Problem Student?


    Baek Hyun's heart pounded. Today will be his first day teaching after he finished his diploma two months ago. Slowly walked to the class, he wished himself the best luck.

"Class, starting from today, Mr. Baek Hyun will be replacing Mr. Min Seok and teach you all Chemistry. Mr.Baek Hyun didn't used to be a teacher before so behave yourselves."Miss Tae Yeon announced.

" Hello class, my name is Byun Baek Hyun. Glad to see you all. I will be teaching you Chemistry from now on." Baek Hyun beamed and looked at all of his students.

Tae Yeon then left him in the class. Baek Hyun glanced  again at his students. Feeling nervous, he started his lessons.


       After thirty minutes of teaching, Baek Hyun asked his students to do an exercise and he took a seat in front of the class to rest a little bit.

"Teacher! Can I ask a question?" one of his students raised a hand. Baek Hyun looked at the student and nodded. The student stood up immediately, making Baek Hyun startled because of his tall height. He looked at the student's nametag. His name was Park Chan Yeol.

​" This question may be a little out of the blue but what is the definition of dwarf? Why did their height are so short? How did people can get short height? Is it because of the lack of nutritions?" the student grinned. Baek Hyun's face reddened after realizing he was being teased.

He ignored Chan Yeol's questions and continued his teaching. Not too long after that, the bell rang. All students rushed and went out for the reccess. Back Hyun tidied and pack up all his books and things, that was when he realized that Chan Yeol hasn't been out from the class yet.

He glanced at the latter. Chan Yeol was seated  alone at the back of the class. His uniform was dirty but it didn't change the fact that the student was really handsome. Baek Hyun blushed when Chan Yeol suddenly smiled at him.


"What are you doing here? Where is your friends? Didn't you eat?"Baek Hyun asked him in one breath.


"I don't have friends." Chan Yeol just stared at him.


Baek Hyun then sighed. He took all his things and went out from the class. He had been expecting this anyway. A class must at least has one bad or naughty student, and he knew now that one of the bad students in this class was Park Chan Yeol.



   Baek Hyun clenched his jaw. He close his ears with his hands. The class had been so noisy, and the most annoying thing was because the noisy mostly came from Park Chan Yeol's laughs. The weirdest thing was because Chan Yeol was reading Chemistry textbook and he was laughing loudly alone. Heck, what's so funny about Chemistry? How can facts about Chemistry can be so funny? The thing that shocked Baek Hyun the most was because none of his students looks bothered by his annoying laughs. His loud and non-stop laughs.

"Class, please behave yourselves." Baek Hyun said loudly while marking his student's papers. His students, except for Park Chan Yeol started to slow down their voices. Chan Yeol smiled sheepishly at Baek Hyun. He then laughed loudly than before.'Yes, Baek Hyun. This boy must be really DEAF and CRAZY'. Baek Hyun can't take it anymore. It stressed him out.


"Class!! Please be quiet!! Aren't you listening?" Baek Hyun knocked the table  with his palms. The class was dead quiet after that. The students looked at Baek Hyun weirdly. Baek Hyun took a glance at Chan Yeol. Chan Yeol frowned and he looked annoyed. Baek Hyun startled a little when Chan Yeol suddenly stood up, revealing his tall height. Baek Hyun glared at him. Chan Yeol rolled his eyes and walked out from the class like nothing happened. And yes, he went out from the class without Baek Hyun's permission. Baek Hyun took a sigh of relief. At least, he didn't bothered his class anymore.


"Don't be so stressed, Mr. Baek. You've shouted a lot today during class. Are you really okay?" Se Hun, one of his best students talked to him after the class ended.


"I'm okay, but don't you stressed by him?" Baek Hyun sighed loudly. Seriously, his students doesn't look like bothered by Chan Yeol's behaviours any bit and it starts to make Baek Hyun wondered how can they stand him. 


"Him?" Se Hun looks dumbfouded.


"Nevermind, but please tell him to be more quiet after this. That's it. Bye Se Hun. I should go now."Then, he left Se Hun alone. Well, he really hope Se Hun can talk and advice Chan Yeol a little bit.




"Hey, you're sitting in the class again? Why didn't you eat at the canteen? Didn't you hungry?" Baek Hyun asked Chan Yeol after he noticed Chan Yeol had been taking reccess in the class for a few weeks.


"I can't eat."


Chan Yeol just stared at Baekhyun. He suddenly stood up and walked towards Baekhyun. Baekhyun startled and moved back a little. He suddenly felt that Chan Yeol was being weird. Well, he always weird but this time it feels like a dangerous to him. He felt threatened towards Chan Yeol. Threatened.


