, the strange man captured everyone’s attention in a heartbeat.

The guy didn’t have the most beautiful face in the world, but something about its edges, the sharpness of his nose and his intense eyes that awed everyone. And then he spoke into the microphone.

“Hello, everyone. My name is Choi Siwon. I hope you are having a good time here at Acoustic. I will try my best to make this time more pleasant for you with my music. Please enjoy”

And that voice was so deep and warm that no one dared to take their eyes off of him.  Choi Siwon then settled down onto his wooden chair and picked up his guitar.

“The first song I’ll be singing tonight is I Won’t Give Up” and then he started playing the first chord and the words began to leave his lips.

For a particular boy who was in the audience that night, time suddenly stopped. It was as if the whole universe fell into a quiet serenity where all Kyuhyun could acknowledge was Siwon’s deep mysterious eyes, his beautiful face and the sweet sound that was his voice.


When I look into your eyes

It's like watching the night sky

Or a beautiful sunrise

There's so much they hold


Choi Siwon didn’t have the best singing voice but it was amazingly smooth and warm. His voice could make people who listened to it feel like they were sitting cozily next to a fireplace in a cold day, wrapped up in a soft blanket and drinking hot chocolate. And the way he engaged to the song while playing his guitar, as if this was his favorite thing to do, was breathtaking. From a few tables, young girls started to take out their cell phones to snap some picture of the handsome singer. Some even recorded him to show to their friends later.


I won't give up on us

Even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up


However, Kyuhyun couldn’t even blink because of a strange reason that was unknown to even himself. This boy could not bring himself to take his eyes away from Siwon. He only nodded when one of his friends (he didn’t even know which one) said “This guy is pretty good. What’s his name again? Choi Siwon?”




Thanks for reading! <3

I'm trying to make this the best fan fic I could possible write so please support me! Leave me a comment if you can!

Chapter 2 will be added shortly. I am currently writing chapter 4 but I don't want to give it away too fast before knowing your opinion because I really appreciate it! ^^

~~~~Spread the WonKyu love~~~~

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Chapter 3: I don't wanna guess how he met Kyu. But I can't stop giggling like a crazy gal here with all the fluff laid out. ;3
Angela17 #2
Getting curious now.. Why did Siwon said like he knows Kyu? Did he know him from the past? Or Aiwon recognize Kyu as one of the regular customers?
Hmm.. Excited, hope you will update soon... Fighting...
Angela17 #3
Chapter 1: Interesting... Will continue the next chap.. I always love WonKyu, and all their interaction..
hanakahime #4
Chapter 3: Wohoo finaly wonkyu interaction. Good job kyukyu
Chapter 3: good story! keep on ^^
kyuwon1013 #6
Chapter 3: kyuhyun made a progress huh!
Chapter 3: So looks like it's not a one sided stalking thing afterall XD
Just get it over with already!
hanakahime #8
Chapter 2: Well i hope kyuhyun will take the job so he can finaly make a move to his crush hehehehe
hanakahime #9
Chapter 1: Hhmmm so kyuhyun fall in love at the first sight with siwon kkk. Good fic author-nim
Wow nice story keep updating.