" you have any problems? Are you sick?" Baekhyun stuttered. He was being trapped. Chanyeol was confining  Baekhyun in a small corner. Baekhyun's heart skipped a beat when Chanyeol lowered his body.


"Park Chan Yeol..What are you--" Baekhyun didn't had a chance to continue his words when Chanyeol shut his mouth using his mouth or in other words, ChanYeol was kissing him. Baekhyun was startled because of his action but he suddenly feel the urge to kiss Chanyeol back and Baek Hyun kissed him back. None of them want to broke the kiss.The situation lasted until suddenly--


" Mr. Baek! Where are you?!" a voice echoed in the class. It was Se Hun. Baekhyun pushed Chanyeol's body and broke the kiss. Chanyeol's eyes wide opened and he was breathless and so was Baekhyun.


"Se Hun! I'm here!" Baekhyun raised his voice and waved his hands. Se Hun noticed Baekhyun and walked towards him.


" Mr, Baek. Miss Tae Yeon asked you to give her a report about our class." Se Hun muttered at Baekhyun. Baekhyun nodded while his eyes were on Chan Yeol who was walking out from the class after he pushed his body. Se Hun noticed Baekhyun didn't give him any attention so he looked at the direction that Baekhyun was looking at.


"What are you looking at?" Se Hun asked Baekhyun.  Baekhyun shook his head immediately.Chanyeol has left the class..






Baekhyun felt weird. He felt stupid because he kissed Chanyeol back. He felt really terrible and guilty because Chanyeol was his student. He decided to forget the incident and focus on teaching but he cannot forget the moment when they were kissing.Chanyeol's kiss was so sweet and gentle. The kiss made Baekhyun drown in pleasure and he kissed Chanyeol back. The kiss was so intoxicating and breathless. Chan yeol's lips was so soft and cold...Wait a minute, why did his lips felt so cold. Wasn't it supposed to be warm? Did Chanyeol was sick?


Talk about sick, where the hell is Chanyeol? He hasn't been in the class for a week after the incident happened. Baekhyun felt really worried. The fact that Chan Yeol's lips was cold made him terrified. Did Chanyeol sick? He never saw Chanyeol eat and Chanyeol had always been in the class during reccess. Baekhyun felt sick. He miss Park Chanyeol, his naughty student. He miss his laugh and everything about him. Yes, he has fell in love with his student, Park Chan Yeol.




Two weeks after that, the teachers were holding a meeting. Baekhyun felt really nervous because it was his first meeting and his first time to present his report about his student's progress.


"Mr, Baek, You may present your report now."the headmaster, Kris, announced.


"I've been teaching the class for a few weeks and their behaviours were really good. They have good discipline and listen to me well. Eventhough sometimes they were so naughty but it's still can be controlled. Besides, their results were also an excellent one." The teachers were all nodded.

"But...lately, there  was a student who had been skipping my class without any notice. The student, Park Chanyeol, who has been skipping my class for a week and I don't get any notice or reasons of his absence. I assumed he was sick." Baekhyun told them. The teachers were all shocked after listening to Baekhyun's report. The meeting room then was dead quiet.


"May I know which Chanyeol did you talk about?" LuHan, the Chinese teacher asked.


"Did you mean Park Chanyeol, Class 3A-1, the tall boy?" Suho, the math teacher, asked Baekhyun. Baekhyun nodded immediately.



Baekhyun's body flinched when he heard someone said ghost.


"What do you mean by ghost? Are you reffering to my student?" Baekhyun's blood boils. How dare they said Chanyeol was a ghost?


"It's not that I don't believe you but, that boy, Park Chanyeol, was dead five months ago.Mr.Baek, You are not even transferred in this school that time." Suho explained to Baekhyun carefully and calmly. Baekhyun's eyes widened. His body froze.


"What do you mean by that? He talked to me. He asked me tons of stubborn questions when I was teaching in the class. He always made noise in the class! I saw him. I SAW HIM!" Baekhyun raised his voice.


" Well, that was his exact personalities but he was dead before you transferred to this school. He doesn't even know you, Mr. Baek." 


"B-But I saw him. When he touched me, I..felt his s-skin..He was alive when I saw him..How come..he was dead?.." Baekhyun felt his face wet. He touched his face. It was  his tears. He was crying. He felt his heart ache, like someone has stabbed his chest repeatedly.He was hurt. Baekhyun's trembling hands were covering his face. He kneeled and cried loudly. He doesn't want to see anyone but Chanyeol right now. 


"Mr. Baek, are--"


"Please..tell me..this is all fake."


" was--"


"PLEASE!! I b-beg you..."Baekhyun's tears bursted. His body felt weak. His head felt dizzy. He was tired. Soon enough, Baekhyun felt his sight were filled with the darkness.





Baekhyun held his breath. He felt so calm right now. Sure, it's hard to believe that Chanyeol was dead but it was the truth. He had to accept it. Sitting at the rooftop of the school building was his pastime right now. So, he can recalls his memories with Chanyeol. His memories with Chanyeol was not much, but the less memories he had with Chanyeol, the more valuable it was.


"Mr.Baek. I heard about the incident. I..I was Chanyeol's bestfriend."Se Hun stuttered. Baekhyun's eyes widened. He let out his tears again when he heard Chanyeol's name. Baekhyun closed his eyes and took a breath. 


"May..I know the cause of his death?" Baekhyun wiped his tears.


"We were having MT that day...That evening, he rode a boat alone at the lake. We waited him for hours but he didn't came back. We  searched him and we finally found him..we didn't thought it would turn out like this, Mr.Baek." SeHun's tears bursted.


"We f-found his body floated on the water. The boat was nowhere to be found. He was drown. He also got hypertension. It was too late. He died because of the coldness. I was crying all day. It was our fault for letting him rode the boat alone....I-I don't know what to do..He's my bestfriend..After that tragedy, no one dared to talk about him, it's because we felt so guilty to him..That's why we never said his name in the class especially in Chemistry class because Chemistry was his favourite subject.."


Baekhyun cried again.


That's why his lips were so cold.


It was too late for him to realize that. He had fallen into Chanyeol's hard. Nothing can change that. Nothing. Nothing,not even the death.






Baekhyun's eyes widened when he saw Chanyeol at the school rooftop. He rubbed his eyes. He's still saw Chanyeol. Baekhyun beamed. This time, it wasn't his dream. Grabbing a jacket, he quickly ran to the stairs and went to the rooftop.


Baekhyun's eyes lit up and his mouth curved into a pleasant smile when he saw Chanyeol's back. He never thought he would see Chanyeol again. He quickly ran into Chanyeol and tapped his shoulder.


"Hey! What's up! Where have you been going, skipping my class, Park Chan Yeol?!"


Chanyeol startled a little when he saw Baekhyun. He then smiled at Baekhyun.


I miss your smile, even your stupid smile, Park Chanyeol


"What are you doing?" Baekhyun asked Chanyeol again when he realized that Chanyeol was lost in a deep thought and ignored his question before.


"I'm sorry." Chanyeol said while closing his eyes. Baekhyun smiled a little. He sat next to Chanyeol.


"I miss you, stupid." Baekhyun said in one breath. Chanyeol felt really shocked but his mouth slowly curled into a sweet smile.


"Are you cold?" Baekhyun suddenly asked, making Chanyeol startled for a second time before he nodded slowly. Baekhyun smiled a little and went behind Chanyeol. He took a breath and hugged him from the back.


Chanyeol's eyes wide opened, shocked because of Baekhyun sudden action. Baekhyun's hands were wrapped around his waist and his neck were rested on Chanyeol's shoulder.


"Did it warm you enough?" Baekhyun asked him in a slow tone. Chanyeol nodded slowly and pulled Baekhyun's hand to tighten the hug.


"Thank you." Chanyeol said with a smile in his face. Baekhyun let out tears when he heard Chanyeol's words. He tightened his hug, afraid as if Chanyeol would disappear from him.


"Mr. Baek..." Baekhyun felt Chanyeol's cold hands on his hands. Baekhyun hummed back, showing that he was listening to him.


"You knew right?"


Of course I knew


"Know what?"


Chanyeol's eye widened. He then shook his head slowly.




"Chanyeol-ah.."Baekhyun called him back.




Baekhyun wiped his tears. He took a breath.


"I love you."






A/N: Don't look at me.I KNOW. I know this is terrible.AND CLICHE. Hurgh.. I tried to get the feeling by listening to Lu Han's new song,'Our Tomorrow'. The song was sad though..but my heart.yeah,.i have a cold heart. I didn't even cried when i was watching Miracle in Cell No.7. So please forgive doesn't look like angst though. Also, please forgive me for the grammar and spelling mistakes. English is my second language and I'm still young.T.T.. By the way, please read my friend's story here,

Her story is lovely and sad though.

P/S: Please comment and give your opinions >.<...I'm still learning here.. Hope you enjoyed your story. I love you all!



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baekkieboom #1
Chapter 1: This is great:")
Hey, there. I’ve read your story and it’s pretty amazing.
You’ve done a good job.
Thumbs Up! 。◕ ‿ ◕。